Can we say that the current happenings in Geneva, Switzerland on a sovereign head of state is a need of concern for Cameroonians because it just came to show how we 🇨🇲 like to wash our dirty linens in public,attacking the head of State abroad is silly because Cameroon Sovereign decisions are made in Cameroon either via elections or referendum by a greater portion of Cameroon, I thinks the Major National Dialogue was an opportunity for the rebirth of Cameroon even though not all the recommendations were given attention or little attention paid to, and these action of B.A.S just came to expose the the immaturity of our brothers and sisters in the diaspora, because if we think drawing the attention of the International community and a possible intervention in our domestic issues will solve the problem we are all facing from unemployment, lack of basic utilities, like roads,electrical, water,schools and health insurance coverage,there is no country where the International club or gangs, have intervent with continued peace take the case of Iraq and Libya, as a greater part of the population wish Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi were still in power were peace was relative than a restless Iraq and Libya of post Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi, Cameroonians should think before striking at Geneva, Switzerland,and come home lets dialogue, even it means holding a 2nd Major National Dialogue to be chair by the Head of State in person since delegation of power will only set clash of personality and the real purpose of the Dialogue will fail,just my honest and humble donations.