Creative agency with focus on branding, digital media, motion design and video.

Chicken or the egg? 🐔🥚 Who would have thought that this question would occupy our minds even during the branding creatio...

Chicken or the egg? 🐔🥚 Who would have thought that this question would occupy our minds even during the branding creation process? 🤷🏻‍♂️ In this trilogy, we’ll take you on a journey into the world of EGGO. From the legendary food truck, famous for its egg breakfasts, Eggo Food Truck has now evolved into one of the best brunch bistros in the country, Break Feast 💥 Proudly, Steezy was there from the beginning, creating the unmistakable visual identity of both renowned businesses – from the design of the original food truck to the interior of the bistro 🏠 Thus, we tackled the challenge of how to visually represent the evolution of this popular foodie brand in every aspect of their business🐣 for more, check out:

"To challenge traditional views of what beauty is.“ ✨ This statement by was the catalyst for everything tha...

"To challenge traditional views of what beauty is.“ ✨ This statement by was the catalyst for everything that followed — the entire visual style, communication, packaging, photos, videos, and even a tailor-made online store, were designed with this philosophy in mind 🧠 We're thrilled that we had complete control over the visual outcome, allowing us to align it perfectly with the brand's vision 🤍 Find more on our website –

This one is a premium one 🌘 CBD STAR s.r.o. is a leading manufacturer of CBD cosmetics and food supplements in Central E...

This one is a premium one 🌘 CBD STAR s.r.o. is a leading manufacturer of CBD cosmetics and food supplements in Central Europe. Our task was to completely rebrand the company and establish visual communication with a focus on sophisticated packaging that positions the company in the premium segment ✨ Two key visual elements play a huge role in this transformation – a custom logotype and a contour-ish pattern, whose goal is to sort of visualize various feelings that can be positively by using specific products 💆🏼‍♀️ For more – 👈


New adidas collection featuring Jeremy SCOTT was bold and we knew we have to act on that 💥 Unfortunately, we started our work with only basic sketches of the collection and no photo references or the final products. Impossible? Not gonna lie, it definitely didn't sound... easy 😶 But that's fun part of it all, isn't it? To make it even a bit more challenging, we invited various artists with different illustration styles to collaborate. 🤝 We've used motion captured 3D animations with realistic cloth simulations as a base and gave them to the artists to re-draw in their style of choice. The result is an interesting mix of styles crazy as Jeremy Scott himself. 💥 Check out the link for more – 🙌

Despite the flourishing food scene in our home town, there still was one thing missing – a true Japanese experience, Iza...

Despite the flourishing food scene in our home town, there still was one thing missing – a true Japanese experience, Izakaya. 🥢 It all has changed with the rise of MANYA 🦌 And let’s be honest, they basically set the standards. This fact makes us even prouder, as we created the actual branding, web design, online communication, and also participated in the graphic design elements of precise interior from JUNG architekti. Quality materials and precise workmanship, just the way they like it in Japan. 🇯🇵 For more, check out 👈

In case of  project our services also included our touch on interior design of the actual ice cream shop. 🍨 Together wit...

In case of project our services also included our touch on interior design of the actual ice cream shop. 🍨 Together with [ from ] we achieved the state of design which is just as uncompromising as the branding – attention to detail, delicately selected materials and working with shapes that connects interior and graphic design into one compact and distinctive piece (semicircles, wool, type).⁠ 💫

Ještě jednu is a successfully expanding love brand of artisan ice cream, which prides itself on uncompromising quality. ...

Ještě jednu is a successfully expanding love brand of artisan ice cream, which prides itself on uncompromising quality. 💯 Just as their ice creams are free of artificial sweeteners and industrial mixes, our branding gets straight to the point – without unnecessary frills and cheap sugar-coating. ✨ Minimalist packaging and hand-drawn logotype underlines the honest craftsmanship, which is the foundation of the brand. For Ještě jednu we also created a branded online store [], social media templates and one more thing we are about to show you later 👀

What is designer’s most difficult task? Is it the ideation phase? Is it the business side of things? Or even a work-life...

What is designer’s most difficult task? Is it the ideation phase? Is it the business side of things? Or even a work-life balance? 👀 Nope. There is one thing thats stands out massively — keeping your portfolio updated. 🫠 Few months ago we actually faced the fact, that not only our presented pojects are getting older, but the actual website as well. So we went for a complete metamorphosis, building our new portfilo out of scratch, using custom design and ⚡️ To see the outcome, go to 👈


We are thrilled to present you a walk through some of the most incredible brands, moments and people we have gotten the chance to work with in the past two years. Stick with us for more creative activities 🌐 👈

UpsQool is a child development app we did for L.A. based tech company. It’s all about exploring your child’s universe so...

UpsQool is a child development app we did for L.A. based tech company. It’s all about exploring your child’s universe so we came up with a custom-made space UI environment and gamification elements. Our studio is the author of branding, UX and UI design.

Wondering how it looks and works on the set? 🎬 Check what´s behind the sauce of our  promo video 🎥

Wondering how it looks and works on the set? 🎬 Check what´s behind the sauce of our promo video 🎥

Wondering how it looks and works on the set? 🎬 Check what´s behind the sauce of  promo video 🎥

Wondering how it looks and works on the set? 🎬 Check what´s behind the sauce of promo video 🎥

Key to succesful video ad? 💯💯💯 Well, there is a long way from initial pitch to final result. 🏁 And as every other journe...

Key to succesful video ad? 💯💯💯 Well, there is a long way from initial pitch to final result. 🏁 And as every other journey it needs to be planned well. How? Let’s take a look! 🎬


We love challenges. 💯 And this must have been one of them. We are glad 🙏 that we gained trust and were able to showcase the new coworking center in a modern way . Thanks to everyone involved 👏 Director: DOP:

Our visual for the Recetox research center met with great success in the kick-off event and impressed with its original ...

Our visual for the Recetox research center met with great success in the kick-off event and impressed with its original concept. 💯

When creating a new visual for the Recetox Research Center, we wanted to give up classic scientific clichés and bring th...

When creating a new visual for the Recetox Research Center, we wanted to give up classic scientific clichés and bring their research closer to the general public. 💬 Therefore, we decided to build the entire communication on easily recognizable characters 🙋‍♂️ representing the main target audiences. 🎯 In addition, this visual will find application not only in the print but also in animations we are currently working on. Looking for something similar?

We are proud to work with  and be able to contribute with our work to some of their campaigns. Thank you! 🤟————————————J...

We are proud to work with and be able to contribute with our work to some of their campaigns. Thank you! 🤟


Jsme moc rádi, že můžeme spolupracovat s a mít tak možnost přispět naší prací do některých z jejich kampaní. Díky!

How 3D spots like this one for  are made? The cookbook of every project starts with ideamaking, moodboarding and concept...

How 3D spots like this one for are made? The cookbook of every project starts with ideamaking, moodboarding and concept creation that define the rough form of the spot. Next step is research and developement to find the right techniques followed modelling of the scenes. Depending on the project this usually leads to setting up the lights and materials and creation of styleframes that define the final look of each scene. What comes next? Well animation. But that is a whole new chapter.


Jak se vytvářejí 3D spoty jako tento pro ? Kuchařka každého projektu začíná ideamakingem, moodboardingem a vytvářením konceptů, které definují hrubou podobu spotu. Dalším krokem je RnD (výzkum a vývoj) s cílem nalézt správné techniky a následně přichází samotné modelování scén. V závislosti na projektu obvykle následuje nastavení světel a materiálů a vytvoření takzvaných styleframes, které definují konečný vzhled každé scény. Co přijde dál? No animace. Ale to je zase úplně nová kapitola.

Motion designer: 

Halos over hairdressing chairs, distinctive designs of shelves and oval mirrors, corrugated metal sheets, walnut wood an...

Halos over hairdressing chairs, distinctive designs of shelves and oval mirrors, corrugated metal sheets, walnut wood and emerald curtains. Welcome to the unique interior of the crew of hair stylists with training from London city. is not an ordinary barber shop, but a space where art is created. Following the interior, we also projected geometric constructions, semicircles and emerald color to the entire branding.


Svatozáře nad kadeřnickými křesly, osobité konstrukce regálů a oválných zrdcadel, vlnitý plech, ořechové dřevo a smaragdové závěsy. To vše tvoří jedinečné prostory party kadeřníků s průpravou z Londýnské stylistické akamedie. není obyčejné holičství, ale prostor, kde vzniká umění. Geometrické konstrukce a půlkruhy a výraznou barevnost jsme v návaznosti na interiér protkli i celým vizuálním stylem.

We understand branding as a comprehensive service. The brand must reflect the soul of the company and embody its values....

We understand branding as a comprehensive service. The brand must reflect the soul of the company and embody its values. The visual style represents these values and should ideally be reflected in everything that comes into contact with the customer. In the case of services, it is not only the print, the web or social sites, but often (and most intensively) the interior of the company itself. At .studio, we emphasize that the interiors that we design as an integral part of the brand speak the same language as the corporate identity itself. With an emphasis on detail and individuality.

is one of the best hair salons in the city and from the new identity and interior design they expected the same level of care and quality they pays to their customers. Take a look at how we managed to connect the interior with the visual style of the brand, which we and created in 2016 💇🏽‍♀️💇🏼‍♂️


Branding chápeme jako komplexní službu. Značka musí odrážet duši podniku a ztělesňovat její hodnoty. Vizuální styl reprezentuje tyto hodnoty a měl by se v ideálním případě propsat do všeho, co přichází do kontaktu se zákazníkem. V případě služeb to nejsou jen tiskoviny, web nebo sociální sítě, ale často (a nejintenzivněji) i samotné prostory podniku. Ve .studio klademe důraz, aby interiéry, které tvoříme jako nedílnou součást značky, mluvily stejným jazykem jako samotná firemní identita. S důrazem na detail a osobitost.

patří mezi nejlepší kadeřnické salony ve městě a péči, kterou věnuje svým zákazníkům chtěl propsat i do nové firemní identity a velkorysého salonu na Husově ulici v Brně. Podívejte se, jak se nám podařilo propojit prostory kadeřnictví s vizuálním stylem značky, u jejíhož vzniku jsme s byli už v roce 2016. 💇🏽‍♀️💇🏼‍♂️

Brand identity: .maca
Interior design: .design

How to bring life back to the hospital bistro, where doctors and patients don’t want to go anymore? 🤷🏻‍♂️ How to deal wi...

How to bring life back to the hospital bistro, where doctors and patients don’t want to go anymore? 🤷🏻‍♂️ How to deal with a poorly iluminated space that needs to be locked in the evening? 🔐 And how to fit into the budget? 💰 Reconstruction of the bistro and minimarket at the University Hospital in Brno was a challenge.

We used simple industrial materials, complemented them with quality chairs and custom tables with plywood detail. The outer wall can be closed and locked. It consists of welded shelves with plants. The bistro thus remains illuminated and forms a pleasant oasis in the sterile hospital fog. 🌿


Jak navrátit život do nemocničního občerstvení, kam přestali chodit doktoři i pacienti? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Jak si poradit se špatně prosvětleným prostorem, který je třeba večer zamykat? 🔐 A jak se přitom vejít do rozpočtu?💰 Rekonstrukce bistra a samoobsluhy ve fakultní nemocnici v Brně byla výzva.

Použili jsme jednoduché stavební materiály, doplnili je kvalitními židlemi a stoly na míru s detailem překližky. Vnější stěnu tvoří svařené regály se zelení, které lze zavírat a zamykat. Bistro tak zůstává prosvětlené a tvoří příjemnou oázu ve sterilní nemocniční mlze. 🌿

Design: .studio & .design

In 2017 we made branding and book design for a 5-years journal Tam & Zpět. Why did we avoid trends at the time and how m...

In 2017 we made branding and book design for a 5-years journal Tam & Zpět. Why did we avoid trends at the time and how much it succeeded? See the case study 👀👆


V roce 2017 jsme vytvořili značku a knižní design pro 5-letý deník . Proč jsme se vyvarovali tehdejším trendům a jak se deníku po letech daří? Více v případovce 👀👆

We love to work for world-renowned brands as well as local rising stars 🙌🌎 It doesn’t matter how big is the company we w...

We love to work for world-renowned brands as well as local rising stars 🙌🌎 It doesn’t matter how big is the company we work for but more on how big is the idea we work on ❤️‍🔥


Rádi pracujeme pro světové značky stejně jako pro lokální lovebrandy 🙌🌎Nezáleží nám ani tak na velikosti společnosti, pro kterou pracujeme jako spíš na velikosti myšlenky, na které pracujeme ❤️‍🔥

Oh god, it took some time to establish foundations of our own identity! 🙏🥳 But here we are, in brand new colors, with re...

Oh god, it took some time to establish foundations of our own identity! 🙏🥳 But here we are, in brand new colors, with reinforced team and with looot of experience to share. 🙌 And yes! We can finally show the world how great YOU are 👈 Cause after all this profile will be more about your courages ideas and relentless efforts. Are you ready for a bunch of design projects, backstage stories or processes explained behind dozens of our projects? So let the drawers open! 😁🤗


Jaj, bože můj! Položit pevné základy vlastní firemní identity dá docela zabrat 🙏🥳 Každopádně jsme zpátky, v novém kabátě, s posíleným týmem a spoustou zkušeností, o které se můžeme podělit. 🙌 A ano! Konečně můžeme světu ukázat, jak jste skvělí 👈Tento profil bude totiž více o VAŠICH odvážných myšlenkách a neúnavném úsilí. Pokud jste ready na příliv designu, příběhů z backstage a ukázek tvůrčích procesů, které stojí za desítkami našich projektů - nechť se tedy šuplíky otevřou! 😁🤗

So we’ve showed you our studio but do you know the guys behind? 💯We  and .maca have met 7 years ago in Brno co-working s...

So we’ve showed you our studio but do you know the guys behind? 💯We and .maca have met 7 years ago in Brno co-working space and since then we became true friends 🍻and started to slowly build our way to run our own studio. We’ve spent first two years in our 🖥 basement studio tirelessly growing our portfolio of clients and services and today we are working for 🌍 worldwide clients and delivering and constantly challenging ourselves to progress in these areas. Thanks to everyone involved 🙏


A clean book design and customized letters in an embossed logotype gives remarkable and memorable look. We wanted to achieve timeless design without unnecessary trendy decor and thus address a wide target group. We are glad that it worked! 👌

Photo by . Thank you for participting in this great, successful project and we wish you only the best for the future. 🙏


We have been in the process of creating journal from the very beginning 😍 Since then it becomes a multiple best-seller, appreciated by almost 40.000 of satisfied readers in Czechia and Slovakia 📖📖


Old one but still good one! We created this commercial for Century21 to promote their homestaging services 🏚 that will help you to bring your real-estate back to the game 🏠


Old but still gold. This homestaging commercial for Century21 was hella fun to create.


Montana is Czech manufacturer of industrial robots. 🦾🦾We were asked to create an animated jingle for them and it was a perfect opportunity to animate some robots and bring their portfolio to life🤖🤖 #️⃣


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