Publicis Media Switzerland

Publicis Media Switzerland Harnessing the power of modern media landscape, Publicis Media creates value for clients through our global media brands: Blue449, Starcom, Spark, Zenith.

‼ WANTED ‼DIGITAL ACCOUNT MANAGERFür unser Digital-Team suchen wir Verstärkung!▶ Selbständige Betreuung von nationalen &...


Für unser Digital-Team suchen wir Verstärkung!

▶ Selbständige Betreuung von nationalen & internationalen Accounts auf mehreren Disziplinen
▶ Kampagnenabwicklung
▶ Kundenkontakt inkl. Präsentationen & Trainings
▶ Fortlaufende Analyse & Optimierung von Kampagnen
▶ Mitarbeit bei New Business Projekten

‼ WANTED ‼DIGITAL ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE SEARCHFür unser Digital-Team suchen wir Verstärkung!▶ Übernahme spannender Projekte▶...


Für unser Digital-Team suchen wir Verstärkung!
▶ Übernahme spannender Projekte
▶ Mitgestalten eines wachsenden Bereichs
▶ Intensiver Austausch mit internationalem Netzwerk

‼ WANTED ‼ACCOUNT MANAGER MIT DIGITALEM KNOW-HOWFür unser Beratungs-Team suchen wir Verstärkung:▶ eine verantwortungsvol...


Für unser Beratungs-Team suchen wir Verstärkung:
▶ eine verantwortungsvolle Aufgabe
▶ viel Raum zur Selbstständigkeit
▶ Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten
▶ Spannende Kundenprojekte

‼ WANTED ‼SENIOR DIGITAL ACCOUNT MANAGERFür unser Digital-Team suchen wir Verstärkung!▶ eine verantwortungsvolle Aufgabe...


Für unser Digital-Team suchen wir Verstärkung!
▶ eine verantwortungsvolle Aufgabe
▶ viel Raum zur Selbstständigkeit
▶ Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten


Deine Welt sind die digitalen Medien. Dabei zeichnen Dich folgende Erfahrungen aus:
- Mehrere Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich Display, Video, Programmatic und Social
- Kenntnis der Schweizer Medienlandschaft
- Hohe Affinität zu Zahlen
- Anwendung von branchenüblichen Analyse- und Abwicklungstools
- Gutes analytisches Denken
- Mut neue Ideen auszuprobieren und umzusetzen
- Du bist strukturiert, zuverlässig, selbständig, belastbar und kontaktfreudig
- Interessiert an neuen Marketing Trends
- Du hast Ambitionen, Dich Weiterzuentwickeln

- Umfassende und auch selbstständige Betreuung von nationalen und internationalen Accounts mit Einbezug mehrerer Disziplinen. Dabei eingeschlossen auch:
- Kampagnenabwicklung
- Kundenkontakt inkl. Präsentationen und Trainings
- Fortlaufende Analyse & Optimierung von verschiedenen digitalen Disziplinen
- Mitarbeit bei New Business Projekten sowohl auf Branding- als auch Performance-Kunden

- Die Möglichkeit, Dich in verschiedenen Disziplinen weiterzuentwickeln
- Eingespieltes Digital-Planungsteam mit Spezialisten aus allen Bereichen (Programmatic, Display, Video, Social, Content, SEO)
- Gut vernetztes und talentiertes Team von Digital Spezialisten
- Internationales Netzwerk, das Dir ermöglicht, Dein Wissen stetig zu erweitern
- Ein moderner Arbeitsplatz im Herzen von Zürich
- Fortschrittliche Anstellungsbedingungen

Wir freue uns auf Deine Bewerbungsunterlagen an:
Publicis Media Switzerland AG, Nicole Steinegger, Human Resources Director, [email protected]

In our new report, we take an in-depth look at the automotive industry, its advertising market and the unique challenges...

In our new report, we take an in-depth look at the automotive industry, its advertising market and the unique challenges it faces

Targeting by a traditional demographic approach is no longer effective when the goal is serving relevant advertising and...

Targeting by a traditional demographic approach is no longer effective when the goal is serving relevant advertising and personalisation of experiences at scale.

One of the biggest drivers of behavioural changes is a new life event. Historically, brands have targeted young people because the majority of life’s most defining moments took place before the age of 35. Targeting by age is still the accepted practice across many advertising categories. However, ...

Vittorio Bonori, Global Brand President, presents Adspend Forecast at UBS 46th Annual Global Media and Communications Co...

Vittorio Bonori, Global Brand President, presents Adspend Forecast at UBS 46th Annual Global Media and Communications Conference.

Vittorio Bonori, Zenith Global Brand President, speaks at 46th Annual UBS Global Media and Communications Conference, one of the largest and longest running conferences of its kind. The conference provides investors with comprehensive perspectives on the industry by reviewing 2018 and looking ahead....


To learn more about Zenith's groundbreaking story, visit our website.

This year's event at Tiefenbrunnen was a blast - thank you all for coming! And if you didn't make it, here's what you mi...

This year's event at Tiefenbrunnen was a blast - thank you all for coming! And if you didn't make it, here's what you missed.

Please welcome our new colleague Nadine! Get to know her by learning a few things about the apps she uses:"I have only a...

Please welcome our new colleague Nadine! Get to know her by learning a few things about the apps she uses:
"I have only a few apps on my mobile phone – but the ones I have I use very often. My top apps are WhatsApp, Meteo and my Music Library. And Netflix of course :). I mostly text someone on WhatsApp rather than call the person, unless it’s very urgent. I use the Netflix and 9Gag app for fun or when I’m on the train!"

Global consumers will spend an average of 67 minutes a day watching online video this year, up from 56 minutes last year...

Global consumers will spend an average of 67 minutes a day watching online video this year, up from 56 minutes last year, according to Zenith’s Online Video Forecasts 2018, published in July. Read more under:


We are hiring - ❗ YOUNG TALENTS WANTED ❗
Learn more about this opportunity:

Say Hi to Timo Bendel who joined Zenith this summer. He’s introducing himself analyzing the apps on his home screen: “Yo...

Say Hi to Timo Bendel who joined Zenith this summer. He’s introducing himself analyzing the apps on his home screen:
“You will find nearly no folders on my home desk since I use the search function of the iPhone to access any app. My favorite apps are placed on my home desk, the rest is fairly distributed over the following four desks - the one who cleans up is just too lazy for searching ;) To call out a few top apps: Spotify and UE Mega Boom for music, Landi Wetter for weather forecast and Uber to get home well at any day- or night time. Mobile games never really caught me, if there are any suggestions I’ll be happy to try. 🙂 ”


Have a fantastic summer....

ZenithMedia has published the fifth edition of Global Intelligence, its quarterly magazine about the transformation of m...

ZenithMedia has published the fifth edition of Global Intelligence, its quarterly magazine about the transformation of media and communications.

This edition leads with current outlook for the global ad market, taken from Zenith’s latest quarterly advertising forecasts, and tracks the evolution of the big digital platforms. It then provides essential information and advice for marketers seeking to understand the latest developments in advertising and communications.

▶Read more under:

....and what about Luca Weber?"I don’t have one favourite app, as I use several apps on a daily basis – the diversity ma...

....and what about Luca Weber?
"I don’t have one favourite app, as I use several apps on a daily basis – the diversity makes it exciting. If I had to choose my three favourites, I would say: WhatsApp for communication, Spotify for music and ColorNote for to-do lists. I also check Instagram from time to time, but I tried to minimize the usage by moving the app to the second page, which didn’t really work out ;-). I seldomly use the Play Store-app to browse or download new apps."

Hello! Today we are happy to welcome our new colleagues Ingo & Luca. Ingo Sautter has joined us as an Account Director i...

Hello! Today we are happy to welcome our new colleagues Ingo & Luca.
Ingo Sautter has joined us as an Account Director in the consulting team. Let's get to know him a little bit with the help of his Smartphone homescreen:
"Apart from messaging and entertainment, I use my smartphone frequently to check the weather regarding different kinds of leisure activities… While I just missed to delete some of the apps I basically not use anymore, Landi Wetter has one of the best rain forecasts and Windfinder is also one of my favourites."


Stadelhoferstasse 25


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