When the Chinese decided to live in peace, they built the great Wall of China. They thought that no one could climb it because of its height...
However, in the 100 years after its construction, the Chinese were invaded 3 times more.
Enemy infantry soldiers never had the need to climb or pe*****te the wall.
Because they always bribed the guards and got in through the gates.
The Chinese had built high and thick walls; But they couldn't build the characters of the guards.
As a result, building human character is different and important...
It precedes the construction of everything else.
This is what the new generation needs today.
As an orientalist said; “If you want to destroy the civilization of a nation, there are three ways;
* Destroy the family structure.
* Destroy the education system.
* Belittle and demean their role models and references.”
To destroy the family; Belittle and degrade motherhood.
To destroy the education system; Do not give importance to educators and teachers and lower their reputation in society so that their students will despise and belittle them.
Belittle the reputation of role models.
Work insidiously to destroy scholars and scientists, so that they are suspected and no one listens to them or follows them...
When the conscious mother is lost, dedicated teachers are lost and role models are discredited, Who will teach HUMAN VALUES to young people... ??