A question that both Co-founders of Catalyst Weekly, Ximena and Anton, set out to organise and consolidate back in November 2016.
When someone approached Ximena about where to post events to be seen and attended by expats and tourists, she shrugged. “Someone should do something about that,”
“Yeah, you!” her friend said.
Having written for years for the expat community in Medellín and being Colombian with a vast knowledge of the city and its people, this could be perfect.
All she needed was the right person to bring along. Luckily, fate took care of the rest. When asking for graphic design help and throwing ideas around with her friend Anton, his eyes lit up with the possibility and he quickly appointed himself to the task. The lack of resources to find cool s**t to do in Medellín proved to be a pain point for him and many other expats and travellers.
That was in November 2016. A couple of weeks later, the first Catalyst Newsletter was sent to just over fifty people, mostly friends and family who supported the cause, some who thought it was a good idea.
Now, over a year later, we’re a growing community with a weekly event newsletter that tells you about all the latest and greatest events in Medellín and an online directory to help you find anything you are looking for!
Spanish Schools & Tutors
Medical Services
Gyms & Personal Trainers
Salsa & Dance
Cafes & Restaurants
We provide not just opportunities for the expat community, but all English speakers and Colombians who are looking to promote their talent and services in new communities. We’re using our talents and networks for the greater good, and we love partnering with others who love this city and its people as much as we do.
We pride ourselves on our strong relationships with every business owner we have met here in Medellín and really value the positive feedback and reviews on Facebook and Google that we receive from the Catalyst Community.
Want to come along for the ride?
Join us: www.catalystweekly.com
We’re making 2018 our year and we need your help to get there. We’re putting in time, talent, and heart. Could you spare a dime?
Like what we are doing? Please leave us a review on Facebook or Google.