If you run a Small business and you are unable to design your flyers constantly, make sure you have that one flyer that someone can help you and post.
You can't be selling bedsheets and expect someone to wake up one morning and post all your bedsheets on his/her status. At least have that one thing that talks about all your services.
Secondly, if you can't afford a website to display your products, take time and upload your products on your business WhatsApp catalog it is less painful to send someone your catalog and the person says he'll get back to you than to send 20bedsheets to someone and get the same response. You can even get a PDF catalog depending on your business type
Business is very stressful don't let it stress you the more.
If you can’t afford a website, or any expensive service, slide in for a simple service like a professional Logo, flyer, business cards, roll-up etc. At Mbiydzela Digital we have you covered