The Hour of Restoration pst SarahApahlinus

The Hour of Restoration pst SarahApahlinus Yaoundé Cameroun


You weren't made to be small. Embrace your greatness, you are a king, you are a Queen. Let your light shine bright, for you deserve nothing less than the extraordinary!
This year, you shall be outstandingly standing!!!


It is easy to forget that God can use even the most hurtful hopeless situation to show you His love and faithfulness. So be reminded today that in your pain God is doing something.
You may not understand it now but continue to trust in Him, obey him and do his will, God wouldn't allow anything unless it has a purpose.


Happy new month!!!
It is the fifth month of the year! And Five stands for grace. When grace enters your life, the impossible becomes possible.
Because Grace is the terminator of shame, any shame associated with you is taken away! Whenever you encounter grace, anything that was resisting you submits to you!
The fishes came because grace had come. Ask Peter, he will tell you he had a terrific net breaking testimony! As from today, your life shall be controlled by grace in all you do in Jesus name! You shall testify.



Speak a word Lord!!!

29th April 2024

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8 For he that soweth unto his own flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, but he that soweth unto the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap eternal life.” Galatians 6:7,8

This is a farming term that teaches a great lesson. If a farmer sows corn, then you can bet he will reap corn as long as the growing season cooperates. You cannot sow corn and reap peas or wheat. You always reap exactly what you sow. The Bible uses that expression to teach a valuable spiritual lesson.

Paul was teaching the Galatians that they need to be pursuing spiritual things because if they did they would eventually reap everlasting life. On the other hand, if they would sow with a view to the flesh they would reap corruption from the flesh.

The lesson is clear; Christians are to focus on spiritual things, not fleshly desires. A person at any time in his or her life is the sum total of the choices they have made. One who dies of opioim addictions is reaping what he has sown. A person who commits a murder and spends his life in prison is reaping from what he has sown. “But the one who has endured to the end will be saved.” Matthew 24:13


Speak a word Lord!

26TH April 2024


There are many people who know about God, there are those who know people who know God, but there are very few who know God for themselves.

1. The knowledge of God establishes the rain of revival (Hos.6:3)
- Those who don’t know God exist in scarcity in the spirit

2. The knowledge of God brings strength for exploits (Dan. 11:32b)
- Exploits are attention commanding results; they are unusual feats of faith
- Those who don’t know God can’t do exploits, in fact, they are exploited of the devil

3. The knowledge of God brings power for the Supernatural (Phil. 3:10)
- To know God is to know power

4. The knowledge of God brings transformation for life and destiny (2Cor. 3:18)
- You can’t know God and remain the same
- In fact, the knowledge of God equals the acquisition of the nature of Divinity

5. The knowledge of God births grace and peace (2Pet. 1:2)
- The more of God you know, the more in grace you walk; the more engraced you become.
- The bankruptcy of the knowledge of God is what equals the scarcity of Grace
- The more of God you know, the more at peace you live

1. Desperate desire to know God(Hos. 6:3)
This is a combination of desire and desperation

2. Intimate fellowship with God (2Cor. 3:18)
- The word ‘fellowship’ is the Greek word ‘koinonia’ and the English word ‘intercourse’ – this is relating with God as man and wife relates with themselves in intimacy.
- The easiest way to know a person is to hang around them and spend time with them

3. Scriptural revelation (1Sam. 3:21)
- Out of His Word God will show you who He is
I decree and declare over your life;
- Whatever has not been working in your life or in the life of your children, today, it is working!
- Everything that is wrong in your system, today, they are corrected!

- Affliction shall not rise a second time; your children shall not be burdens in Jesus’ Name
- Whatever has tied up your life, today you are rising and running.
- Every spirit of contention, every warfare surrounding the works of your hands is over!
- Whatever deposit the devil put in your body returns back to hell in Jesus Name!
- Every altar of empty-handedness, tragedy, calamity, injury, accident and premature death, today marks their end in your life!
- The Lord is giving you acceptance in the place of rejection
- Every setback in your life is a setup for a powerful come back
- You are not what they said you are, you are not a failure!
- Every negative verdict of hell regarding your life is hereby reversed
- Every altar of bad luck, rejection and disfavour following your life is set on fire
- Today marks the end of every empty-handedness


Speak a word Lord?


MATTHEW 18:14: "Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven" (MATTHEW 18:14).

In the text, we are introduced to a recurring debate among the disciples: "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" Thinking that their Master's messianic claim implied a temporal sovereignty and secular power, the disciples were looking forward to becoming dignitaries in this new Kingdom. In His response, Christ used a child to drive home the lesson. Children are teachable, unpretentious, submissive, willingly dependent on their parents and free from malice. Hence, their use as proper emblems of true Christianity.
True greatness is not in position, office, leadership, power, influence, fame, ability, great accomplishments or success. It is a matter of the inner life, involving a humble spirit and a pure heart.
As Christians, we should imbibe this meek and quiet spirit, which is of great price in the sight of God.

Meekness or humility is not weakness, rather
It is strength under control, the ability to remain calm and posed even in the face of adversity. It's about choosing to respond with gentleness and patience rather than reacting impulsively. Meekness doesn't mean being a door mat; it's about having the courage to stand firm in your beliefs while treating others with respect and empathy. It's a trait that requires inner strength and self-awareness. Embracing meekness allows us to build stronger relationships, foster understanding, and lead with grace. Let's aspire to embody meekness in our interactions, knowing that true power lies in humility.

PST Sarah Apah Linus


1 Samuel 17:46
This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel.
David had the key of victory over Goliath and the Philistine army. Today, receive the key that will bring down the Goliaths of your life, family, marriage, business, ministry, children etc in the name of Jesus Christ.

If you are in the environs of Douala and the out stretch, tune in to Rock FM radio 92.0 MHZ @ Bonaberi rail, I will be m...

If you are in the environs of Douala and the out stretch, tune in to Rock FM radio 92.0 MHZ @ Bonaberi rail, I will be ministering at the Hour of Hope and Restoration every Tuesdays 6-7pm and Saturdays 12-1pm
Jesus is Lord!!!

It is the 3rd Edition of Signs and Wonders night again! Join Us live  Apostolic Life Ministries Douala Bonaberi- rail Ng...

It is the 3rd Edition of Signs and Wonders night again! Join Us live Apostolic Life Ministries Douala Bonaberi- rail Ngwele Rue delegue. Salvation, the word, healing, deliverance, prophesies shall be inevitable!
Wherever you are in the nation of Cameroon, gee up and be part of this life transforming event and your life will never remain the same again!!!


MECREDI 24 Avril 2024

Thème : Etablir les règne de Dieu à travers la prière.

1 Thessalonique 5:17
Prier sans cesse

Les écritures nous exhorte à prier sans cesse ( 1 Thes 5:17). Vous savez, l' une des choses que vous faites sans saison c'est de respirer. Cela implique que nous devons prier comme nous respirons. La prière devrait être notre souffle spirituel.
Maintenant, l'un des avantages de la prière est l'établissement de la règle et du règne de Dieu sur terre.( Mathieu 6:10)

Qu'est ce que l'établissement de la règle et du règne de Dieu accomplira au lieu de la prière ?
1. C'est l'établissement du climat et des conditions des cieux sur terre.
La prière établit les conditions et le climat des cieux sur terre. La prière peut faire en sorte que la vie de quelqu'un soit comme les cieux sur terre.

Deutéronome 11:20-21; dit tu les écrira sur les poteaux de ta maison et sur tes portes. Et alors vos jours et les jours de vos enfants, dans le pays que l'éternel a juré à vos pères de leur donner, seront aussi nombreux que les jours des cieux le seront au dessus de la terre.
L'expérience du paradis sur terre peut se produire pour une personne, une famille et une nation à travers l'autel de la prière.
2. C'est l'accomplissement du but de Dieu sur terre. Au lieu de la prière, nous établissons les règles de Dieu sur terre. Nous accomplissons le but de Dieu sur terre également au lieu de la prière.
Au lieu de la prière, nous faisons Dieu faire ce qu'il a à faire tel qu'il veut le faire.

Psaumes 89:34 se produit dans ta vie. Le lieu de la prière c'est l'endroit où ce que Dieu a prévu doit se produire.

Rassures toi que ta vie de prière soit enflammée.

Rappel : l'un des avantages de la prière c'est l'établissement des règles et du règne de Dieu sur terre.

Travail à faire :
1. Refuse de vivre une sans prière
2. Demande toujours à Dieu la grâce et la discipline de maintenir un feu constant.

Prière : seigneur merci pour ta parole aujourd'hui. Je demande la grâce d'établir ta règle et ton règne sur terre par la nom de Jésus Christ

Citation : la prière peut commencer à n'importe quel moment de la nuit

Lecture quotidienne : Psaumes 4-6

Déclaration prophétique :
Je décrété le renverser de la règle et du règne de l'ennemi dans ta vie au nom de Jésus Christ.

Par le prophète A. Linus APAH





TEXT: Pray without ceasing.1 Thessalonian 5:17

The Scripture admonishes us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonian 5:17). And you know, one thing you do without ceasing is breathing. This implies that we are expected to pray as we breathe. Prayer should be our spiritual breath.
Now, one benefit of prayer is the establishment of the Rule and Reign of God on earth (Matthew 6:10).

What then will the establishment of the Rule and Reign of God achieve at the place of prayer?

1. It is the establishment of the climate and condition of heaven on earth.
Prayer establishes the climate or condition of heaven on earth. Prayer can make a person’s life to be like heaven on earth.

Deuteronomy 11:20-21 says;
And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thine house, and upon thy gates: That your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children, in the land which the Lord sware unto your fathers to give them, as the days of heaven upon the earth.
Heaven-on-earth experience for a person, family, and nation can happen through the altar of prayer.
2. It is the fulfilment of the purpose of God in the earth.
At the place of prayer, we establish the Rule of God on earth. Also, at the place of prayer, we fulfil God’s Purpose on the earth.
At the place of prayer, we make God do what He wants to do the way He wants to do it.

Psalm 89:34 says;
My covenant will I not break nor alter the things that have gone out of my lip.
It is at the place of prayer that

Psalm 89:34 happens in your life. The place of prayer is where what God has purposed is enforced to happen.

My counsel is, ensure your prayer life is on fire.

Remember : One benefit of prayer is the establishment of the Rule and Reign of God on earth.
1. Refuse to live a prayerless life.
2. Always ask God for the grace and discipline to maintain a constant prayer fire.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your Word to me today. I ask for the grace to establish Your Rule and Reign on earth by prayer, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

INSIGHTFUL QUOTE: Prayer can start at any time in the night.


PROPHETIC DECLARATION: I decree the overthrow of the rule and reign of the enemy in your life today, in Jesus Name.

BY prophet A.linus Apah

I've just reached 5K followers! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it without each one of you. 🙏🤗...

I've just reached 5K followers! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it without each one of you. 🙏🤗🎉


Your next level is in the mouth of someone! Believe you me, before the end of this week, your heart desires shall be in your hands!


As long as honey is sweet; your life must have a taste of joy, happiness, upliftment, breakthrough, in the name of Jesus!

I've just reached 3K followers! Thank you for your continuous support. I could never have made it without each one of yo...

I've just reached 3K followers! Thank you for your continuous support. I could never have made it without each one of you. 🙏🤗🎉

‭‭Hebrews 12:2 NIV‬‬fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured ...

‭‭Hebrews 12:2 NIV‬‬fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.


The Lord Almighty turn all your loss to gain, your sorrows to joy and nothing shall ever harm you in the name of Jesus! You will attain a greater heights in your office, business and career in Jesus name! Be ready because good news is all that you will have to share henceforth! The good Lord will perfect all that concerns you! This month you will be elevated, your mouth shall be filled with songs of praise and thanksgiving in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen! Have a blessed week.





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