The Herald Newsletter

The Herald Newsletter Geopolitics and international affairs, news, analysis and updates.

THE FIRST IN A SERIES OF POSTS ABOUT SYRIA" The country we now know as Syria was actually a French protectorate under th...


" The country we now know as Syria was actually a French protectorate under the terms of the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916. By that time, it was becoming clear that the Ottoman Empire was in a state of failure under which the British and French governments agreed to take control of most of former colonial lands. Briefly, it was agreed that the French would take over Syria and what is now Lebanon and the British would take over the lands now known as Iraq, Jordan and Israel.

And that’s the way it stayed until 1946 when the French, exhausted from Word War II, withdrew and left Syria to declare its independence. Similarly, and two years later, the British upped sticks and left the Middle East, leaving the Jews and Arabs to duke it out for control of Mandate Palestine (Jordan having already declared independence in May 1946, just one month after Syria). "

BLEED FOR THIS."The answer has nothing to do with Ukraine and everything to do with Donald Trump. A brewing World War II...


"The answer has nothing to do with Ukraine and everything to do with Donald Trump. A brewing World War III is just the kind of mess that they want to plonk into Donald Trump’s office when he is inaugurated on 20th January 2025. Since Trump has indicated that he wants to settle the Ukraine business, he will have to extricate NATO from the conflict as well, making the job a lot more difficult for him. Thus, this escalation is the poisoned chalice they will hand him. But, more, they know that Trump will likely force a deal on Ukraine which hands his opponents the narrative that ‘Trump lost Ukraine’, ‘Trump betrayed our ally’. They can use this as rhetorical leverage against him going forward."

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The Latest from The Herald Newsletter:"Defeat is always a better teacher than victory. Trump made it clear on his campai...

The Latest from The Herald Newsletter:

"Defeat is always a better teacher than victory. Trump made it clear on his campaign trail that he understood clearly what and who he was actually up against, and would be seeking retribution against them. Furthermore, his son-in-law is nowhere to be seen. Trump now has a team of allies around, including Robert F. Kennedy and Elon Musk."

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"There is no clear reason behind the decision to hand the Chagos Archipelago over to Mauritius, except for some rather v...

"There is no clear reason behind the decision to hand the Chagos Archipelago over to Mauritius, except for some rather vapid assurances about ‘building goodwill in the region’. They probably believe that, too. If so, they are in for a rude shock; goodwill has never counted for much in the realpolitik world, especially towards a country that was the former colonial ruler."

Read the rest at The Herald Newsletter. Subscribe in the next 30 days and get full access for life. follow the link, enter your email address and click 'subscribe' for full ...

Just follow the link, enter your email address and click 'subscribe' for full access and regular email updates.

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Geopolitics and International Affairs - Objective analysis without tears, fears or favour

The Herald Newsletter latest:ROLL OVER, MOLDOVA"Moldova is now firmly caught in the borderland between West and East. Th...

The Herald Newsletter latest:


"Moldova is now firmly caught in the borderland between West and East. The Moldovan government has made its view clear by their condemnation of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and by starting accession talks to the EU in December 2023. However, the Moldovan people are far more equivocal."

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Geopolitics and International Affairs - Objective analysis without tears, fears or favour

LATEST POST FROM THE HERALD NEWSLETTERCLIMATE CHANGEDark winds are blowing through Ukraine and storm clouds are gatherin...



Dark winds are blowing through Ukraine and storm clouds are gathering

"So, why is the mood in Ukraine ‘pitch black’? Surely, the end of war should be a cause for joy? Normally, yes, but perhaps everyone senses that they have sacrificed so many of their young men (with some sources claiming a figure of more than half a million) only to end up with less than they would have had, had the Istanbul negotiations been allowed to come to fruition.

Having sacrificed so much themselves, the Russians will be in no mood to grant concessions or relinquish even one square metre of the territory they have conquered and now declared to be a part of Russia. From Putin’s point of view, why should they? They’re winning."

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Geopolitics and International Affairs - Objective analysis without tears, fears or favour

DOES THIS MEAN I HAVE TO GIVE UP ALL MY FAVOURITE FOODS?The leads of the EU want to avoid falling behind, but are they a...


The leads of the EU want to avoid falling behind, but are they are prepared to make changes?

We all know the type. A man in late middle-age, beset with lifestyle diseases caused by overeating, smoking, heavy drinking and a sedentary life. Worried about the parlous state of his health, he consults his doctor who advises him to quit smoking, drink less, adopt a sensible diet and get more exercise. Deep down, our wheezing old duffer knows that the doctor’s advice is sound but, even so, that’s not what he wanted to hear. What he wanted was a ‘magic pill’ that he could take to absolve himself of his self-inflicted sins so that he can go forth and sin much more. A reality check was the last thing he wanted.

The European Union is also worried about its health – its financial and political health, that is. It’s stagnating. So, they commissioned Mario Draghi, former EU commissioner and Goldman Sachs Alum, to look into the matter and make some recommendations. He did, and his report was published in September just gone. If you have the constitution to wade through the 400-page report, you can download it from here. But you can also read on for a potted version.

According to Draghi, the issues, in no particular order, are as follows:

A. The Productivity Gap. The EU countries are struggling to match America’s raw economic dynamism and China’s soaring ambition. Hence, there is a growing productivity gap, hampering competitiveness.

B. Geopolitical Instability. In a nutshell, Russia and the reliance of EU countries on energy sources from Russia.

C. Technological Lag. In many ways, a restatement of the point made in A. above. The EU is much weaker than either the USA or East Asia when it comes to emerging technologies.

D. Demographic Changes. An aging population means a shrinking workforce and intolerable pension pressures. Furthermore, the EU’s preferred method of solving this problem – mass immigration – is not working and never will.

E. Regulatory and Market Barriers: America innovates, China imitates, the EU regulates. For example, the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act, which came into force on 1st August 2024, seeking to prohibit any AI application which may lead to ‘discrimination’ or ‘harm’ (whatever that means).

F. Energy Costs. The EU countries grapple with significantly higher energy costs than either the USA or China. No kidding! Perhaps it wasn’t a good idea to shut down nuclear energy, blow up Nord Stream and cut themselves off from Russia?

The report’s proposed solutions?

1. Investing in digital infrastructure and technologies to close the ‘productivity gap’ with the USA.

2. Policy co-ordination between member states and simplifying regulatory frameworks to create a more cohesive industrial strategy.

3. Investing in innovation by stimulating private finance and closing funding gaps by means of targeted policies.

4. Addressing the demographic challenges by investing in education and training to ensure a skilled workforce.

5. Promoting policies that include social inclusion and equity.

6. Implementing lower and more uniform taxation to reduce energy costs and foster innovation in renewable energy, as well as creating a governance framework for a ‘true Energy Union’.

Some of Mr. Draghi’s proposals have merit, others less so. For starters, where is all this investment going to come from? And No. 5 above simply means important yet more American racial and identity politics, which is the last thing Europeans need.

But it hardly matters, because these proposals are already dead in the water.

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde strongly endorsed her predecessor Mario Draghi’s multibillion-euro plan to fix Europe’s stagnant economy, but said that governments would have to figure out how to afford it on their own.

“Structural reforms are not the responsibility of the central bank — they are the responsibility of governments,” Lagarde told a press conference in Frankfurt….

Draghi’s recommendations have already caused fierce debates in Brussels over where the necessary financing — around triple the sum deployed in the postwar Marshall Plan — might come from, especially as interest rates remain high after a two-year sequence of hikes.

Getting the governments of all 27 member countries of the EU -– each with their own national priorities, vested interests and political and bureaucratic fiefdoms -– to agree on a unified plan of action is like trying to herd cats. Add to that the strains in the relationships between the Members States, over the Russia-Ukraine war for example, or immigration, means that goodwill may be fraying.

Prognosis: the patient can’t give up the foods they love, and smoking reduces their stress, and they don’t have time to exercise, and a million other excuses. No change, then. Maybe the first heart attack will force the changes. But, then again, maybe not.

Geopolitics and International Affairs - Objective analysis without tears, fears or favour

Latest from The Herald"But the truth is, a full on ‘hot’ military confrontation on the ground carries big risks for both...

Latest from The Herald

"But the truth is, a full on ‘hot’ military confrontation on the ground carries big risks for both sides. Hezbollah has something like 50,000 soldiers and maybe as many as 50,000 more in reserve. But they have neither air assets nor any heavy armour. Hence, if Hezbollah invaded Israel, they would be obliterated, probably within hours. But there are also risks for the Israelis in invading Lebanon. As much as they would dearly love to push Hezbollah out of southern Lebanon altogether, in a ground fight, Hezbollah would be able to use the rugged terrain to fight a ferocious guerilla war that would exact a heavy price on the Israelis – maybe a higher price than Israel is prepared to pay."

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Geopolitics and International Affairs - Objective analysis without tears, fears or favour

Excerpt from the latest post:"And why have the Iranians settled for a mass aerial assault on Israel that barely scratche...

Excerpt from the latest post:

"And why have the Iranians settled for a mass aerial assault on Israel that barely scratched the paintwork? Because damage was not the point of the attack; the point of the attack was to send a message, and the message is this: you can no longer act with impunity, Israel. You can no longer hit us without expecting us to hit you in return. We have the means, and we have the will. Next time, it won’t be a mere 300 missiles and drones, it will be 3,000 or even 30,000. And we will not afford you the luxury of time to layer and organise your defences, but may strike without notice. And our weapons will be bigger, better and more advanced, and we will hit you where it hurts the most, over and over again, kinetically. The world has changed and so has the equilibrium. So, watch it."

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Geopolitics and International Affairs - Objective analysis without tears, fears or favour

"Never has the Council of Europe admitted as a member a territory that is not actually recognised as a state, so this is...

"Never has the Council of Europe admitted as a member a territory that is not actually recognised as a state, so this is unprecedented. Nor is the timing merely accidental, coming, as it does, on the 25th anniversary of that NATO attack. It’s a slap in the face to be sure but, more than that, it’s a move designed to put the squeeze on Serbia and force the country to do a volte face on Russia."

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Geopolitics and International Affairs - Objective analysis without tears, fears or favour

"For Hamas, the calculations are simple; brutal, but simple. They don’t have to win; they only have to survive in order ...

"For Hamas, the calculations are simple; brutal, but simple. They don’t have to win; they only have to survive in order to plausibly claim victory. Unable to match the Israelis military, they have to rely on winning politically. This means getting outside powers to put pressure on Israel to cease and desist and, when necessary, grant concessions. To this end, Hamas’ most potent weapon is the civilian body count. Every TikTok video of shrouded, dead toddlers or broken bodies being hauled out of the rubble of their homes hits Israel harder than a whole barrage of rockets. It may suit Hamas, then, for the IDF to unleash a full-on assault and for the civilian death toll to rise to such unacceptable levels that the outside powers (i.e., the USA) are forced to bring Israel to heel. Such are the morbid and inhumane imperatives of war."

Geopolitics and International Affairs - Objective analysis without tears, fears or favour

"However, there is a third possibility that, to date, no one has mentioned: that the conference details were leaked by o...

"However, there is a third possibility that, to date, no one has mentioned: that the conference details were leaked by one of the participants. That would be a very serious betrayal, but it may have happened because of the very serious consequences of Germany arming the Ukrainians with missiles that could destroy, or badly damage, Russian infrastructure."

Analysis of the now notorious German 'Ta**us Leak' together with access to the full transcript of the leaked conference. Free subscription.

Geopolitics and International Affairs - Objective analysis without tears, fears or favour

Vladimir Putin gave an interview today to Russian state TV. Excerpt:"We want, I repeat once again, to resolve all disput...

Vladimir Putin gave an interview today to Russian state TV. Excerpt:

"We want, I repeat once again, to resolve all disputes and this dispute, this conflict, by peaceful means. And we are ready for that, we want that. But this should be a serious conversation with security for the opposing side, and in this case we are primarily interested in the security of the Russian Federation. We will proceed from this."

Read the full interview at The Herald. Subscription required which is FREE.

Geopolitics and International Affairs - Objective analysis without tears, fears or favour

From the latest post:"On the face of it, this full-throated support for Ukraine is really more like a dig at his domesti...

From the latest post:

"On the face of it, this full-throated support for Ukraine is really more like a dig at his domestic political opponents. The Republicans have made it clear that they are not prepared to green-light more money for Ukraine, especially as they believe that much of it is being stolen and, even if that is not the case, it won’t make any difference to what appears now to be the inevitable outcome of a Russian victory. Ukraine is now an American domestic political football, and what Biden was really doing here is establishing clear daylight between himself and his likely opponent, Donald Trump. Look, he is saying, we are the good, stand-up guys who believe in fighting for democracy, and Trump and his lackeys are the selfish old meanies who look the other way and kowtow to the likes of Putin. A pox on them!"

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Geopolitics and International Affairs - Objective analysis without tears, fears or favour


" Despite the fact that it has been going since the early 1960s, surprisingly few people know about or have even heard of the Munich Security Conference.

For those who are unfamiliar with the MSC, it bills itself as:

The Munich Security Conference is the world's leading forum for debating international security policy. It is a venue for diplomatic initiatives to address the world's most pressing security concerns.

Customary attendees are various heads of states and attendant ministers and secretaries from all over the world, though, the Russian government was dis-invited following the invasion of the Ukraine. ".................

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The Washington Post is reporting that Alex Navalny, major Russian opposition leader, has died in prison:

Alexei Navalny, Russian opposition leader, dies in prison, officials say (

RIGA, Latvia — Russia’s jailed opposition leader, Alexei Navalny, died in a Russian prison colony on Friday, Russia’s prison service announced in the early afternoon, without giving the cause of his death. News of his death flooded across Russian Telegram news channels early Friday afternoon and was later confirmed in a curt announcement by prison authorities.

Read the full story here. (




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