Studijska grupa Demografija

Studijska grupa Demografija Stranica je u službi studenata ove studijske grupe, Ovde možete iznositi svoje predloge, ideje, po


Obaveštavamo vas da se na sajtu Društva ( može preuzeti agenda i knjiga apstrakata za predstojeći skup ''Demografski izazovi na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije''.

Podsećamo da se naučni skup održava sutra (15. aprila) sa početkom od 10:30 u maloj sali (na I spratu) Institita društvanih nauka u Beogradu (Kraljice Natalije 45).

Društvo demografa Srbije

Обавештавамо студенте Географског факултета у Београду да ће се у току наредне недеље, од 29. фебруара до 04. марта, све...

Обавештавамо студенте Географског факултета у Београду да ће се у току наредне недеље, од 29. фебруара до 04. марта, све публикације чији је издавач Географски факултет у Београду продавати са 50% попуста.


Call for Applications

XII Migration Summer School
Approaches to International Migration at Origin and Destination: Theories, Policies and Methods for Analysis
Florence, 27th June – 8th July 2016

The Migration Policy Centre is now taking applications for the 2016 edition of the Migration Summer School, which will take place at the European University Institute in Florence (Italy) from 27th June – 8th July 2016. Applications are welcome from academic and practice backgrounds to create an enriching mix of postgraduate students, civil servants, international organisation practitioners, NGO workers, journalists, policy analysts and teachers from around the world.
For more information and details on the application process, please see the Migration Summer School page on the MPC website.

Deadline for applications: 4th April 2016

Introduction Date and Location Eligibility Fees and Scholarship Travel How To Apply Timetable Contacts Introduction International migration has become a central topic in the public political debate in Europe and elsewhere. It is a critical policy domain for governments at all levels, as well as fo…


Nova knjiga..

Као што се и из имена може наслутити, библиотека Лимес је замишљена као колекција пробраних дела из филозофије, теологије, есејистике и белетристике која – свака на свој начин – говоре о стварима и проблемима који се најрадије прећуткују.


GDi GISDATA doo Beograd otvara konkurs za dodelu stipendija studentima fakulteta i visokih strukovnih škola. Stipendija podrazumeva edukaciju u oblasti geografskih informacionih sistema (GIS) na

Međunarodni dan migracija na Geografskom fakultetu18.12.2015.

Međunarodni dan migracija na Geografskom fakultetu

18.12.2015. #5/54.252/18.589
14/12/2015 #5/54.252/18.589

An interactive map of city populations across the globe, exploring the changes between 1950 and 2030. Identify the world's fastest growing cities and regions, and urbanisation cycles of growth and decline.

PopPov is a group of academic researchers and funders from around the globe studying the ways that population dynamics affect economic outcomes.

PhD Studentship in Demography / Social Statistics at the University of LiverpoolWe invite applications from qualified an...

PhD Studentship in Demography / Social Statistics at the University of Liverpool

We invite applications from qualified and highly motivated students for a three-year PhD studentship in Demography / Social Statistics. The PhD studentship is funded by the School of Environmental Sciences (SoES) at the University of Liverpool and it will cover: 1) Tuition fee to the amount of a standard fee for UK/EU students (£4,052 in the 2015–16 academic year); 2) A maintenance grant of £14,210 per year; and 3) A research training support grant of £1,000 per year. The studentship is restricted to home/EU students.

Department of Geography & Planning, University of Liverpool Gordon Stephenson Building, Liverpool L69 7ZQ, United Kingdom +44 (0)151 795 0618 / 795 4642

Call for Applications for Doctoral Students - INED - iPOPs Deadline for applications: 20 May 2015The French Institute fo...

Call for Applications for Doctoral Students - INED - iPOPs

Deadline for applications: 20 May 2015

The French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) is organizing a competitive examination to recruit 6 doctoral students for a period of one to three years.

Doctoral students with external funding (employment / doctoral contract with a body other than INED) - but who wish to be hosted without remuneration at INED and to benefit from its scientific environment - can also apply.

The electronic form and general information are available on INED’s website:

Call applications


Studijska grupa za Demografiju je osnovala Alumni udruzenje, formira se baza diplomiranih demografa. Posaljite mail na [email protected] a mi cemo Vam proslediti pristupnicu da popunite.

Ponosni ste student svog fakulteta? Predaju vam profesori koji su vas inspirisali ili na pozitivan način obeležili vaše studentske dane, a do sada niste imali priliku da to iskažete? Vaš fakultet organizuje mnogobrojne vanškolske aktivnosti, predavanja, seminare i prakse?





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