Nchimeyi Gaius N

Nchimeyi Gaius N N. Nchimeyi Gaius is a video director, video producer, editor. An epistle of God to my generation

Teach your Daughters to Roar🔥In this generation a 17 years old girl has experienced 5 heart breaksBut she has not yet ex...

Teach your Daughters to Roar🔥

In this generation a 17 years old girl has experienced 5 heart breaks
But she has not yet experienced the anointing of God that breaks yokes 😔

A 20 years old girl has done series of abortions but she has not yet told one soul about the salvation of Jesus 😔

Even a 4 year old girl can sing an ungodly song perfectly but cannot recite even one scripture 😔

Welcome to this generation whereby a 13 year old girl is been asked by friends if she has a boyfriend already but can't ask her if she is saved by the grace 😔

Ahh 🔥it is time for us to teach the generation of ladies coming how to Roar on their knees and not on the bed

It is time to reveal to them that they are not side chicks to be crowned on the bed of fornication, but they are lioness and to be Roar in the secret place 🔥

We should make them know that slay queens are not known by what they wear but what they carry inside 🔥

Happening babes are not those that know the latest clubs, hotels, clothes and shoes but are those who make things happen on earth and heaven 🔥

The daughters of our generation will not know that Alcohol can make someone drunk, Because we will get them drunk with the Holyghost🔥

Condoms will no longer be needed because they will be busy holding crusade and getting men saved 🔥

Postinor is not needed by women who are bound by their post in the realm of the spirit 🔥they won't be aborting babies, they will be aborting darkness from the womb of the earth 🔥

Social media won't be a place to advertise their body but a place for publicizing Jesus 🔥

Never be too busy for your child. Early will I seek him.

Repeat after me: I am a Lion/Lioness and I'll teach my daughter to Roar🔥

This is what we stand for. The roaring lionesses


Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the LORD.” And behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. (1 Kings 19:11-12, NKJV)
Elijah in the passage above is on a journey to receive fresh marching orders from the Lord. While he is at it, he gets greeted by very spectacular distractions in the forms of strong wind, earthquake and fire. It is almost as if the elements have decided to conspire together to ensure he gets distracted.
Meanwhile the Bible categorically specifies that God is not in any of the dramatic displays of the elements. God elected to rather reach out to Elijah in a gentle whisper —in a totally contrary fashion. God’s word for Elijah lay beyond the borders of the distractions.
Some of the accompaniments of the perilous times in which live are distractions that come in the forms of complex noises and very engaging displays. Like Elijah, we must learn to quieten our souls before the Lord by prayer and ministry of the word —daily.
Friends, this is no time to circumambulate the quarters of vanity and/or get carried away by the grand, boisterous displays of the age. Like it was in the days of Elijah, it seems as if all the ‘elements’ are conspiring together to distract us from hearing God.
In my personal experience, hearing God is what makes the difference between life and death; impact and sterility; pleasing God and displeasing Him.
Especially in a time such as ours, the believer must be up to date with the speakings of God as they advance on their pilgrimage on this side of eternity.
A christian who does not hear God for themselves is a like an aircraft 45,000 feet up in the sky with a failed navigation system.
We must press past the bandwidths of all distractions and secure God’s still small voice for our generation. The salvation of our generation does not lay in the spectacular displays of the age. It is figured in God’s gentle whispers —the oracles of God.
The distractions shall multiply as the age draws a close. But we’ve got the Holy Spirit —Spirit of the age to come to comfort and strengthen us in all things. Let’s make the most of Him through prayer and the ministry of the word please.
O fellow pilgrim, gird your loin and be ready to cut through the noise and drama and get God’s word which is able to deliver both you and those who hear you! How? Ample praying and studying—then witnessing!
With love from your brother,
Arome Osayi


happy birthday MOG Mr Amosdramm

Are you ready.........?

Are you ready.........?


When my strength has failed me and I can't carry on the power of God shows up ikeh by G U C
Wonderful 😊


If you can't be real with yourself, why should others be real with you?


The ability to discipline yourself to delay gratification in short term in order to enjoy greater rewards in long term is key to success.


Those who say I need Motivation will never create Inspiration that will take them to their Destination.

I just got this fans badges from Ebuka Songs  EBUKA SONGS LOVERS� and STEVE CROWN

I just got this fans badges from Ebuka Songs EBUKA SONGS LOVERS� and STEVE CROWN


The ultimate aim of an ego is not to see something, but is to be something.


Life is tough, get a helmet


If you want to know your past, look into your present conditions. If you want to know your future, look into your present actions.


I wish my book of life was written in pencil … There are a few pages I would like to erase


Change your thoughts and you change your world.

 ✍️*BREAKING NEWS!!!*This is to Inform You All that Our Beloved and Well Known Friend *Mr 2022* is Retiring on the 31st ...



This is to Inform You All that Our Beloved and Well Known Friend *Mr 2022* is Retiring on the 31st of this Month.

His 12 Wives, 52 Children and 365 Grand Children will be Attending the Grand Send Off on Saturday, the 31st December at 23.59 Hrs.

However, His Family Members asked Me to Inform You that He is Retiring with *ALL Your Problems, Sickness, Disappointments, Frustration, Untimely Death, Shame, Disgrace, Barrenness, Discouragement, Failure, and Rejection.*

YET, HIS SUCCESSOR: - *Mr 2023 asked Me to Inform You that, He is Going to Compensate You with:- Long Life, Good Health, Wealth, Loved, Abundant Blessings, Peace, Joy, Righteousness, Promotion, Prosperity*

*God's Blessings*

*SEASONS GREETINGS TO YOU ALL🌲🎄🌹❤️*🤶🏼🤶🏼🤶🏼🤶🏼🤶🏼🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺

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How old were you when you discovered that letter A is not in the spellings of any number from 1- 100???? No lie😂🙄😁


A year has passed, 12 months have passed, 52 weeks have passed, 365 days have passed, with their hours, minutes and seconds and there has not been a moment in which God has forgotten me.


There are three things you should never lose: patience, hope and honesty.

Thanks giving loading by A wonderful and inspiring Gospel minister all by the name Mr. G U C 🥰🥰🥰

Thanks giving loading by
A wonderful and inspiring Gospel minister all by the name Mr. G U C





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