A talk about Afrika, Culture, Spirituality, Rasism, War and more with Brandonio LaMarviel from Cameroon
Enjoy the full 2,5 hours of the Podcast🎙 ''Two People One Mic'' by 🎥Chronicle Studios with Cameroonian EL Monkamio Brandonio LaMerviel. A talk about Life, Culture, Wars, Racism, Rastafarianism, Music, Spirituality, and more!
Major thanks to EL Monkamio Brandonio LaMerviel once again for this awesome conversation.
Follow Brandonio:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/monkam.brandon
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/la_mervielle_1/
Teaser of the 2nd Podcast with Brandonio LaMarviel (Rastafarian-Cameroon-Africa)
Check out our Teaser for the 2nd Podcast🎙 ''Two People One Mic'' by 🎥 Chronicle Studios with our guest from Cameroon and a Rastafarian EL Monkamio Brandonio LaMerviel
A talk about Life, Culture, Wars, Racism, Rastafarianism, Music, Spirituality, and more 🤯
📅 The complete Podcast🎙 will go 🔴live on Friday the 27th of August 2021.
This one is great to watch!!
Major thanks to EL Monkamio Brandonio LaMerviel for the conversation! You Rock ma dude!!
A short clip from Noelia's Christening Cinematic
A short clip from Noelia's Christening Cinematic video.
🎥Chronicle Studios
Teaser of the 1st Podcast with Orestis Pavlou (Astrophysics Researcher)
'Ενα teaser του πρώτου Podcast🎙 από το🎥 Chronicle Studios ''Two People One Mic'' με θέμα την αστροφυσική μαζί με τον Orestis Pavlou Ερευνητή Αστροφυσικής. Τα πολύ ενδιαφέροντα θέματα που αναπτύξαμε είναι τα εξής: Το μέλλον του Σύμπαντος, Μαύρες Τρύπες, Αστροτουρισμός στην Κύπρο, Supernovas💥, Αστροφωτογραφία🔭 κλπ.
Το Podcast🎙 θα άνεβει ολοκληρωμένο την 📅Παρασκευή 28.05.21 και θα έχει διάρκεια πάνω απο 2 ώρες για όσους επιθυμούν να απολαύσουν αυτη τη συζήτηση.
Ετοιμαστείτε για ένα 🚀 μπροστά και πίσω στον χρόνο. 🌎🌠🌌🤯🤯🤯
Tanqueray No10 (PROMO) - Lost & Found Drinkery
Enjoy the Gimlet with Tanqueray Num 10 either at home or at your favourite bar (PROMO VID)
Negroni (PROMO) - Lost & Found Drinkery
Negroni.B-Roll.Lost.and.Found (PROMO VID)
Ear Cosmetics (PROMO)
“Healthy bodies begin with clean hands🧤”
Always with @earcosmetics 💜
Promo vid for Johnnie Walker Red Label!