Radio Plac Subotica

Radio Plac Subotica Online Radio Plac je digitalno glasilo Centra za savremenu kulturu i umetnost iz Subotice. Brehtovo

Večeras od 19 časova slušajte snimak tribine "ZAŠTO KAŽEŠ LJUBAV? Normalizacija nasilja" održane 4.oktobra 2024. u prost...

Večeras od 19 časova slušajte snimak tribine "ZAŠTO KAŽEŠ LJUBAV? Normalizacija nasilja" održane 4.oktobra 2024. u prostoru Klare i Rose u Subotici. Snimak možete pratiti na
Ciklus razgovora Zašto kažeš ljubav? u organizaciji Udruženja Krokodil iz Beograda, mapira skrivene društvene uticaje koji dovode do porasta nasilja među mladima. Razgovarali smo o tome kako podsticanje etničkih, rodnih, polnih i drugih različitosti utiče na međuvršnjačko nasilje, ali i na koji način sveprisutna normalizacija nasilja u društvu utiče na mentalno zdravlje, posebno adolescenata. Pričale smo i o tome kako nam aktivizam može pomoći da reagujemo na ove pojave, ali i zbog čega aktivisti i aktivistkinje mogu biti posebno ranjivi kada je o pomenutim temama reč.
Učestvuju: prim dr sci med Jasminka Marković, dečja psihijatrica i psihoterapeutkinja, Aurelija Đan, psihološkinja i psihoterapeutkinja, Gordana Vukov Ciganjik, aktivistkinja i kulturna radnica, suosnivačica udruženja Klara i Rosa, uz moderaciju samostalne menadžerke u kulturi Tamare Marković.

Večeras od 19 časova na Radio Plac ( u emisiji U gostima razgovaramo sa Editom Kadirić, umetnicom čiju smo iz...

Večeras od 19 časova na Radio Plac ( u emisiji U gostima razgovaramo sa Editom Kadirić, umetnicom čiju smo izložbu "The Sweethearts" mogli videti tokom leta u Dvorišnoj galeriji.

Edita Kadirić (1976) je vizuelna umetnica čiji se rad bazira na istraživanju prepoznavanja i nelagode kroz vizuelni “storytelling”. Kroz bazični medij crteža istražuje ljudsku psihologiju koristeći različite interpretacije, uključujući teatralnost kao poseban efekat pozornosti. Stekla je visoko obrazovanje iz domena vizuelnih umetnosti (Akademija umetnosti Novi Sad, FLU Beograd, i Fakultet lepih umetnosti Barcelona). Više p**a je nagrađivana. Izlagala je na mnogim samostalnim i kolektivnim izložbama u zemlji i inostranstvu .
Živi i radi na relaciji Francuska – Španija – Srbija.

Danas, u sredu 2. oktobra, od 19 časova možete poslušati razgovor sa Anom Dragić. Razgovor se emituje na Radiju Plac (ht...

Danas, u sredu 2. oktobra, od 19 časova možete poslušati razgovor sa Anom Dragić. Razgovor se emituje na Radiju Plac (

Ana Dragić (rođena u Beogradu, Srbija, 1988) je samostalni umetnički menadžer i kustos.

Po povratku iz Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, kao stipendista programa dodiplomske razmene Fondacije za otvoreno društvo, svoj profesionalni fokus prebacuje sa novinarstva na menadžment u kulturi, pokrećući uspešnu saradnju sa mladim srpskim i kosovskim umetnicima (predstavljajući ih na različitim festivalima u regionu i Evropi).

Projekat sprovodi organizacija Klara i Rosa iz Subotice, Srbija uz podršku Urgent Action Fund– UAF, Evropskog fonda za Balkan i Fondacije Hajnrih Bel.

Tonight, Monday, from 7 pm on Radio Plac ( we are listening to a conversation with Mă...

Tonight, Monday, from 7 pm on Radio Plac ( we are listening to a conversation with Mădălina Muscă, a participant in the second edition of the Grounding retreat.

Mădălina Muscă is an activist, sociologist, explorer, educator and organiser at Politeia Association and beyond, currently based in Bucharest.

She has always been interested in how her actions can contribute to social justice, from her pedagogical endeavors, to her Phd in Sociology or the research, activist or cultural projects she has been engaged in.

The project is implemented by the organization Klara i Rosa from Subotica, Serbia with the support of the Urgent Action Fund – UAF, European Fund for the Balkans and The Heinrich Böll Foundation.

Tonight, Friday, from 7 pm on Radio Plac ( we are listening to a conversation with Zi...

Tonight, Friday, from 7 pm on Radio Plac ( we are listening to a conversation with Zita Thury, a participant in the second edition of the Grounding retreat.
Zita Thury (Budapest, Hungary) is a freelance choreographer and performer in contemporary dance who addresses social issues through movement and incorporates elements of performance and video art with a documentarian approach. Her artistic work is defined by a participatory, sensitizing, collaborative, and process-oriented approach.

Tonight from 19:00 on Radio Plac ( we are listening to a conversation with Jasmina Runevska from Skopje, ...

Tonight from 19:00 on Radio Plac ( we are listening to a conversation with Jasmina Runevska from Skopje, North Macedonia, artist and educator.

Her interdisciplinary work bridges visual arts, ecofeminism, and postcolonial studies, focusing on critical societal engagement through creative practice. With degrees in visual arts and comparative literature, she has participated in numerous international exhibitions and residencies. At the Grounding Retreat, she will share methods exploring virtual versus real reality and the way we create stories, integrating subjective mapping and the flow of unconsciousness to foster interactive and inclusive learning environments.

The project is implemented by the organization Klara i Rosa from Subotica, Serbia with the support of the Urgent Action Fund – UAF, European Fund for the Balkans and The Heinrich Böll Foundation.

Tonight from 19:00 on Radio Plac ( we are listening to a conversation with Bea Kovács (1991) from Marosvá...

Tonight from 19:00 on Radio Plac ( we are listening to a conversation with Bea Kovács (1991) from Marosvásárhely/Târgu Mureș, Romania, Hungarian writer, editor, theater critic, and cultural journalist.

The conversation is held in Hungarian.

She practices personal storytelling as a writer, preferring first-person narratives and intimate formats that explore individual experiences and emotions. As a journalist, she writes about contemporary art and culture, makes in-depth portraits and interviews, and publishes opinion pieces on various issues and socio-cultural phenomena. Bea is a fond explorer of psychogeography and situationist forms of expression.

The project is implemented by the organization Klara i Rosa from Subotica, Serbia with the support of the Urgent Action Fund – UAF, European Fund for the Balkans and The Heinrich Böll Foundation.

2024. szeptember 20-án pénteken 19:00-tól, beszélgetés a Radio Plac-on Angela Szilagyival (ágyi Angéla (...

2024. szeptember 20-án pénteken 19:00-tól, beszélgetés a Radio Plac-on Angela Szilagyival (

Szilágyi Angéla (1984) író, költő, szeptummunkás (Ajka, Magyarország). Érdekli a pszichológia, a traumával való munka, és az, hogy ebből hogyan lesz művészi ábrázolás. Jelenleg a Synchromesh projektben dolgozik, és írótársával együtt egy rádiódrámát fejleszt. Számára a művészet létrehozásában a legfontosabb az akadálymentesítés, és az a mód, ahogyan leküzdjük az ellenállást, ami mindannyiunkban ott van a minket ért kellemetlen élményekkel szemben. Szereti felfedezni a közösségi médiában felmerülő, nőiséggel és félelemmel kapcsolatos kérdéseket, és reagálni azokra.

A projektet a szerbiai Klara i Rosa szervezet valósítja meg az Urgent Action Fund – UAF, European Fund for the Balkán és a Heinrich Böll Alapítvány támogatásával.

Tonight from 19:00 on Radio Plac ( we are listening to a conversation with Eva Papadopoulos (Zenaide), a ...

Tonight from 19:00 on Radio Plac ( we are listening to a conversation with Eva Papadopoulos (Zenaide), a multimodal dance artist, teacher, and healer from Athens, Greece.

Her focus in performance is on vocal somatics and multi-modal approaches using audiovisual technologies. Over the last five years, her work has concentrated heavily on trauma healing, shadow work, and biodynamic craniosacral therapy, redirecting her artistic practice more towards community and social approaches to art-making processes including neurotypical and neurodivergent groups of all ages.

The project was implemented by the organization Klara and Ross from Subotica, Serbia, with the support of the Urgent Action Fund (UAF), the European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) and the office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Belgrade.

Tonight from 19:00 on Radio Plac ( we are listening to a conversation with Mihaela Cîrjan also known as M...

Tonight from 19:00 on Radio Plac ( we are listening to a conversation with Mihaela Cîrjan also known as Michele.

She is a participant in this year's Grounding retreat program. Michele from Bucharest, Romania, is a cultural manager, context creator, and curious curator.

Nastavljamo sa predstavljanjem učesnica drugog izdanja Grounding programa koji je održan ove godine u Utrinama.Danas, u ...

Nastavljamo sa predstavljanjem učesnica drugog izdanja Grounding programa koji je održan ove godine u Utrinama.
Danas, u petak 13. septembra, od 19 časova možete poslušati razgovor sa Majom Vujačić. Razgovor se emituje na Radiju Plac (

Maja Vujačić (Bar, Crna Gora) je feministkinja, travarka i kulturna radnica. Zainteresovana je za istraživanje načina otpora kroz sinergiju ljudske mašte i ekosistema u celini.

Danas od 19 časova možete poslušati razgovor sa Marijom Farmer, jednom od učesnica ovogodišnjeg Grounding programa  u Ut...

Danas od 19 časova možete poslušati razgovor sa Marijom Farmer, jednom od učesnica ovogodišnjeg Grounding programa u Utrinama. Razgovor se emituje na Radiju Plac (
Marija Farmer živi i radi u Beogradu, rediteljka je i performerka fizičkog teatra, pesnikinja i trener programa za lični, društveni i organizacioni razvoj kroz upotrebu pozorišta i kreativnog izražavanja.
Projekat sprovodi organizacija Klara i Rosa iz Subotice, Srbija, uz podršku Urgent Action Fund-a (UAF), European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) i kancelarije Fondacije Heinrich Böll u Beogradu.

Danas, četvrtak 16. maj 2024, u 19 časova na Radiju Plac (, slušamo snimak razgovora sa tribine „Javni prosto...

Danas, četvrtak 16. maj 2024, u 19 časova na Radiju Plac (, slušamo snimak razgovora sa tribine „Javni prostor u savremenom kontekstu“.

Govore: Viktorija Aladžić (arhitekta, profesor, Građevinski fakultet, Subotica), Iva Čukić (arhitekta, Ministarstvo prostora, Beograd) , Jelena Radenović (rediteljka filma, Beograd)

Moderatorka: Nela Tonković, istoričarka umentnosti.

Koliko znamo o prostoru u kom živimo? Znamo li koje se priče kriju iza zgrada pored kojih prolazimo svakodnevno? Pripada li javni prostor građanima i koje su mogućnosti za njegovo otključavanje i oplemenjivanje?

Program je podržan od strane European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) , pod okriljem Mreže evropskih fondacija“ i The Engaged Democracy Initiative (EDI) programa.

Večaras od 19 časova na Radiju Plac ( poslušajte ragovor sa Nikolom Zaklanom, umetnikom čiju izložbu možete v...

Večaras od 19 časova na Radiju Plac ( poslušajte ragovor sa Nikolom Zaklanom, umetnikom čiju izložbu možete videti u Dvorišnoj galeriji (Korzo 1).

Program Dvorišne galerija podržan je od strane štamparije Dielle.


1. Ketsa – 80sVision (license type: CC BY-NC-ND)
2. Ketsa - Charged Up (license type: CC BY-NC-ND)

Free Music Archive

Ma (szerdán) 19.00-kor a Radio Plac-on ( meghallgatjuk a Mezei Szilárd Ring Consort koncertet és Tóth Szilárd...

Ma (szerdán) 19.00-kor a Radio Plac-on ( meghallgatjuk a Mezei Szilárd Ring Consort koncertet és Tóth Szilárd János beszédét, ami Bezzeg Gyula Határeset c. kiállításának megnyitóján hangzott el a Klára és Rosa helyiségében (Petőfi Sándor u. 15.). A kiállítást április végéig nézhetitek meg.

2024. március 20-án szerdán 19:00-tól, beszélgetés a Radio Plac-on Somorai Renátaval. A képzőművészt Gyurkovics Réka kér...

2024. március 20-án szerdán 19:00-tól, beszélgetés a Radio Plac-on Somorai Renátaval. A képzőművészt Gyurkovics Réka kérdezte kiállításmegnyítója alkalmából, az Udvari Galériában.

A conversation with our guest Adam Bethlenfalvy, Associate Professor at Károli Gáspár University, Hungary, today, Monday...

A conversation with our guest Adam Bethlenfalvy, Associate Professor at Károli Gáspár University, Hungary, today, Monday 18th of March, on Radio Plac Subotica (, 19:00!

Through a conversation with an expert in the field of theater in education, we discover the advantages of this powerful method for involving different social groups, learning and connecting, as well as developing critical thinking about topics important for the development of individuals and society. Theater teaches essential soft skills that foster empathy and effective interactions with others, aiding in human development regardless of the career path one chooses to pursue. Theater is the most comprehensive art form, enveloping all other forms of art, including music, dance, fine art, film and visual art.

Welcome to the educational podcast series of the ETERNAL Project - Using Theatre Techniques to enhance European Values for the Elderly, a KA210-ADU Small-scale partnership in adult education, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.

This result is co-created by the three partner organizations, Mosaic // Culture & Creativity, UG Klara i Rosa, and Akademie für politische Bildung und demokratiefördernde Maßnahmen, with the aim to promote common values and civic engagement among the elders.

Drama Therapy for all GenerationsToday, Tuesday 6th of February, on Radio Plac Subotica (, 19:00!Welcome to t...

Drama Therapy for all Generations
Today, Tuesday 6th of February, on Radio Plac Subotica (, 19:00!

Welcome to the educational podcast series of the ETERNAL Project - Using Theatre Techniques to enhance European Values for the Elderly, a KA210-ADU Small-scale partnership in adult education, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.
This result is co-created by the three partner organizations, Mosaic // Culture & Creativity, UG Klara i Rosa, and Akademie für politische Bildung und demokratiefördernde Maßnahmen, with the aim to promote common values and civic engagement among the elders.




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