The entire West FAILED to defeat Russia | Prof. Rich Wolff
In this video, Yale Professor and Marxist, Richard Wolff describes the decline of the US empire and the evidence that points to that decline.
Evidence: the US gov't is authoritarian | Fauci retires without answering on Covid origin
I find it absolutely depressing that political commentators, who I once looked up too, participated in 'Censorship by Omission' by COMPLETELY ignoring this as well as the Twitter files. People like @SecularTalk did not discuss this clip as well as many many other important stories.
BBC clip | Anti-China narrative SMASHED on TV
The anti-China narrative has flooded the mainstream media airwaves for decades if not centuries. But, now that anyone can save clips to their phones or computers, the narrative is slowly breaking apart.
CHINA vlog: I went to 4 HOSPITALS in 3 cities in 1 DAY
When calling my dad during Christmas I found out that the MSM was blasting the world with the idea that “China was collapsing (AGAIN!!)” this time due to covid. I live in Guangzhou, China and as usual I don't see the MSM's narrative on the ground here. I only work part-time, so that I can make videos, so I decided to spend a full day from 7am to 7pm going to different hopiitals in different Chinese cities. I am a volunteer youtuber not funded by anyone so please consider supporting this channel!
CHINA protest GOOD; Canada protest BAD: TRUDEAU
Western hypocrisy has become a national sport! Catch all the great highlights here at numuves!
For the record I support the anti-lockdown protests in China. I just don't support all of our BS virtue-signalling and "communism collapse" porn that the Western media forces on us daily.
vlogger DESTROYS Western "news" on China protests
We all know that Western media is the most unreliable source for information but it's always good to be reminded of how bad they're lying to us. Numuves destroys this Western media clip trying to paint China as some kind of dystopian nightmare. Some people say the West does this out of projection, others say it's to smear a rival economy. What do you think?
Trudeau CAN'T answer questions about Xi Jinping's confrontation
As a Canadian I am appalled at our politicians' despicable tendency to never answer any question being asked of them. I understand they are politicians but do they always need to be so damn political?? He talks about "Canadians being open and frank" and yet he can't answer a single question from fellow Western "reporters".
CENSORED in MSM! Uyghur genocide narrative DESTROYED
Most us realize that we're being lied to and propagandized to on a MASSIVE scale each and every day. This flood of disinformation works particularly well because the system forces us to work so hard that we're too exhausted to even question the BS. So it's an absolute godsend that we still have real journalists like Dan Cohen here to check the facts.
Evidence: CHINA just became the new global LEADER | APEC, G20, ASEAN
The world is changing fast and many of us would never have believed that we'd see the return of India and China to their former economic and military heights in our lifetimes. But as multipolarity continues to increase the leadership of China was bound to happen.
German Left SMASHES the US' double standards | Sarah Wagenknecht
Of course you'll never see this in Western media as the entire West is enslaved by Capitalist media and the Imperialist narratives that come with it. This will be the best 5 minutes you've had in a long time.
CREDIT to Russell Texas Bentley for posting this on Telegram. Follow him there!
This democrat is ready for NUCLEAR WAR with Russia
The 2022 US midterm elections are coming up in just a few days! Watch this special moment in the debate when a Trumper challenges a Democrat about how to face Russia and China. It's just so sad to see how the Democratic party is now the vanguard for the billionaire class and the Military Industrial Complex.
The billionaire class that run Western gov'ts are propelling us towards WW3 because they don't like that there are so damn many of us. If a few billion of us die then that's good for them! They already got their nuclear bunkers all set up anyway.