Dear Partners and Friends,
We wish to inform you that Cineplanet has recently experienced a fire that caused significant damage to our equipment. Although the media has portrayed the event more dramatically than it is, we want to assure you that a large part of our equipment, including the camera department remains intact.
We are very grateful for all the firefighters, their professionalism and fast response that reduced the further damage, no one was hurt and the biggest loss is on the first building.
We have already started the accelerated procurement of new and better equipment to ensure that we can resume our operations at the same quality level as before in the shortest possible time. This is a significant hit to our company, but thanks to our CEO Igor and the entire team who are determined and ready to face all challenges, we are confident that we will quickly resume everything to normal.
Our entire team remains united and determined to rise and come back stronger than ever.
Thank you for your understanding, nonstop support and words of encouragement.
Yours, Cineplanet
Poštovani partneri i prijatelji,
Želimo da vas obavestimo da je kompanija Cineplanet nedavno pretrpela požar koji je prouzrokovao značajnu štetu na našoj opremi. Iako je medijski događaj prikazan dramatičnije nego što jeste, uveravamo vas da je veliki deo naše opreme uključujući i ceo sektor kamere, ostao neoštećen.
Pravovremenom reakcijom i posvećenošću, niko od naših zaposlenih i članova vatrogasnog tima nije povređen, a najveću štetu pretrpela je hala 1.
Već smo započeli ubrzanu nabavku nove i bolje opreme kako bismo u najkraćem roku mogli da nastavimo sa radom na istom nivou kvaliteta kao i ranije. Ovo je težak udarac za našu kompaniju, ali zahvaljujući našem direktoru Igoru i celokupnom timu koji je odlučan i spreman da se suoči sa svim izazovima, sigurni smo da ćemo brzo vratiti sve u normalu.
Ceo naš tim ostaje na okupu i odlučan je da se vratimo jači nego ikada.
Zahvaljujemo se na razumevanju i ogromnoj podršci koju nam neprekidno pružate.
Vaš Cineplanet.