Movan Seoro International Group will resume operation on January 6. Movan Seoro International Movan Seoro International Group appreciate for past one year all your support, wish you Happy New Year 2021. Have A Happy, Healthy, Peaceful, Hope, Wellness 2021!
It’s been an uncertain year. A year full of surprises and unpredictability. We enter a new chapter of our lives with uncertainty. We still need the support and encouragement in New Year. In 2021, We will present our carefully prepared film and television works as gifts. We will present to you the first season of the martial arts suspense TV series "Crossing the Spring and Autumn", the immersive suspense drama "Facial Features", and the film "The Lucifer Effect" will continue to be prepared in the US and international markets. Happy New Year 2021!
慕凡世宥國際及其旗下慕凡影視傳媒等公司機構將於1月6日強勢啟動,恢復對外工作。 我謹代表慕凡世宥國際集團及旗下慕凡影視傳媒等公司和機構的全體成員祝大家2021年元旦安康、萬事勝意。 過去的一年承蒙大家的厚愛,過去的一年,雖然在疫情的作用下,曾面對無以計量挑戰,但是依然予以我們支持、鼓勵和幫助,給我們莫大鼓舞和支撐我們繼續堅持,努力 向前的動力! 2021年,我們將集中資源,秉承“敬慕匠心·巧築不凡”的企業精神為您呈現——將繼續策劃和製作武俠探案網台聯動季播劇《春秋渡》第一季,美式沉浸懸疑 [零距離驚悚]話劇《面目》,在美國和國際市場將繼續策劃和製作電影《The Lucifer Effect 路西法效應》,用作品表達我們的心意——光影雋久·永刻於心。 影視的光影可以雋久永恆,您的支持和鼓勵我們也永刻於心! 祝各位2021年新年快樂!