Zigoto media Intl

Zigoto media Intl Free-lance Journalist/Filmmaker, Shoot/edit/War Reporter/Photographer/Drone pilot/Trainer/STORYTELLER


I have been burnt under the sun hunting the best. Now, I have understood a lot in one of my most fabulous passions, FILMMAKING. I am back with filmmaking. This time, a compelling TV series. The story is there. The script is there. I just want to have most or some of those we started the film adventure together. Kindly get to me inbox messenger or whatsapp me +237672971033/+14039923120 so that we can roll on.
Urgent! Waiting!




Le single «JE NE SUIS PAS TON BRO» est la locomotive du nouvel album de l'artiste LE CAÏD. C'est l'histoire d'un gars qui est amoureux de sa voisine e...



Bangui 19 May 2023

The Central African government has ordered the expulsion of the Director General of the Sahel-Saharan Bank for Investment and Commerce (BSIC), Diallo Mamadou Pethé, on the grounds of financing terrorism, money laundering, questionable morality, and subversive activities in the Central African Republic. "It is ordered that Diallo Mamadou Pethé, aged 62, of Guinean nationality, be expelled from the territory of the Central African Republic. Reason: terrorism, money laundering, questionable morality, subversive activities. Access to and stay in the Central African Republic are strictly forbidden", says an order of the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security, signed on 17 May by Minister Michel Nicaise Nassin, on the proposal of the Director General of the Central African Police, Bienvenu Zokoué. Like all foreign Director-Generals in office in the Central African Republic, the Guinean Diallo Mamadou Pethé would benefit from diplomatic status, hence his expulsion to perhaps answer for the acts of which he is accused before the courts of his country of origin.
Standby for the story development.

Emergency Freelance Journalist & Filmmaker
Central African Sub Region
Tel : +237 672 97 10 33
+236 72 19 53 35,
+1(403) 992-3120
Email : [email protected]

BREAKING NEWSSudan | Attempted coup underway, the regime's number two General "Hemetti" and his paramilitary forces atte...

Sudan | Attempted coup underway, the regime's number two General "Hemetti" and his paramilitary forces attempt to take control of the airport and the presidential palace.

Base on a disagreement between the Sudanese National Army and the Vice President's militias.

Standby for developing stories.



11 April 2023
By Zigoto Tchaya Tchameni

In all deep admiration in the presence of members of the Central African Government, couldn’t swallow her feelings but to declare again this time especially in the presence of the minister of foreign affairs, Sylvie BAIPO and a Huge representation of the Central African government officials, Larissa opened up that her coming to the Central African capital, Bangui for a second time as representative for the BRICS in Bangui is the Capital of BRICS Alliance for Central Africa is another landmark seal of the 21st century. Making reminiscence of the past, she reminded in her speech today April 11th, 2023 in front of the Central Africxan presidency slightly after a long discussion with the country, His Excellency president professor Faustin Archange Touadera that:

“4 months ago, that your devoted Minister Georges GOUGOUEI assisted us both at a distance and in Moscow last month to identify partners and preliminary discussions that enable us to be with you with the economic operators here. 7 major projects are carried by operators here present who themselves ensure the financing in public-private partnership mode or in direct investment without impact on the debt:
1. An energy project. With the help of Minister Georges GOUGOUEI, we have chosen the mini nuclear power plants proposed by Russia, which have the advantage of rapid implementation with significant energy production and minimal risks, as well as the choice of solar kits for households and public buildings.
2. A gold mining and refining project.
3. A telecommunication and remote sensing satellite infrastructure for mining, agricultural and urban resource assessment and preparation for the transition to a digital economy and currency.
4. A BRICS country bank to facilitate trade.
5. The modernisation and expansion of the airport
6. The railway to open up the area
7. The new town

The implementation of projects aimed at a decent living environment, the opening up of the country in terms of physical and digital infrastructure as well as mining industries and basic services, is done according to the country's vision and in line with the BRICS Alliance for Africa strategic plan. This strategic vision is itself drawn from the African Union's Agenda 2063 with the support of an African consultancy firm to ensure that the win-win principle is considered, the transition from a primary to a secondary economy, the promotion of African expertise and entrepreneurship.
To accelerate the implementation of projects and scientific, technical and technological appropriation, we would like to see, as several African countries have done in accelerating infrastructure development, the establishment of a joint steering committee and a pool of national experts capable of assisting the steering committee for the rapid implementation of projects.
The speed of project implementation will be proportional to the quantity, quality and diversity of this pool of experts in a framework certified to international standards.

We are witnessing the great tipping point of the world and the African continent. The Central African Republic, which is already playing the card of sovereignty, can only be the friend of all and the enemy of none in order to make the most of a multipolar world under construction.
We are convinced that the roadmap of sovereignty and pan-Africanism is being written on the banks of the Ubangi River so that the African continent can be an autonomous pole in a multipolar world, and we must seize the opportunity of the BRICS to accelerate the march of history of the country, the sub-region and the continent.
You are certainly the President of the Central African Republic, but you are also the hope of an entire continent that has the capacity to produce and transform on its soil everything it imports and exports today.
It is crucial to indicate that the strategic implication or interest of the BRICS in Africa sets out to strengthen as well as, fortify the position of South Africa as a leading regional power or influence and a access for other BRICS nations to the African market. As the BRICS are consolidating and amalgamating their positions in Africa through massive and substantial investments and ventures, this appears to design and create a new birthplace and source of development funding or subsidy for the African continent.”
There is the big question as per why such a sudden swift or BRICS engagement in Africa, particularly the case with the Central African Republic, in economic operations especially with the case of the Central African Republic in modern times. Important to indicate that the BRICS are now Africa’s largest trading partners with trade expected to scope out or reach more than US $500 billion by 2015, with 60 per cent from China. It may not be polite to say out rightly that the Central African Republic has suffered decades of wars that rendered the country extremely vulnerable and ranked the second least developed as per UN statistics. Many international organizations have withdrawn funding that could help the country take a new and stronger stance for sustainable development.
In many attempts in wanting to stabilize its economy, the Central African government could stray its people but to open up to other horizons, reasons for being part as well as, a member of the BRICS. The BRICS are also becoming significant and meaningful investors in Africa, especially in the manufacturing, industrialized and service sectors. With reverence to foreign direct investment, BRICS countries have braced their presence on the continent compared with traditional partners, such as the U.S. and Europe. In 2010, for example, the BRICS’ share in FDI interior stock and FDI entries to Africa stretched 14 per cent and 25 per cent, respectively. The share of BRICS countries in the total value of African out-of-town or greenfield projects grasped 25 per cent in 2012 compared with 19 per cent in 2003. Trade between the BRICS and Africa rose to as much as US $340 billion in 2012 –10 times higher than the value documented or recorded in 2002. Presently, the BRICS trade more with Africa than they do among themselves.
The outcome of the meeting in the Central African Republic is still on standby.

Story in development

Emergency Freelance Journalist & Filmmaker
Central African sub region
Tel : +236 72 19 53 35,
+1(403) 992-3120
+237 672 97 10 33
Email : [email protected]

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS RENDEZ-VOUS IN THE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLICA huge business delegation led by Larissa, President o...


A huge business delegation led by Larissa, President of the BRICS International Alliance, arrives in CAR. It is going to be a busy week for the BRICS Chair lady and his central African counterparts in Bangui. Larissa ZELENTSOVA and the BRICS representative in Central and West Africa Ahoua Don arrived the Central African capital Bangui, on April 9th 2023 accompanied by a strong delegation of economic operators from the member countries of the Alliance BRICS-Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

The distinguished guests of the President of the Central African Republic, His Excellency President professor Faustin Archange Touadera, were welcomed at the airport by the Minister of Agriculture, Eric Rokosse, and the Minister Counsellor to the Presidency of the Republic, George Gouygouei.

The reasons behindhand BRICS countries’ engrossment in Africa incorporate their zeal to promote the continent’s natural resources, Africa’s large and untapped agricultural sector as well as, the opportunity for investments and transfer of technology and knowledge targeting the emergent and increasing middle class, estimated to include more than 300 million people.

Active working sessions begin today with the president of the Central African Republic and several heads of ministerial departments until 15 April 2023. Important to indicate that this visit is a continuation of the November 2022 trip during which Bangui was chosen as the BRICS regional capital for Central Africa. After cutting down fundings for the country by many international organisations, this meeting will result into cementing a win-win partnership signing of several cooperation agreements in the domains of energy, hydrocarbons, agriculture, mining and many others.

Central African sub region
Tel: +14039923120

BREAKING!!!!!Starting from December 15th, 2022, BEAC’s first range of paper currencies would go operational. It’s still ...

Starting from December 15th, 2022, BEAC’s first range of paper currencies would go operational. It’s still the Francs CFA.
The only changes are what you see below.



I am a freelance journalist and filmmaker and my job is just to say it as I see without any influence of any sort.

I would spend much time on my media platform here to journey the world into my zone of operations. I mostly work in the Central African Republic where stories burst every second.

The Central African Republic is a country with a surface area of 623000km square, having a population of less than 6 million.

A country where decades of chronic rebellions and wars have plunged the country into abject poverty, misery and poor education with bad infrastructures. Thus, exposing the country to geo-political manœuvres, a country with the highest rate of infant mortality, constant human rights abuses, health and sanitation disasters (Neglected Tropical Diseases etc etc etc), insecurity, hate, jealousy, calumny, envy.

Interesting to see and understand the intrigues behind the presence and controversies surrounding the United Nations peace keeping mission (MINUSCA) in the country, the presence of international NGOs, not living out the reasons behind their persistent stay in the country, the standing ovation of the French (arrival of the sangaris) as well as their discrete return (a systematic turning point about their stay in the country). Strange to know that the Central African Republic is one of the poorest in the world yet, the most expensive capital in the sub region (because of the presence on international workers earning millions monthly while an average Central African earns less than a dollar a day), the worries around the constitution and the heated debates on whether to have new fundamental laws to govern a « new republic etc etc etc

I will only say it as I see and not what I am influenced by whoever to say it in his or her favour.


BREAKING: CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC TODAYMore than 2 Million Central Africans took to the streets of the entire country o...


More than 2 Million Central Africans took to the streets of the entire country on this sunny Saturday October 22nd, 2022, to ask for constitutional reforms. In Bangui, capital of the country, NGATE, a leader of the civil society, gave a sound note to the president, Prof. Faustin Archange TOUADERA to organise a referendum in the next 30 days. A referendum to write a new constitution of the country, else the people would invade the presidencial palace and organise a constitutional coup d’état.

Zigoto Tchaya Tchameni
International reporter

France rejects all allegations and chaotic situations in CHAD.

France rejects all allegations and chaotic situations in CHAD.


Additional information on the situation in Chad:
This time, it is an overall movement made up of a few opposition parties, civil society etc. The rebellion that killed Deby is present on the ground. It has even signed an agreement with another to march on N'Djamena.

Standby for more infos

BREAKING NEWSVERY URGENT: Very confused situation in Chad. Nearly thirty demonstrators died in Ndjamena this morning. Hu...

Very confused situation in Chad. Nearly thirty demonstrators died in Ndjamena this morning. Hundreds injured. A journalist, Oredje Narcisse, lost his life."

A Chadian journalist reports: "The situation remains tense as the protesters promise to resume at 3pm today. France 24's correspondent on the spot talks about a manipulation by Russia and Wagner but it is nothing of the sort. It is frustration that is driving people to the streets."

Worth noting that, bad governance, embezzlement, misappropriation of funds led the population to the streets. Embezzlement of hundreds of billions of dollars and the actors get away with it without conviction. In the meantime, the people are struggling.

Zigoto Tchaya
Freelance Journalist/Filmmaker



La MINUSCA condamne dans les termes les plus forts l’attaque lancée mercredi matin par les éléments armés dans la périphérie de la ville de Bangui. L’attaque a été repoussée par les casques bleus, conjointement avec les forces armées centrafricaines.

Au cours de cette attaque coordonnée, les éléments armés ont directement ciblé les casques bleus déployés sur ces différents axes menant à la capitale. Ces derniers, avec les prompts renforts en troupes et l’appui fourni par des hélicoptères, ont pu contenir et repousser les assaillants dans une action conjointe avec les forces armées centrafricaines. Les éléments des groupes armés ont subi des pertes en vies humaines, certains ont été arrêtés et des armes saisies.

La MINUSCA déplore la perte d’un casque bleu, tandis qu’un autre a été blessé. Le Représentant spécial du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies en République centrafricaine et Chef de la MINUSCA, Mankeur Ndiaye, s’incline devant la mémoire de ce casque bleu tombé au service de la paix dans le pays et exprime ses sincères condoléances à sa famille ainsi qu’au contingent et au gouvernement rwandais.

La MINUSCA condamne fermement les attaques des groupes armés coalisés anti-Balaka, UPC, 3R et MPC et leurs alliés politiques notamment l’ancien président François Bozizé. La Mission les rend responsables des conséquences de ces violences sur les populations civiles et souligne que les attaques contre les casques bleus peuvent être considérées comme des crimes de guerre et poursuivies en justice.

Le Représentant spécial qui est en contact permanent avec les autorités centrafricaines et avec toutes les parties engagées en faveurs du dialogue et du rejet de la violence, rappelle la détermination de la MINUSCA à exécuter son mandat de protection des populations civiles et de sécurisation du processus électoral.

Bangui, le 13 janvier 2021

Le porte-parole, Vladimir Monteiro



ELECTIONS 2020/2021: CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLICMy interview with H.E. Prof. Faustin Archange TOUADERA, President of the Central African Republic, a day before ...


Zigoto Tchaya, Journalist & Filmmaker takes us though the dilemma of the delivery room in the maternity section of the Haut Mboumou District reference hospital in OBO, some 1229km from Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic. Obo is just a stone throw to South Sudan where armed groups are stationed to destabilize the Central African Republic. These armed groups carry on constant sporadic attacks and so, scare Central African professionals from going to work in such dangerous zones. The war Journalist/Reporter went to this part of the country for a Deutsche Welle report, facilitated by United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - UNOCHA and painted the advanced state of degradation and dilapidation of the OBO district hospital in one of the world's most poorest countries with the poorest health care system. Special Thanks to the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, UNFPA - CAR office for identifying this hospital!

BREAKING STORY DEVELOPINGMali: confused situation after a "mutiny", President Keïta arrestedRevolted soldiers, who have ...


Mali: confused situation after a "mutiny", President Keïta arrested

Revolted soldiers, who have taken control of a barracks near Bamako, are holding the president and his prime minister. The European Union condemns an "attempted coup d'état".

Shots were heard and Malian soldiers took control of a camp in Kati, near Bamako, on Tuesday. It is in this same barracks that the 2012 coup against President Amadou Toumani Touré began. "This morning, angry soldiers took up arms at Kati camp and fired into the air.

There were many of them and they were very nervous," said a doctor at Kati's hospital. At the end of the day, the mutineers announced the arrest of President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta and Prime Minister Boubou Cissé, an information confirmed Tuesday evening by the head of government's communications director.

The two leaders "were taken by the rebel soldiers in armoured vehicles to Kati", where the Soundiata Keïta camp is located, about 15 kilometres from Bamako, he said.

The entire area has been cordoned off by the military. "We are closely monitoring the situation. The hierarchy has been in contact with the troops," a source at the Ministry of Defence told AFP. The Malian government has asked the mutineers to "silence the weapons", saying it is ready to engage with them in "fraternal dialogue in order to clear up all misunderstandings".

The African Union on Tuesday evening called for the "immediate release" of President Keïta and members of the government arrested. France, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, condemned "in the strongest possible terms the mutiny that began today in Kati". Emmanuel Macron met with President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta and his counterparts from Niger, Mahamadou Issoufou, Côte d'Ivoire, Alassane Ouattara, and Senegal, Macky Sall. Some 5,100 French soldiers are deployed in the Sahel, particularly in Mali, as part of the antiJihadist operation "Barkhane". U.S. Ambassador to the Sahel Peter Pham said, "The United States opposes extraconstitutional changes of government.

Since early June, a motley coalition of religious, political and civil society leaders, the Mouvement du 5 juin-Rassemblement des Forces patriotiques du Mali (M5-RFP), has been calling for the departure of Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, who was elected in 2013 and re-elected in 2018 for five years. It is the conservative iman Mahmoud Dicko who seems to be leading the movement. The protest began at the end of March, when the opposition leader was kidnapped in the middle of a legislative campaign. The anger crystallized on 29 March when the Constitutional Court reversed the result in some 30 constituencies. On 10 July, a demonstration called by the 5 June Movement for "civil disobedience" degenerated into attacks on parliament and national television, followed by three days of civil unrest.

The opposition reports a death toll of 23 and more than 150 injured. The Prime Minister speaks of 11 dead and the UN of 14 demonstrators killed. On 18 July, the opposition rejected a compromise proposed by a West African mediation.

On 27 July, leaders of the West African Community called on Malians to "sacred union". The organisation threatened sanctions against those who oppose its plan to end the crisis, which provides for President Keita to remain in power but advocates a unity government and partial legislative measures. On 17 August, the opposition announced new demonstrations to demand the president's departure and promised, as a high point, to occupy a symbolic place in the heart of Bamako.


BREAKING NEWSThe Malian president was arrested by soldiers late today Tuesday in Bamako, a few hours after the start of ...

The Malian president was arrested by soldiers late today Tuesday in Bamako, a few hours after the start of a mutiny in the Kati camp.

Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta was at his Sebenikoro residence in Bamako when he was arrested by mutinous soldiers at around 4:30 p.m. local time. He was then in the company of the Prime Minister, Boubou Cissé, and his son, Deputy Karim Keïta.

Standby for developing story

Zigoto Tchaya

August 16/th, 2020Elements of the UPC under the control of its leader, Ali Darassa, murdered a trader yesterday at 5pm o...

August 16/th, 2020
Elements of the UPC under the control of its leader, Ali Darassa, murdered a trader yesterday at 5pm on his way back to Obo from South Sudan. He was shot, 17 km along the Mbabouti – OBO stretch. There were 3 of them, 2 others managed to escape and alerted the population and the family back at OBO. I took this photo at the time when the co**se just arrived in an almost decomposed state, and the locals were rushing contributions to make a coffin.

Still on the same day, General Baba of the same UPC took hostage two members of the ANE who were accompanied by the Obo 2 member of parliament, Albert Guinimonguimi who was able to take refuge in a hiding place (still not to be disclosed). The mercenaries of the UPC again, kidnapped seven (7) health workers who were going for a vaccination campaign at Mboki, around 60km from the OBO city center, including the lead Dr. Blaise BEKOY who is said to be under severe torture now.

Zigoto Tchaya
Journalist & Filmmaker
Today OBO

THE AFRICAN CONTINENT IS NOW THE WORSE DISGRACE OF THE 21 st CenturyIt's really appaling and despecable as well as, piti...


It's really appaling and despecable as well as, pitiful what I've seen and I've continued to see since my childhood with the leaders of certain Central and West African countries. In March Alasane Dramane Ouatara, president of Cote d'Ivoire, declared that he no longer wanted to run for president come October 31st, 2020. Many hailed him and characterised it as:"A wind of an amazingly fabulous change". August 6th, 2020, he declared he wants a third mandate. I wonder: "So, the Ivorian people and the future of that country belongs only to Ouatara?" Wonders shall never end.

It should be noted and pointed out that even citizens of some of these African countries are practicing this same political hypocrisy,
political confiscation,
no feelings for the poor and common people who just want to quit long term impunities into PEACE and glory.

SHAME to some of these African Leaders.

It's now difficult to find an african leader who respects his own words. Cry The Beloveth Countries. AFRICAN POLITICAL SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME.

Zigoto Tchaya
Journaliste & Filmmaker
Central African Sub Region

Zigoto is also a photo journalist and works in crisis and very risky zones along the borders of war torn countries. This...

Zigoto is also a photo journalist and works in crisis and very risky zones along the borders of war torn countries. This caption is in Zemio 1050km from Bangui( capital of the Central African Republic. The UNFPA brought me here for a video and photo reports on Gender based violence! Zemio has the highest rates of Gender based violence and HIV infections. UNFPA sets out to reduce these acts in order for the population of not only Zemio, but the Central African Republic as a whole to live a Good and Health life, free from insecurity. UNFPA equally empowers women to take on entrepreneurail tasks for a better Central African future.

Am back in Bangui after a UN mission on gender based violence in Zemio, 1050km from Bangui, capital of the Central Afric...

Am back in Bangui after a UN mission on gender based violence in Zemio, 1050km from Bangui, capital of the Central African Republic. I am equally a consultant to some UN agencies in the Central African sub region including the Sudans.

LE CAID, whose real name is ELOKO EPANE William is a Cameroonian artist (rapper) whose particularity lies in his way of ...

LE CAID, whose real name is ELOKO EPANE William is a Cameroonian artist (rapper) whose particularity lies in his way of painting society. The more or less popular vocabulary, the themes as daring as they are shocking, the unique and identifiable flow from the first rhymes are the main backbone of its ideology, which is that of transcribing everyday reality as it is without disguising it. He is a committed, emancipated or even 2.0 artist who keeps Cameroonian cultural identity while gradually opening up to the world without risk of losing his values.
He has to his credit:

01 Album (Que Les Vrais Se Reconnaissent)
02 EP (Les Panthères Sont Dehors), (32=500)
and a host of singles, the most recent of which is “Les Fesses” to be discovered on socials media.

Follow LE CAID 👉

YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCQJ-v2pNgcWNgZpbWz7blg


Tweeter : https://twitter.com/lecaid9

Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/le-caid/sets/32500a

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=1on282fhzyw3o&utm_content=fxq6h6

Audiomack: https://audiomack.com/artist/le-caid

Buy music here:




Nancy KIENYO is a Filmmaker, writer and Technical manager with the ZOOMERS PRODUCTION INTL. After her Degree in Performi...

Nancy KIENYO is a Filmmaker, writer and Technical manager with the ZOOMERS PRODUCTION INTL. After her Degree in Performing Arts and Cinematography from the university of Yaoundé 1 in Cameroon, Nancy specialized in editing and was trained as a video editor in South Africa – 2008. From 2009 till date, she has been editing series of institutional documentaries for the German Cooperation – GIZ and FIDA. Being in the domain for many years, also editing fiction films she developed an interest in film directing. She got an award with her first short film titled: “BARRICADE” in the Yaoundé Short film festival. Equally having interest in photography, she did series of photos in Tiko and Limbe in the South West region of Cameroon for the PRADEC-GIZ for documentary film project. Today, Nancy is a complete filmmaker and has a passion in story telling through still images and motion.

“During my days as a BA student, I found editing very fascinating as it was the final stage of production that instead sounded like the re-creating platform. A stage of production whereby everyone's attention was focus on the editor who at that particular moment could be likened to the boss who gives shape and live to the final motion picture. Again, the fact that most of the best world motion pictures editors are ladies”



A twist in the Gabon's 2016 presidential elections. Tensions in the capital city of Libreville as France 24 Correspondent Zigoto Tchaya. The elections in Gabon was one of the moments that the world reporter Zigoto Tchaya excelled as a crisis reporter.

A WOMAN IN ACTIONPLEASEMAKE IT VIRALSHE IS JUST SO TALENTEDMy Name is Ayeah Leonette. I am a native of Kom, North West R...





My Name is Ayeah Leonette. I am a native of Kom, North West Region of Cameroon. I upcyle non-biodegradable car tyres into side stools and other home furniture. This is how I hussle to put food on my table. Can you please make my work go viral here on Facebook?
Read more about me here: https://thesafeguard1.blogspot.com/2020/07/saving-planet-female-cameroonian.html?m=1

CAR: when the caterpillar period makes you forget the barrier measures against covid-19Bangui 21 July 2020-(Ndjoni Sango...

CAR: when the caterpillar period makes you forget the barrier measures against covid-19

Bangui 21 July 2020-(Ndjoni Sango): The caterpillar campaign has already started in the Central African Republic, especially in Bangui, the capital. It is in a particular context, that of the Coronavirus pandemic that Central Africans welcome the fall of the caterpillars for this year 2020. In spite of the rate of contamination which amounts to more than 4362 thousand, this disease does not upset the habit of the nationals, as for the consumption of these insects. But the worst thing is that the barrier measures enacted by the health authorities seem to be boycotted during this period of the caterpillars.

Caterpillars are highly prized in the CAR for their virtues, namely their high nutritional value. Depending on the species, caterpillars are rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and iron as well as various vitamins (FAO study from 2004).

Considered delicious, these critters have been eaten since time immemorial by many of our grandparents and ourselves today. They appear periodically, usually in June, July and August.

Caterpillars of all colours have been flooding the various markets of Bangui for the past few weeks. In spite of the context of the Covid-19, many people are using them to serve households. But we deplore the failure to respect the barrier measures decreed by the country's authorities, either on the part of customers or caterpillar sellers.

On the Bangui Mbaiki axis, the main feeding area, passengers with bags full of caterpillars on motorcycles or in public transport vehicles, without masks or respect to apply physical distancing measures.

Identical to the saleswomen, in retail and buyers who crowd around the dishes and bowls of the goods without concern for this deadly disease. The Yangbanga family eats the caterpillars 4 to 5 times a week. Usually, they keep this same rhythm during this Covid-19 in relation to their purse.

"This coronavirus disease does not affect our consumption of caterpillars. We eat 4 to 5 times a week compared to the price of beef," says the mother of this family.

It's hard to keep the customers who come in for caterpillars down. Reasons why the rules of barriers are forgotten as Marie Florence, a caterpillar seller at the Sango market in the 2nd district of Bangui, testifies.

"Everybody rushes to get their share. The caterpillars then make people forget to respect the barrier measures. When customers come in droves you are not going to take all your time to remind them about these measures; here we are looking for money," she testified.

Even if caterpillars abound on the markets of Bangui, their price remains a little high (500 to 1000F a pile), which is why some people still cannot get them, because they are weakened by the arrival of the Covid-19.

Even if the caterpillars contribute effectively to feed the households in Central Africa, it is wise to respect the barrier measures so that this year's campaign of these animals does not constitute a factor in the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

Translated by ZIGOTO TCHAYA





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