This week Studio of Democracy mindfully examines subjects of leadership and activism. For that purpose, we spoke with Nika Bunziak who is a youth worker and youth trainer within the fields of non-formal education and volunteering. She is a certified NLP practitioner and Master of Innovations in Management. Her working focus is self-motivation, emotional intelligence, and experiential learning. Also, Nika is an active member of NGO "Stella".
Be ready for thoughtful pieces of advice and tour to leadership training. We hope you will find value in that conversation.
Q.: What is true leadership? How can you recognize a person with the potential to be a leader?
Leadership is a process of social influence in which a person gains support from others to achieve some goals. EACH person can be a leader in a specific context. Based on fast observations, it is impossible to hang a label and to say that this person is a leader, but that one is not. The two key components of leadership are initiative and responsibility. Look at a person from the point of view of these components: how proactive he/she is, how determined, whether a person seeks to change the situation and whether takes responsibility for himself/herself, for other people and the situation. If a person lives in a leadership strategy, leadership becomes his/her second essence, way of thinking, and behavior.
Q.: To what extent is motivation important for people who want to become leaders?
Motivation is one of the driving forces behind true leadership. It's like fuel for a car: the better and more fuel is, the further the car can go. There are many classifications of motivation, but speaking in a very general way, there is motivation FROM something and motivation TO something. Let's imagine a student who prepares for an important exam on the last night, not because he/she wants to learn more, but in order not to be expelled from the university. Here we can see the motivation FROM. If we speak about the motivation TO something, in a company, for example, it will be a director who does not have a supervisor and who understands why he/she works: providing high-quality goods and services, creating jobs for so many employees, influencing the local society and more - this is what he/she strives for. I’m not saying that motivation FROM is bad and motivation TO is good. Both types of motivation are just tools that should be used depending on the situation.
Q.: Why is leadership important for youth and volunteering organizations?
There are three groups of leadership motives. The first is pragmatic motives. For example, improve the quality of life, make money, gain more freedom, etc. The second group of motives is neurotic. A person reaches any level of success, but it seems to him/her insufficient. This person continues to set ever higher goals, but not to enjoy success. A person is trying to prove something to everyone or to himself/herself to overcome some internal conflict. And the third group of motives is metaphysical. A person, for example, has the idea that he/she was born for success, intended for something, endowed with a mission, and must change the world for the better. Quite often, such people end up spending most of their time on socially significant initiatives. They create volunteer organizations, charity foundations, and support social initiatives. In my opinion, it is very important for a young person, first of all, to discover himself/herself and to understand, in which particular area you want to be a leader and develop yourself. In this case, participation in various kinds of youth mobilities and volunteering projects is the best way.
Q.: What forms of leadership will we need in the post-pandemic realities?
Difficult times often bring strong internal changes. Whether they strengthen us or weaken - it depends only on us. And it's up to us to decide in which direction we will change. The pandemic has become a big challenge for all of us, but at the same time, it has shown many new directions for work and self-development. In my opinion, the most necessary form is Conscious Leadership. When a person clearly understands why and for what he/she does it. When a person achieves goals following their values, and not because it is socially approved by society. I believe that each person is a whole Universe, with a unique set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, and with their ability to be a leader in some particular context.
Q.: Which exercises or even training programs can you recommend young people for their leadership skills development?
As my trainers’ experience shows, it is worth developing yourself in two directions at the same time:
1. Practicing mindfulness is an honest dialogue with yourself. You should ask yourself more often: “Whether I want this or it’s not my goal, but imposed by society and my environment”. Do I want to buy an apartment on credit, or do I want to hitchhike on a trip around the world now? This is very hard work, and it can take years to perfect this skill.
2. Expand your comfort zone. Exactly to expand, not to leave it. Open the world, meet new people, learn from experience, travel, explore new cultures. Let yourself see how else it can be - differently than you used to live, think and act. Various programs of non-formal education for young people can be an excellent helper in this: Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps, Visegrad Fund, and much more.