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Game Dev Burrito Podcast #2 Episode 2 - Technical Art
How do you stick weapons to a character’s skeleton?
Branislava and Nikola, Technical Artists at #ubisoftbelgrade studio, talked about their path through game dev and shared some tricks of the trade in this new Game Dev Burrito podcast episode!
Tune in to find out more on Tech Art https://bit.ly/GameDevBurritoS2Ep2.
Game Dev Burrito Podcast season 2 is here! Check our new episode - Passion for games: https://bit.ly/GameDevBurritoS2Ep1.
What it's like to work in game development, how big is the love between Programmers and Dev Testers, which video games do developers like and recommend?
Find out in the first episode of the second season of Game Dev Burrito Podcast! Ivana Markanovic, Junior Programmer, and Vojislav Savic, Development Tester, talked about their roles in #ubisoftbelgrade studio, games they made and games they play. 👾
Pogledajte kako je protekao naš treći po redu Game Jam!
Nakon 24 časa rada, osam timova predstavilo je svoje igre, a tri najbolja tima osvojila su vredne nagrade. Celokupnu atmosferu možete da pogledate na našem YouTube kanalu: https://youtu.be/-835KjyZ_m8. #ubisoftbelgrade #ubisoftbelgradegamejam #gamejam
GameDev Burrito Podcast 2
Najava druge epizode GameDev Burrito podcast-a