Tell the World About Jesus Christ Ministry Egtv

Tell the World About Jesus Christ Ministry Egtv Informations de contact, plan et itinéraire, formulaire de contact, heures d'ouverture, services, évaluations, photos, vidéos et annonces de Tell the World About Jesus Christ Ministry Egtv, Création digitale, Bamenda.

UNDERSTANDING OF   THE SON OF GOD According to Philippines 2:6 in heaven Jesus is God but on earth he becomes the son,  ...


According to Philippines 2:6 in heaven Jesus is God but on earth he becomes the son, for in the book of
Colossians 2:9
says; For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily;

Only sons have bodies (flesh) but even as a son, the fullness of his heavenly position or identity as God was still in him (Godhead) in a body form, that means, God dwells in a body. the bible says in the book of
Romans 8:14
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. why because the spirit of a God dwells in a flesh (bodies) you can only become a son of God only when his spirit dwells in you, that is why God can only recognize you as his son only when he sees his spirit in you Galatians 4:6.

So that's why Jesus is called the son of God, or the son of man, because the fullness of Godhead (divinity) dwells in him (flesh) either you call him (Jesus) the son of God, son of man or God the son.

We come to 2023 the year of divine harvest, for the king of kings is coming.

We come to 2023 the year of divine harvest, for the king of kings is coming.






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