TDS Highlights

TDS Highlights Contactgegevens, kaart en routebeschrijving, contactformulier, openingstijden, diensten, beoordelingen, foto's, video's en aankondigingen van TDS Highlights, Fokkerweg z/n, Willemstad.

TDS is a TV cable service provider servicing the island of Curaçao since 1985 and offering a fully digital service and the most complete local TV Channels in High Definition.


Update (Jan. 20)

Dear customers,
Please be advised that the missing channels are now available at a different channel number while we continue to work on this issue and have the channels reestablished on their usual channel number. Find below the temporary channel numbers for your reference.

Nos Pais; temporarily available at channel number 1
NOS TV; temporarily available at channel number 208
EWTN; temporarily available at channel number 600
Enlace; temporarily available at channel number 420
3ABN; temporarily available at channel number 204


‼️Important Notification‼️

TDS wishes to advice of an ongoing service interruption currently impacting the delivery of some television channels for customers who receive their service via an SD box.

The disruption is a result of a recent power outage which damaged critical equipment that enables the broadcast of some channels listed in the Lifetime Package.

Our technical teams are working assiduously to restore the channels in the shortest possible time and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Please also note that TDS television platform will permanently cease on March 31, 2021, so we are urging all customers to contact us for an appointment to migrate their TDS service to the new Flow TV platform by calling 9274 from Monday to Saturday between 8am and 5pm.

*Note this number is free of charge when calling from a Flow or UTS fixed number or a Chippie mobile number.‼️


Dear customers,

Please note that the issue with TDS channels after the blackout on Monday, has been resolved. However, in order to get your missing channels, please perform a reset as described below.


Apresiabel kliente,

E interupshon ku kanalnan di TDS despues di e blackout di djaluna, a keda resolvé. Sinembargo, pa por risibí e kanalnan ku tabata for di aire, por fabor hasi un ‘reset’ manera deskribí mas abou.


Tuma nota: si e mensahe ‘CHANNEL RESCAN’ presentá, skohe semper e opshon YES /
When the ‘CHANNEL RESCAN’ message appears, always choose YES
Si pa eror a selektá NO, fabor di sigui e siguiente stapnan: / If by mistake NO was selected, please follow these steps:
1. Skohe MENU / Choose MENU
2. Scroll bai abou na SYSTEM i primi OK / Scroll down to SYSTEM and choose OK
3. Primi e flecha direkshon drechi (rechts) i skohe DEFAULT SETTINGS / Press the arrow in the right direction and choose DEFAULT SETTINGS
4. Primi OK / Press OK
5. Ku e mesun flecha skohe FACTORY RESET / With the same arrow, choose FACTORY RESET
6. Warda algun sekònde / Wait a few seconds
7. Awor por skohe bo idioma i primi OK / Now you can choose your language and press OK
8. Skohe AREA i primi OK / Choose AREA and press OK
9. Skohe HOME SEARCH i primi OK / Choose HOME SEARCH and press OK
10. Primi e boton kolo kòrá riba e remote control te ariba ku ta indiká AUDIO /
Press the red button all the way above on the remote control which indicates AUDIO
11. Warda ku pasenshi pa e scan yega 100% / Wait patiently for the scan to reach 100%
12. Ta sali e mensahe DO YOU WANT TO SAVE? Primi OK / A message will appear DO YOU WANT TO SAVE? Press OK
13. Final

Prosedura pa resèt box KAON / Procedure to reset the KAON box
Bòksnan KAON ta hasi e rescan outomátikamente. / The KAON boxes rescan automatically
Si e bòks NO update outomátikamente, fabor di sigui e siguiente stapnan: / If the box does NOT update automatically, please follow these steps:
1. Skohe MENU / Choose MENU
2. Scroll bai na SYSTEM SETTINGS / Scroll to SYSTEM SETTINGS
3. Scroll buska i skohe FACTORY RESET i primi OK / Scroll, search and choose FACTORY RESET and press OK
4. Bo ta haña e mensahe ku ta indiká ku ta sigur bo ke hasi e kambio. Skohe YES /
You will get a message to indicate if you are sure to make the change. Choose YES
5. Skohe bo idioma i primi OK / Choose your language and press OK
6. Skohe bo tipo di TV i primi OK / Choose your type of TV and press OK
7. Primi OK pa e zone -4:00 / Press OK for the zone -4:00
8. Un menú ku parameter ta presentá. Primi OK pa start e ‘search’ /
A menu with parameters will show up. Press OK to start the search
9. Warda un momento pa e scan yega 100% / Wait for a while until the scan reaches 100%
10. Un menú ta sali indiká e kantidat di kanal i ta sali un mensahe DO YOU WANT TO SAVE, primi OK /
A menu will appear which indicates the amount of channels and a message will appear DO YOU WANT TO SAVE. Press OK
11. Ora e kaba di ‘save’ primi EXIT riba bo remote control. / When it is done saving press EXIT on the remote control
12. Final

Important Notice TDS Customers‼️

Important Notice TDS Customers‼️

As UTS & Flow continue the migration of TDS customers onto the Flow TV service, please be advised that the TDS TV service has reached its end of life and, as such, there will be changes to your TV package.


Bo ta un kliente di TDS ku ainda no a pasa pa Flow TV? Tuma kontakto ku nos na 9274 di djaluna pa djasabra entre 8am pa 5pm pa bo sita!

Nos ke pidi indulgensia na momento di yama ya ku ta un gran kantidat di persona ta yamando pa un sita.

Are you a TDS customer who has not been migrated yet to Flow TV? Contact us at 9274 from Monday to Saturday between 8am and 5pm for your appointment!

We kindly request your patience as we have a great amount of customers contacting us for an appointment.

Are you missing channels? Please try these steps!

Are you missing channels?

Please try these steps!


‼️Take note‼️

Dear customer,

Please note that we are currently unable to process any changes within your subscription due to technical difficulties. Thus, the addition/purchase of additional packages is not possible until further notice. It is also not possible to change any defect decoders at this time.

This issue affects only our customers who receive their TV service via TDS’ MMDS system which is via antenna signal and not those who have already been migrated to IPTV.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused and assure you that we are working diligently to solve this matter. We will keep you duly informed.


‼️Take note‼️

Dear customers,

UTS/Flow hereby wishes to inform you that there is currently an ongoing survey for TDS customers in different areas of the island. The purpose of this survey is to capture the physical location of the home/building/business of the customer on the GPS map for the activities needed for the FLOW migration (coverage of the FLOW network, underground or aerial installation, etc.)

Customers will be contacted via the contact information that TDS has on file. Please note that it will not be necessary for our UTS/FLOW personnel to enter your home. The information will be gathered from the curbside of the premises.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Get back in the game with TDS & FLOW! Watch up to 60 games a week in HD.
Visit for more details.



Fokkerweg Z/n


Maandag 08:00 - 17:00
Dinsdag 08:30 - 17:00
Woensdag 08:30 - 17:00
Donderdag 08:30 - 17:00
Vrijdag 08:30 - 17:00
Zaterdag 09:00 - 12:00


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