Bananafish Books

Bananafish Books BANANAFISH BOOKS is an independent publications bookstore based in Shanghai. Drop us an email for future connection.

We are a shop, zine and artist’s books publishing house and social space that is unique to the Chinese young people in providing a platform for zines, artist's books, journals, poetry, art writing and unique magazines from independent publishers and artists who do self-publishing and love zines! Bananafish Books hosts a dynamic programme of monthly workshops, mini exhibitions, design projects, tal

ks, and small art book fairs, providing a stimulating context in which to exchange ideas and spread the culture of zines in mainland China. We are also looking for different artists around the world who has collaborations with zines and artist’s books, no matter it is for bookshop selling or co-publishing. Under the brand Bananafish Books, we also provide Risograph printing services (called Pausebread Press) for different clients. Currently we stock two risograph machines in house and 16 risograph colors for your vibrant and special printing projects. Please check for more infomation and much more printing projects we have done.

Yesterday talk event at Bananafish:     Sharing Topic:Pioneers as Method: Jost Hochuli and ”Systematic Book Design?”Swis...

Yesterday talk event at Bananafish:

Sharing Topic:

Pioneers as Method: Jost Hochuli and ”Systematic Book Design?”

Swiss designer Jost Hochuli is renowned for his exceptional design philosophy and practice in the field of design. This presentation will first briefly introduce his unique concepts and representative works, as well as the design insights of the Chinese edition of ”Systematic Book Design?“ It will explore how to better reflect Hochuli’s design ideas and style while respecting the original version.

Finally, there will be a brief commentary on Jost Hochuli‘s design influence and a discussion on why this book was chosen for publication and how to maintain the essence of design in cross-cultural communication.





BANANAFISH Tokyo Event: 由香蕉鱼Tokyo东京分部联合创意机构atama .now 在东京主办的《C-GRAPHIC INDEX:新世代中华圈设计师的现状》新刊纪念发表会顺利举办,感谢下午来到SOOODA现场的朋友们...


由香蕉鱼Tokyo东京分部联合创意机构atama .now 在东京主办的《C-GRAPHIC INDEX:新世代中华圈设计师的现状》新刊纪念发表会顺利举办,感谢下午来到SOOODA现场的朋友们。本书首次以视觉文献的形式,探讨来自北京、上海、杭州、南京、长沙、广州、香港、台北等15座城市56组设计师的实践。

 What a wonderful and inspiring afternoon that Hannes shared his Nam June Paik research materials and book design ideas ...

What a wonderful and inspiring afternoon that Hannes shared his Nam June Paik research materials and book design ideas with us at Bananafish!

Bananafish Summer Reading 14 夏日读书会 #14Hannes Drißner&NAM JUNE PAIK: I Expose the Music《白南准: 我揭露音乐》活动嘉宾:Hannes Drißner活动时...

Bananafish Summer Reading 14 夏日读书会 #14
Hannes Drißner&NAM JUNE PAIK: I Expose the Music《白南准: 我揭露音乐》

活动嘉宾:Hannes Drißner
活动时间:2024年8月17日 星期六14:00—16:00
活动地点:上海市长宁区红宝石路7号 香蕉鱼书店 (总店)

Guest: Hannes Drißner
b.1996,拥有德国瑞文斯堡大学(DHBW Ravensburg)和英国雷丁大学(University of Reading)平面设计双学位。2019年开始他进入莱比锡的出版社Spector Books工作,现为独立设计师,从事书籍及其相关编排设计工作。
他辗转于阿姆斯特丹、莱比锡和纽约三地,活跃于文化领域,偶尔从事教学工作。Hannes还曾担任汉堡应用技术大学(HAW Hamburg)、德国瑞文斯堡大学讲师。他的作品曾获得德国和瑞士最美图书奖项、作品入选东京TDC赏。目前,他正在荷兰知名的设计学院 Werkplaats Typografie 继续他的研究计划。Born in 1996, Hannes Drißner began working at Spector Books in Leipzig in 2019 and is now a freelance designer specializing in book and layout design. He is active in Amsterdam, Leipzig, and New York and occasionally teaches. He holds degrees in graphic design from DHBW Ravensburg and the University of Reading. Hannes has also taught at HAW Hamburg and DHBW Ravensburg. His work has received awards for the most beautiful books in Germany and Switzerland and has been featured in Tokyo TDC. He is currently continuing his research at Werkplaats Typografie.

Now Hannes Drißner is with for an intensive reading and exhibition event in Shanghai: Around Publishing 是由 YYO FOUNDATION 支持,与 THURSDAY-FREE 联合策划的一个围绕出版展开的艺术活动,它建立在国际和本地平面设计师和艺术家的联系之上,汇集各种形式的艺术实验,旨在展现出版的更多可能性。

Around Publishing 2024: Reading Room, Kitchen, Garden,在八月的上海,建立为期一个月的围绕出版的展览及艺术活动。我们将建立一间“阅读室”,展览和售卖招募的出版物作品。同时,20 位来自国内外的艺术家和设计师的受邀作品也将在空间内展出,4 位来自荷兰 Werkplaats Typografie 教育背景的设计师和艺术家即将在空间内完成他们的驻地活动。在展览期间,我们将进行工作坊、驻地团体项目、讲座、谈话、表演、放映、晚餐等活动,共同呈现出版的可能性。我们期待搭建一个深度交流的环境,将作品和生活状态联系在一起,与设计师和艺术家一起探讨,如何把对生活的观察、理解和体验转化成出版项目,并持续的深入自身的研究方向。

「讲座信息」日期:8月18日(星期日)14:00-15:30入场时间:13:30费用:免费,因场地空间有限,仅限30名。主办方:BANANAFISH Tokyo  、atama .now 会场:SOOODA 地址:〒169-0075 东京都...


主办方:BANANAFISH Tokyo 、atama .now

地址:〒169-0075 东京都新宿区高田马场1-7-8 若月大楼1楼




设计师/策展人/编辑。以大阪为基地从事平面设计的实践与研究。著有《K-GRAPHIC INDEX》(Graphic社,2022年)、《IDEA增刊 Yellow Pages》(诚文堂新光社,2018年)。现任近畿大学文艺学部副教授、大阪艺术大学客座教授。

编辑。主要在平面设计、字体排印、视觉文化领域进行策划、编辑与写作工作。曾参与策划“文字图像平面展”(21_21 DESIGN SIGHT)。现任《The Graphic Design Review》主编,曾任《IDEA》主编。

设计师,出生于中国安徽省。毕业于中央美术学院视觉传达设计专业,后赴日本留学,毕业于东京艺术大学美术研究科,现隶属于由冈崎真理子主导的REFLECTA, Inc.。


毕业于英国约克大学艺术管理专业,从事杂志编辑与写作、艺术家书工作坊老师,曾主编博客「苏菲独立书店」介绍世界各地书店与研究小书店经营模式(2005—2020);创办艺术媒体网站「Simple Style」(2009—2015);2009年创办香蕉鱼书店,负责书店的选书、活动策划等,自2017年开始发起UNFOLD上海艺术书展项目并担任上海艺术书展策展人,负责书展的展览内容与讲座主持等。

Hot summer days in Shanghai while we have  ‘s peace and tiny colorful paintings with us at the gallery! The exhibition w...

Hot summer days in Shanghai while we have ‘s peace and tiny colorful paintings with us at the gallery!

The exhibition will have the last three days and you are welcome to enjoy them in a close interaction~!

前田ひさえ: Lost Words, Found Tales
策展人:清水ありさ(nidi gallery)‍‍‍‍‍
日地址:上海市长宁区红宝石路7号 BANANAFISH

Hisae Maeda: Lost Words, Found Tales‍‍
Curator: Arisa Shimizu (nidi gallery)‍
Time:2024.07.12 - 08.14
Add:BANANAFISH, Hongbaoshi Rd.7,Changning District,Shanghai

This afternoon our weekly risograph workshop is undergoing at the event room, looking forwards to what will come out aft...

This afternoon our weekly risograph workshop is undergoing at the event room, looking forwards to what will come out after 3 hours!

Exhibition Now:前田ひさえ: Lost Words, Found Tales策展人:清水ありさ(nidi gallery)‍‍‍‍‍时间:2024年7月12日至8月14日地址:上海市长宁区红宝石路7号 BANANAFISHHi...

Exhibition Now:

前田ひさえ: Lost Words, Found Tales
策展人:清水ありさ(nidi gallery)‍‍‍‍‍
地址:上海市长宁区红宝石路7号 BANANAFISH

Hisae Maeda: Lost Words, Found Tales‍‍
Curator: Arisa Shimizu (nidi gallery)‍
Time:2024.07.12 - 08.14
Add:BANANAFISH, Hongbaoshi Rd.7,Changning District,Shanghai

New book and new totebags of Hisae Maeda are available during the exhibition~ 🤗 欢迎大家来看展!

Opening day of Lost Words Found Tales, solo exhibition of  in Shanghai, also as her first overseas’s show! Curated by . ...

Opening day of Lost Words Found Tales, solo exhibition of in Shanghai, also as her first overseas’s show! Curated by . Thank you so many friends and fans for being with us yesterday afternoon!

Bananafish and nidi gallery specially made a new book for this exhibition which is designed by Kazunari Hattori and 3 tote-bags to memorize this collaboration~ Later you could purchase at Bananafish Shanghai and nidi gallery Tokyo.

前田ひさえ: Lost Words, Found Tales
策展人:清水ありさ(nidi gallery)‍‍‍‍‍
地址:上海市长宁区红宝石路7号 BANANAFISH

Hisae Maeda: Lost Words, Found Tales‍‍
Curator: Arisa Shimizu (nidi gallery)‍
Time:2024.07.12 - 08.14
Add:BANANAFISH, Hongbaoshi Rd.7,Changning District,Shanghai

New Exhibition at BANANAFISH!Installation at gallery space with dear artist  and curator  Opening event: July 12, 202416...

New Exhibition at BANANAFISH!

Installation at gallery space with dear artist and curator

Opening event:
July 12, 2024
16:00 - 19:00
Looking forward to seeing you!

@ Hongbaoshi Rd.7, Shanghai

「New Exhibition」at BANANAFISH!Installating with dear artist  and curator  Opening day: July 12, 202416:00 - 19:00 Hongba...

「New Exhibition」at BANANAFISH!

Installating with dear artist and curator

Opening day:
July 12, 2024
16:00 - 19:00

Hongbaoshi Rd.7, Shanghai

前田ひさえ: Lost Words, Found Tales策展人:清水ありさ(nidi gallery)‍‍‍‍‍‍时间:2024年7月12日至8月14日地址:上海市长宁区红宝石路7号 BANANAFIH  Hisae Maeda: Lo...

前田ひさえ: Lost Words, Found Tales
策展人:清水ありさ(nidi gallery)‍‍‍‍‍‍
地址:上海市长宁区红宝石路7号 BANANAFIH

Hisae Maeda: Lost Words, Found Tales‍‍
Curator: Arisa Shimizu (nidi gallery)‍
Time:2024.07.12 - 08.14
Add:BANANAFISH, Hongbaoshi Rd.7,Changning District,Shanghai


香蕉鱼非常荣幸宣布将于7月12日 - 8月14日在我们的展厅里为公众呈现日本知名艺术家/插画师前田ひさえ(Hisae Maeda)的首个海外个展。本次展览将展示大约25幅艺术家为本次上海个展准备的新作,以她最为经典的铅笔画和水彩画为创作形式,同时在展览开幕之际,香蕉鱼和nidi gallery将一起为大家发布为这次展览准备的一本小尺寸的同名艺术家书:Lost Words, Found Tales,并邀请了服部一成担任设计师


关于艺术家:前田ひさえ Hisae Maeda
1978年出生,毕业于多摩美术大学平面设计专业及Setsu Mode Seminar课程。主要作品包括川上未映子的《爱的梦》、李宙慧的《那只猫的名字很长》等书籍封面设计,Fairycake Fair的包装插图,以及担任歌手/演员原田知世的《银河绘日记》MV的绘画艺术家等项目。除了客户工作外,她还定期以艺术家的身份举办个展。此外,前田也作为创意单位和织物项目的成员之一,通过绘画、手作、书籍、产品等方式开展广泛的艺术活动。

关于策展人:Arisa Shimizu 清水ありさ‍ nidi gallery创办人。nidi gallery创办于2008,举办以艺术、服装设计、艺术书籍等主题的专题展览,以及各种跨界的合作展览。自2018年以来,nidi gallery也一直帮助参展艺术家制作和出版艺术家书籍。运营了十五年的nidi gallery于2023年4月暂停了其在惠比寿的实体空间,转为更为灵活的策划和移动展览、工作坊项目,活跃于东京艺术设计领域。

艺术家/策展人/书籍设计师 开幕日在廊!展览开幕日 Opening Day: 7月12日 周五 16:00 - 19:00 (凭邀请函入场)地址:上海长宁区红宝石路7号

UNFOLD-ed a dream7.5-7.7 our Shenzhen Edition  Thank you all my dear friends!

UNFOLD-ed a dream
7.5-7.7 our Shenzhen Edition
Thank you all my dear friends!

Introducng all 168 exhibitors for UNFOLD 2024 Shenzhen Edition!This year’s edition features a different geographical set...

Introducng all 168 exhibitors for UNFOLD 2024 Shenzhen Edition!

This year’s edition features a different geographical setup with many new faces and more returning international exhibitors. Check out the pictures to find yourself!

We hope everyone has a nice trip to Shenzhen. See you starting from July 4th (or July 3rd if you arrive early)!


.hk .ink .studio .cx .t .editions .studio .Studio57 .muyi .j .ding.guy

[New Exhibition] 彭浩东:因地制宜  .intl Scene Peng: Default Settings 6.14 - 7.7 Bananafish GalleryHongbaoshi Rd.7, Shanghai Def...

[New Exhibition]

彭浩东:因地制宜 .intl

Scene Peng: Default Settings
6.14 - 7.7 Bananafish Gallery
Hongbaoshi Rd.7, Shanghai

Default Settings is a hybrid translation of somewhere and someone Scene created for, as well as from the recent set of constraints collected by her. Presenting notes, sketchbooks, images, floor plans and final visual translations of objective restraints encountered before, during, and after most design processes she has involved in, it presents a layered, non-linear narrative image of the relationship that designers, scientists, artists, architects, musicians, writers and entrepreneurs maintain with respective methodologies.

Turning limits into default settings, context into tools, and paradigms into practices.

彭浩东 (Scene Peng) 于 1997 年出生,先后在中央圣马丁学院和海牙皇家艺术学院完成了一系列与平面设计相关的研究学习,现工作生活于上海。作为设计工作者的她,同时也在探索练习出版(In Good Company Intl.)、策划(乐于 JOYFOR)及音乐(EGRET)。Scene Peng explores interrelationships of logic, human culture and mother nature, while producing printed and representational reviews with the ambition of setting positive examples for the future. As a designer and art director based in Shanghai, she is also publishing ( Good Company Intl.), planning () and listening

Fish POP UP  #15 - Sui Yuan .studio 5.23 - 6.10  Hongbaoshi Rd.7 Shanghai 随圆SUIYUAN,是王丹玥于2018年创作的品牌IP,以及“随圆小卖部”漫画和线上平台。向...

Fish POP UP #15 - Sui Yuan .studio
5.23 - 6.10 Hongbaoshi Rd.7 Shanghai



Spent a day at  for the exhibition Where My Words Belong and Mo+ Art Library for my Fluxus readings and research. Happy ...

Spent a day at for the exhibition Where My Words Belong and Mo+ Art Library for my Fluxus readings and research. Happy to find there are about 400 books related to FLUXUS!

Regular weekend risograph workshop at event room in Shanghai, new learners of riso are all welcomed to join the study gr...

Regular weekend risograph workshop at event room in Shanghai, new learners of riso are all welcomed to join the study group🍃🌾seeds to harvest process.



This afternoon I visited the new exhibition of good friend  at  gallery in Shanghai. So glad to see you again! Welcome h...

This afternoon I visited the new exhibition of good friend at gallery in Shanghai. So glad to see you again! Welcome home!

M50 space Photos by customer iceinthefire for us

M50 space
Photos by customer iceinthefire for us

First day of  !See you soon for the second day~ a lot of events and exhibitions around .tsutaya come by and say Hi~

First day of !
See you soon for the second day~ a lot of events and exhibitions around .tsutaya come by and say Hi~

「可以买到自己喜欢的设计的东京市集」上海展出方介绍 DAIKANYAMA DESIGN DEPARTMENT 5.3-5.4 Golden Week 黄金周假期的5月3日-5月4日,由茑屋书店建筑设计部门主办的「设计百货市集」将在代官山的茑...

「可以买到自己喜欢的设计的东京市集」上海展出方介绍 DAIKANYAMA DESIGN DEPARTMENT 5.3-5.4

Golden Week 黄金周假期的5月3日-5月4日,由茑屋书店建筑设计部门主办的「设计百货市集」将在代官山的茑屋书店户外庭院区举办,我们受邀参与到此次设计市集中来。在策划主题上,我们邀请了立足于/来自于上海这座城市的七组设计师于本次设计市集上展示和推荐给东京。大家在各自专业的设计领域内活跃的同时也在不断拓宽设计的边界、趣味、编辑、材质和空间思考上,Expanded Design的设计实践在这群朋友们的工作和日常中尤其明显,也是香蕉鱼非常珍惜的方面,感谢朋友们在这么短的时间里参与到这次策划中来( ´▽`)~七组设计师,七个设计的边界拓展实践 5.3 —— 5.4 出摊代官山茑屋书店设计百货市集的我们。


work studio

Special thanks:

BANANAFISH will participate this year’s NY Art Book Fair and this is our first time as an exhibitor of NYABF, our booth ...

BANANAFISH will participate this year’s NY Art Book Fair and this is our first time as an exhibitor of NYABF, our booth is E40~ our dear friend will represent for us to be here and also she will show up friends zines. Please come to say hello to us~!

received a postcard about a project by  , from AMS per jetset.

received a postcard about a project by , from AMS per jetset.

Handmade Bananafish candles by our staffs ✨ Very limited made for .tsutaya coming design market  5.3-5.4 Be sure visit o...

Handmade Bananafish candles by our staffs ✨ Very limited made for .tsutaya coming design market 5.3-5.4 Be sure visit our booth then! See you soon in Tokyo!

手帐,てちょう。没有严苛的定义,可以理解为在任何时候都能写写画画的小本子,是电子记录无法替代的记录形式。制作一份手帐,重要的是想记录时那一刻的灵动,它会被刻画成你的样子。最简单的手帐是一支笔和一张纸就可以完成的。上个周六 上海资深手帐人小球...


上个周六 上海资深手帐人小球主持的工作坊顺利举办,大家都很开心呢。期待下一次,感谢加入的小伙伴们!


i ma by BANANAFISHat M50 Art Park Shanghai With coffee, books, exhibitions and a lot of casual easy atmosphere~ Welcome ...

at M50 Art Park Shanghai

With coffee, books, exhibitions and a lot of casual easy atmosphere~ Welcome to this small bananafish

BANANAFISH x 野兽派家居tbh  的一次展览联谊,结缘于我们都非常喜欢的荷兰艺术家Rop van Mierlo!  十幅Rop的湿画手法创作的春天的熊和蒲公英原作在书店的边展区展出。对面是一整个风车墙!迎接春天和好天气。风车来打...

BANANAFISH x 野兽派家居tbh 的一次展览联谊,结缘于我们都非常喜欢的荷兰艺术家Rop van Mierlo!


Rop van Mierlo,荷兰知名艺术家,毕业于荷兰埃因霍芬设计学院,现居阿姆斯特丹。

他作品中的艺术思考“Control – or the absence of it”,源于对“人类想控制自然”的好奇。其标志性技法“wet-on-wet”(湿画法),在充满不可控和偶然性的过程中,时常诞生令人着迷的图像。其代表作《野生动物》(Wild Animals)曾荣获2011年荷兰设计奖。


地址:上海市长宁区红宝石路7号 BANANAFISH



Opening Hours

Tuesday 12:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 12:00 - 20:00
Thursday 12:00 - 20:00
Friday 12:00 - 20:00
Saturday 12:00 - 20:00
Sunday 12:00 - 20:00


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