Vážené kolegyně, vážené kolegové,
dovolujeme si vás pozvat na metodický webinář, které se uskuteční ⏰ 25. dubna 2024 od 16:00 - 17:00 a povede jej Daniela Clarke v anglickém jazyce.
Účast na webináři je bez poplatku, je však nutné se předem registrovat :
👉 bit.ly/2504secondary 👈
Účastníci obdrží certifikát.
📍 Místo: online přes Zoom
Téma: Fun 4 Teens: Overcoming Maturita Challenges
Do your teen learners seem unfocused, uninterested or underchallenged? Do you feel they should have a wider vocabulary range, more self-confidence and communicate better in English? In this interactive webinar we will explore the challenges teachers face in teenage classes preparing for the Maturita exam. We will look at teaching strategies that keep teens interested and involved. By the end of the session, you’ll have a toolkit of dynamic, flexible and fun activities for teaching grammar, vocabulary and speaking.
O lektorce
Daniela Clarke is a teacher, teacher trainer, consultant and author. Formerly an HE lecturer, advanced practitioner and instructional coach in the UK, subsequently a teacher trainer and ELT consultant in the Czech Republic. Her teaching experience ranges from young learners to adults of all language levels and competences, and her teacher training experience covers CELTA, CertTESOL and Exam Assessment courses. Daniela is especially interested in the theory of learning, motivational teaching strategies and tactile learning.