First of all, welcome. My name is David and I am one of the founding members of Fruitful figs web studio. I’d much prefer to meet you in person and have a audible conversation but never the less I am glad to connect with you in this way.
Every choice you make, every stroke of a pen or a brush, every click of a mouse, in short, any action you take to bring about your story originates from that core place.
It is born out of a desire to express our creative nature and use it to connect with other entrepreneurs who serve communities with their skills and talents but for whatever reason don't use all available platforms to reach their target audience.
It is born out of a desire to express our creative nature and use it to connect with other entrepreneurs who serve communities with their skills and talents but for whatever reason don't use all available platforms to reach their target audience.
Fruitful Figs Web Studio is first creative baby of myself and my wife Isabel. These are her first steps and we are proud to share them and document them in this blog.
It is born out of desire to express our creative nature and use it to connect with other entrepreneurs who serve communities with their skills and talents but for whatever reason don't use all available platforms to reach their target audience.
We want to learn and grow from baby steps to a well established known and liked brand and to share what we learn with other small business owners and creatives. The websites and other materials we publish or produce are results of our desire to connect, serve and share.
Real, hearty authentic stories and brands are what we connect to. The joy of sharing of information, a beautiful picture or the word of encouragement with the purpose of connecting with our audience, no matter how big or small, is worth of time spent on writing, designing or any other medium you may choose.
We want to learn and grow from baby steps to a well established known and liked brand and to share what we learn with other small business owners and creatives. who read our posts like our shares and ultimately trust us enough to spend their time and money on us, but that kind of recognition will be short-lived and easily forgotten, drowned in the sea of copycats and cacophony of voices singing someone else's tunes, buried in the fast-paced social media feeds...
Unless, we change focus from hunting clicks - to creating genuine offline compelling story of service, commitment to learning and excellence, being part of people's lives as husbands, friends, mentors, employers, employees and service providers. These areas of our lives are equally legit canvases to create our masterpieces.
Real, hearty authentic stories and brands are what we connect to. The joy of sharing of informatioRemember this next time you wish to connect with your audience. And most importantly, whatever platform or tool you choose, use it to share what is on your heart., designing or any other medium you may choose.
Famous fashion designer Giorgio Armani said`Elegance is not standing out, but being remembered’ Remember this next time you wish to connect with your audience. And most importantly, whatever platform or tool you choose, use it to share what is on your heart.
I just did.
Beauty, however, is not only in the story itself but also in the way your story is told. At that point it is the instrument used to connect with others and invite them to relate and share.