An event has to occur, one that could be physical, spiritual, or emotional, which then has to be triggered by tiny details, as well as complex ones. One of these ideas took shape in the Torrid Zone after all different types of events melted the paved roads of different earthlings into one. A family was soon developed, with just one sense of time, and one way of communication. They all answer to th
e Midnight Language. The family calls for those who believe in beauty; for those that have a clear sense of inventiveness and show it through modern, thoughtful and graceful electronic compositions. We are all committed to the exploration of the unknown, and we trust that we can all make it together past the boundaries of mortality. The language will speak through music, when the time is right. So let’s all set our clocks to midnight.
- BulbMakers
- NoTell
Send all demos to: [email protected]