That was the time when the “cassette-collecting period” began. During this period he constantly kept up with the changes of music hits. At first, he grew interested in the music hits of the 90s, than he gradually shifted to electronic music. During his college studies he made several music mixes of which many were played at online music radios. In 2008 at the music mix competition of “Vipyza” and
“Clubmusicsites” he won the second prize, and for a couple of months he was a resident dj of the “Laza Radio Vipyza” programme. Since 2004 he was the music host of several parties thrown by his friends. His first and biggest performance was in 2010 at the “Psyzoom” which was a 2-day-long event. After this event, he performed at various nightclubs in Subotica and in the surroundings of the city (Radio Live Caffe, Club Madlen, Bashroom, Dragon Net Caffe, Cafe Underground, Voice Club, Old Discotheque Orom, Strand Disco, kafe bar Zenski Strand, Club Sicilia, Club Ambiente). Moreover, in 2012 he was a resident dj of the Open Air Party in Male Pijace. His performances are characterized by the current club music trends and, of course, he is apt to the needs of the audience.