CBS Radio Bamenda Fm 101.0

CBS Radio Bamenda Fm 101.0 We trust in God and in serving humanity in all christian aspects
In every way Christ is proclaimed

Muslim Faithful in Bamenda have ended the one month fasting with prayers at  Ntabang prayer ground in old town Bamenda. ...

Muslim Faithful in Bamenda have ended the one month fasting with prayers at Ntabang prayer ground in old town Bamenda.
In course of the celebration the Imam of the Bamenda Central mosque Tukum Mohamat emphasized on the message of forgiveness,peace and being together.
Meanwhile young Muslim men and women where called to shun vices like drug consumption ,scamming and prostitution.
Present at the prayer ground were administrative authorities and some traditional Rulers of the North West Region.

Reporter:Desmond Atiehyim


The Dean of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary Kumba makes public the results of successful candidates for the 2024 written entrance into PTS Kumba



The socio-political upheavals in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon have had and still have a great toll on Pastoral Ministry with Tubah-Boyo Presbytery being no execption.

Since birds have learnt to fly without perching, hunters have learnt to shoot without missing! In a season where leaders are faced with all sort of challenges, new tactics are emprovised daily to foster ministerial work.

Pastors of Tubah-Boyo Presbytery on April 9 2024, though hindered by the road blockage in Babanki area, on the Fundong highway, did not give-up on evaluating the month just passed. An End-of-Month evaluation meeting due to hold at Ngwah Parish, with Rev. Esseh Divine as Parish Pastor, finally held in two centres: Tubah and Fundong Town. Under the skillful leadership of the Presbyterial Secretary, the Rev. Numfor Godwin, meetings at both centres went on well headed by himself and the Presbyterial Treasurer for Tubah-Boyo respectively.

In spite of the physical absence of the pastors at Ngwah, an online prayer session was held and parishioners who had come together to receive the pastors prayed for as well as the entire parish.This was led by the Presbyterial Secretary himself. In gratitude, the Parish Chairperson, Elder Ngong Marcel, on the behalf of the christians thanked the pastors for such initiative. The absence of the pastors did in no way kill the joy of the Christians as they sang melodious songs to the glory of God for scripture itself says " All things work together for good to them that love God and who are called according to his purpose" ( Rom. 8:28). Love could be seen in action as the Christians brought their substance to bless their pastors.

The dynamism of the Presbyterial Treasurer was glaring, as he treated "The books" online and proceeds from all parishes forwarded to the right quarters.

Present at the meeting in Tubah Centre was the Rev. Akijika Godlove, Presbyterial Secretary for the Grand North. Impressed by his reception and the camaraderie that exists amongst the pastors of Tubah-Boyo Presbytery, he promised to carry to his presbytery what he had learnt.

Correspondent:Rev Alota Victorine Apongcheng

Presbook plc  awards one of the winners of the program CBS animation time on CBS Radio FM 101.0 The award to Mr Ambe All...

Presbook plc awards one of the winners of the program CBS animation time on CBS Radio FM 101.0

The award to Mr Ambe Allan from Bafut is for his outstanding performance during a quiz on a Radio program(CBS animation time)sponsored by Presbook.

*FIRST OFFICIAL OUTING!!!* From the just ended All Pastors' Retreat of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, that held in...


From the just ended All Pastors' Retreat of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, that held in Buea from Tuesday 2nd to Saturday 6th April on the theme: " Ministry in Challenging Times: Pressing on Towards the Goal"( Phil3:14), pastors of Tubah-Boyo Presbytery, led by their Presbyterial Secretary, the Rev. Numfor Godwin, had their first official outing at CCAST Complex Congregation today Sunday 7th April.

Preaching at the Institution and Induction of the Rev. Mveh Ottia Joseph, parish pastor of CCAST COMPLEX, the Chief Celebrant, assured the Inductee he has been given the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. Thus, he should be steadfast in his service. Likening the resurrection to a seed that is planted and that sprouts in the course of time, he guaranteed the worshippers that victory has been won over death by Christ himself. While waiting for the last trumpet to sound, there is not only work to be done, but the Lord's work. In a world where many are prioritising their own work over the Lord's, the Rev. Mveh Ottia, was challenged to arise and do the needful. Someone has said "Do not let any opportunity pass you by from serving God, because it is a prize too high to pay". Rick Warren corroborates this when he says: " Faithful servants do not retire; you can retire from your work, but you cannot retire from serving God". A message that resonated hope in the lives of the Christians to know that they have what it takes, Christ, to resurrect all what has been dead in their lives. This inspiration was drawn from 1 Cor. 15:50-58

The Chief Celebrant, extended on behalf of the pastors warm greetings and appreciation from the Church's hierarchy to the Christians for the huge support they rendered for the organization of the Pastors' retreat. He equally appreciated the sense of ecumenism in Bambili. Out-Going elders and group leaders were applauded for work done in the last five years in the church. The role of the Fons in fostering God's work was not left out.

The occasion that saw the participation of several dignitaries:The Presbyterial Secretary for the Grand North, the Rev. Akijika Godlove, the Presbytery Chairperson, Elder Mrs. Ambanasom Frida, the Presbyterial Treasurer for Tubah-Boyo, the Rev. Mengi Alfred, the First Lady of the presbytery, Mrs. Numfor Rose, the Fons of Bambui and Nzong-kwo, the Sub-Divisional Officer for Tubah, Mr. Narssis Massango, who greatly decried the moral decadency in our society, particularly amongst the youths. On the behalf of the state he called on the inductee to play his role in improving on the morality of the students in his areas of jurisdiction. He went further to guarantee maximum security in Tubah Sub-division.

The day was marked by melodious singing and cheerful dancing, presentation of gifts, speeches amongst others.

The Rev. Mveh Ottia Joseph, described as humble and generous is married and a father of five.

Correspondent:Rev Alota Victorine Apongcheng

KEEPING WITH THE THEME OF REJUVENATION.    After years of slumber and inactivity, the time is now for the Christian Yout...


After years of slumber and inactivity, the time is now for the Christian Youth Fellowship (CYF)of the Southern Zone of the Lebialem Upper Banyang Presbytery.
The fire was reignited following that clarion call and door to door canvassing by the Rev Ngwako Paul Amabo, Youth pastor Lebialem Upper Banyang South.
Meeting at PCC Tinto-Wire Sunday April 07 2024, delegates from around the zone converged to chat the way forward. The meeting saw the youths ready to revive the movement for a better tomorrow.
As a sign of their readiness, members paid on the spot,copies of the Youth Splash so as to start working as the year 2024 unfolds.
Preaching from 1 Cor 15:50-58, on the theme; Stand firm, Let nothing move you," the parish pastor for Tinto parish encouraged the youths to take up the mantle, cast the nets of their lives to the right side and keep their gaze on Jesus Christ the beacon of our faith.

Correspondent:Rev Arioh Daniels

Some twenty five (25) Elders and thirteen (13) members of the Finance Committee of PCC Azire have committed to continue ...

Some twenty five (25) Elders and thirteen (13) members of the Finance Committee of PCC Azire have committed to continue strengthening the spiritual, physical, infrastructural and financial growth of the congregation.

They took the pledge while being commissioned by the Presbyterial Secretary for the Mezam South Presbytery and Parish Pastor of PCC Azire Rev. Mrs. Uso Theresia Berndzeh, to their various functions during Sunday April, 7, 2024 Divine Service.

The service attended by over two thousand Christians from within and without Azire Parish, had the newly dedicated leaders commits to work towards uplifting the Church in all aspects.

Speaking at the end of the service, the Parish Pastor Rev. Mrs. Uso Theresia, reminded the newly dedicated, of their ultimate task as servant leaders in God's vineyard while urging the rest of the christians to give them the necessary collaboration for easy coordination of their work.

Reporter: Jude Ntam

The christian Men Fellowship group(CMF) of PCC Ngomgham, has officially received the second National flag award of the 2...

The christian Men Fellowship group(CMF) of PCC Ngomgham, has officially received the second National flag award of the 2023 annual rally which took place in December.
The samba boys of Mezam South Presbytery scored a total of 194.2 out of 200 in all activities.

During the handing over ceremony on Sunday April 7,2024 ,the National secretary for Men's Work,Rev. Paul Ngu Taah, called on the men of truth not to relent their effort in evangelizing to the people, and equally challenged the youths to join the movement.
Brother Chi Tawason John ,CMF presbytery president, promised to continue working with all CMF groups in Mezam south Presbytery and carry out their mission,which is to proclaim the good news about Jesus Christ.

Reporter:Desmond Atiehyim

May his soul continue to Rest in peace

May his soul continue to Rest in peace

God is Faithful

God is Faithful

Day 3 of PCC Pastors Retreat

Day 3 of PCC Pastors Retreat


Easter sunday at P.C Etoug Be with PCC Moderator.

Some Children and Adults of PC Azire have on March 31st 2024 received the sacraments of Baptism and confirmationThis was...

Some Children and Adults of PC Azire have on March 31st 2024 received the sacraments of Baptism and confirmation

This was during the celebration of Easter in the congregation
Apart from the Baptism and confirmation, Christians of the congregation contributed money which will later on be given to victims of the main market fire incident who are members of the congregation.

Reporter: Nchang Carine

EASTER CELEBRATION AT P.C TUBAHChristians of P.C Tubah congregation  have been admonished  to let go of their sins becau...


Christians of P.C Tubah congregation have been admonished to let go of their sins because Jesus has set them free from every sin.

This was the substance of a sermon preached by the Presbyterial Secretary for Tubah Boyo,Rev Numfor Godwin ,as parishioners joined the Christian community to commemorate the 2024 Easter Sunday on March 31 2024.

The day started with a vigil at 5:30am, led by the Parish and associate ,as they sang and prayed believing Christ Jesus is risen.

Other activities featured ,infant and adult Baptism ,confirmation,Holy communion alongside Thanksgiving.

REPORTER:Chi Faizefeu Wei


Easter Message from the National Communication Secretary of the PCC Rev.Dr.Mrs Perpetua Fonki.

P C NTAMULUNG EASTER SUNDAY Christians of Presbyterian Church Ntamulung have been called upon to know that Easter brings...


Christians of Presbyterian Church Ntamulung have been called upon to know that Easter brings Restoration of Hope and Reassurance that Jesus Christ did not die and remain in the grave but Rose purposely for the Redemption of the Whole world.

The call was made by the Parish Pastor who doubles as Presbyterial Secretary for Mezam Presbytery Rev Ngwa Hosea Ambe during a Divine Service to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from Luke 24:1-12.

The Divine service witnessed Infant and Confirmation of Baptism, Thanksgiving and the celebration of the Lord's supper .


EASTER CELEBRATION, PCC MUSANG Newly elected Elders, Executive members of Movements, Choirs and Members of the Finance C...


Newly elected Elders, Executive members of Movements, Choirs and Members of the Finance Committee of PCC Musang have committed to uphold their tasks in serving the Christians at their different points of need.

They took the pledge while assuming their new functions as commissioned by the Parish Pastor of PCC Musang, Rev. Yenchi David in course of Sunday March 31st Easter Service on the Church Premises.

A total of 25 Elders led by the congregational chairperson, Elder Teneng Angela, were amongst those dedicated from the Movements, Choirs and Finance Committee following recent elections organized by the congregation to select her leaders.

Speaking at the end of the dedication rites, the Parish Pastor, Rev. Yenchi David, while acknowledging the uphill task ahead of the different leaders, encouraged them to stay true, focus, committed and resolute to spread God's words at all times.

Reporter: Jude Ntam
Technician: Wah Joseph

EASTER CELEBRATION PCC MUSANGDeveloping Story.....Christians of PCC Musang have been called upon to "Go and Preach the g...


Developing Story.....

Christians of PCC Musang have been called upon to "Go and Preach the good news to the world" as no one is limited.

This is the substance of today's sermon preached by the Parish Pastor, Rev. Yenchi David to mark the resurrection of Christ drawing inspiration from Acts 13:14-16a and 26-39.

The Divine Service also witnessed the readmission of dozens of Christians who have committed to follow Christ and never look back.

Reporter: Jude Ntam
Technician: Wah Joseph

EASTER CELEBRATION PCC MUSANG Developing story.....Thousands of Christians are today taking part in a Divine Service at ...


Developing story.....

Thousands of Christians are today taking part in a Divine Service at PCC Musang to grace the Easter Sunday.

The service presided at by the Parish Pastor, Rev. Yenchi David, will witness the dedication of newly elected elders, members of the finance committee, and Baptism of infants and adults.

It's indeed an all joyous and colourful service as the Christians of the PCC join their counterparts world over to celebrate Christ's resurrection with lots of pump and fanfare.

Stay tune...

Reporter: Jude Ntam
Technician: Wah Joseph

*You will never decay or be locked up....* Happy Easter 2024

*You will never decay or be locked up....* Happy Easter 2024

The National Secretary for women's work,Rev Mrs Geraldine Fobang has celebrated her 50th birthday anniversary at Divine ...

The National Secretary for women's work,Rev Mrs Geraldine Fobang has celebrated her 50th birthday anniversary at Divine Touch orphanage ,Vicky street on Saturday March 30.
She shared gifts of food stuffs and toiletries to children from 2 to 15 years.
According to the founder of the orphanage, Mafor Miranda the coming of the Fobang's has put hope and smiles on the faces of the children and equally spurred her to continue running the center that has been operating for three years and has received children from other parts of the Region.
After sharing a common meal with everyone present, Rev Mrs Geraldine Fobang , thanked God for adding her another year.

REPORTER:Desmond Atiehyim

Christians of PC Musang have been called upon to continue praying with their family members while at homeThe call was ma...

Christians of PC Musang have been called upon to continue praying with their family members while at home

The call was made by Parish Pastor Rev Yenchi David at the end of the second Good Friday service.
He equally encouraged them to avoid activities that can lead them sin
It’s worth noting on Good Friday Christians converge on congregations to remember the betrayal suffering and death of Jesus Christ

Reporter: Nchang Carine

Christians of PC Azire have attended the -morning Service of Good Friday; a service aimed at preparing them for the suff...

Christians of PC Azire have attended the -morning Service of Good Friday; a service aimed at preparing them for the suffering and death of Christ.

During the service , CYF members presented a drama on the betrayal of Jesus Christ by Judas Iscariot.

The Christians will return at 1pm to significantly walk to the cross with Jesus and be crucified

Reporter:Nchang Carine

The Moderator of the PCC, Rt Rev Dr Fonki Samuel Forba prays for Presbyterians and Christendom on Good Friday

The Moderator of the PCC, Rt Rev Dr Fonki Samuel Forba prays for Presbyterians and Christendom on Good Friday

Christians of PC Azire in  Mezam South Presbytery have been called  to Live the Realities of the New Covenant.The call w...

Christians of PC Azire in Mezam South Presbytery have been called to Live the Realities of the New Covenant.The call was made by the Presbyterial Secretary for Mezam south and parish pastor Rev Uso Theresia,
during Holy Thursday Service to commemorate the festival of the Unleavened Bread.

Present for the service were Christians from various groups,parents and children who took part in the passover as Jesus Christ did with his Disciples before his betrayal and death on Good Friday.


  Thursday  #Mezam Presbyterial Secretary and parish pastor, Rev Ngwa Hosea Ambe  has called on Christians of PC Ntamulu...

Thursday #

Mezam Presbyterial Secretary and parish pastor, Rev Ngwa Hosea Ambe has called on Christians of PC Ntamulung to keep aside their differences and show love to one another.

This was during a solemn church service on Holy Thursday March 28,2024, in which Jesus Christ shared the last supper with his deciples.
The man of God also challenged the christians to pray for everyone who persecute them, just like the savior of the world did during his last days.

REPORTER:Desmond Atiehyim





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