
Cut-Up Short Film Distribution We created a software which matches your film with a database of selected festivals. Happy to submit your film.

Based on these results we are able to offer highly targeted and personalized festival strategies. We provide Competition Plans, execute the submissions on your behalf, and take care of all follow-up communication. We are unaffiliated with any submission platforms or investors. A revolution in festival distribution and strategy building: professional, strategic, simple, and well-organized!

Shooting Crows |

SHOOTING CROWS by Christine Hürzeler is looking back on a beautiful festival career and is now available on

A park in the fog. Crows flap and caw in the sky. Mysterious things are happening. Shots ring out. What is actually going on? Can we humans really trust our own perceptions?

The Elephant on the Red Carpet: An Interview with Léo Soesanto - Kinoscope

Recommended read for a rainy day (like today): Léo Soesanto, short film programmer for Semaine de la Critique - Cannes, talked to Kinoscope about his work!

We’re living through an unprecedented period of the 21st century. Because of the damage wreaked and lives lost to the virus COVID-19, every major film festival, to say nothing of theatrical premiere and press junket, has either been cancelled or forced into a new bowdlerized shape the size of a wi...

Höhenwahn (Thin Air) by Jonas Ulrich | Short Film

Höhenwahn - Short Film by Jonas Ulrich (produced by Dynamic Frame) got selected for an online release on Short of the Week. They film celebrated its world premiere at Warsaw Film Festival, followed by screenings at festivals like Palm Springs International Film Festival, Foyle Film Festival and many more. We were happy to consult and accompany the film while travelling the world. The perfect film for a rainy day!

Play Thriller Jonas Ulrich 14 minutes Höhenwahn (Thin Air) Deep amongst the Swiss Alps, winter resorts and old wooden cabins, Georg experiences unusual incidents.

SEEDS OF DECEIT - directed by Miriam Guttmann in Vimeo Staff Picks

After an amazing two-year long filmfestival trip around the world, the film Het zaad van Karbaat / Seeds of Deceit by Miriam Gutmann has its online premiere as a Vimeo Staff Pick! We are happy that we were part of the film's journey with selections and awards at Palm Springs International Film Festival, NFFTY, IDFA, Doc Edge, CPH:DOX, Filmschoolfest Munich, Sehsüchte, MakeDox, Leiden International Short Film Experience - LISFE, Fidba, Festival du Cinéma européen and many more.

SEEDS OF DECEIT – short doc – 22 min Winner Palm Springs International Short Fest IDFA World Premiere LOGLINE In a shocking breach of trust and ethics,…


CHILD OF THE EARTH won the Mohaq Short Film Award at Ajyal Film Festival in Doha! Huge congrats.

Regisseur Claudio Fäh am Digitaltag - Blick

Claudio Faeh will present his short doc CHILD OF THE EARTH and the amazing program behind it at the at the HB Zurich this Tuesday.

If you are in Zurich, stop by at the HB, Tuesday 3 Sept, at 4pm!

Swiss newspaper Blick talked to Claudio beforehand.

Ein todkranker Teenager macht dank Virtual Reality eine Reise ins All. Möglich macht das der Schweizer Claudio Fäh. Der Regisseur, der in L. A. lebt, zeigt seinen Dok-Film «Child of the Earth» am Digitaltag.


OFF - Odense International Film Festival started this week and we're happy to have at least 3 films in competition

- Kanarí by Erlendur Sveinsson
- BROTHER, MOVE ON by by Antshi von Moos
- SELFIES by Claudius Gentinetta

Congrats everyone!


After being screened at L.A. Shorts International Film Festival and HollyShorts Film Festival MALOU has been selected into the prestigious and OSCAR-qualifying MANHATTAN SHORT. Congrats!

Our »MALOU«- at the 15th HollyShorts Film Festival's Red Carpet Event!
Thanks for having us at the legendary TCL Chinese Theatres in . 📽✨⛩
Today at 12 PM, we’ll be back to screen »MALOU« here with cast & crew. Join us!
Trailer & Tickets:

© Omertà Pictures

Film Festival della Lessinia

Erlendur Sveinsson is currently representing his film Kanarí at Film Festival della Lessinia in Italy! Here's a short interview with Erlendur!

/\/\/\ /\/\/\

RITRATTI :: Da un'esperienza personale dolorosa, un cortometraggio preciso, urgente, devastante. Eppure capace di speranza, come il volo impossibile di un canarino fra i ghiacci dell'Islanda. Erlendur Sveinsson ci racconta da dove viene l'idea del suo potente lavoro, Kanarì.


SHOOTING CROWS by Christine Hürzeler received the main award at the Seoul International New Media Festival - 서울국제뉴미디어페스티벌! Huge congrats!


ALLES EASY / All Good - Shortfilm by Luisa Ricar got selected for Directed by Women Turkey! Congrats!

We are happy to Announce International Finalists


On casse le ciel on prend un bout is now available on! Check it out.

Abigail is a 5 year old fearless dreamer. Between a difficult relationship with her mother and a wild imagination, she tries as hard as she can to overcome the recent loss of her father. One day in her garden, she sees a wolf that she will stop at nothing to find him again. Watch the short film On casse le ciel on prend un bout (Let's break the sky and take a piece) on


Stilles Land Gutes Land by Johannes Bachmann (produced by ZHdK Film) received the Best Student Director Award at S.F. Frozen Film Festival! Congrats!


Höhenwahn - Short Film by Jonas Ulrich (prroduced by Dynamic Frame) is in competition at the 26. OpenEyes Filmfest. The winter film will get screened in the hot openair venue in Marburg, Germany! ❄️☀️


It's time for all the summer film festivals! ☀️ Lago Film Fest starts tomorrow and screens three beautiful FestivalWhizz animation films.

- CONCRETE by Aira Joana, Luca Struchen, Nicolas Roth, Pirmin Bieri (Animation HSLU)
- SELFIES by Claudius Gentinetta
- CIRCUIT by Delia Hess

Congrats Swiss Animation!


Two more stops in Germany and UK for our indian short film Bagheera by Christopher Watson.

- Indisches Filmfestival Stuttgart / Indian Film Festival Stuttgart
- Rainbow Film Society / Rainbow Film Festival London

Congrats to everyone involved.


Palm Springs International Film Festival & Palm Springs ShortFest winner Het zaad van Karbaat / Seeds of Deceit and director Miriam Guttmann got featured in an IndieWire article, amongst directors like Damien Chazelle and Jim Cummings, who also grew their breakout features from shorts. Congrats Miriam!

Full article ->

Mention of Het zaad van Karbaat / Seeds of Deceit and director Miriam Guttmann in Indywire, amongst directors Damien Chazelle and Jim Cummings who turned their short into features!

Link to the article:

FestivalWhizz | How much budget do I need for a festival run?

How much budget do I need for a festival run? And how many festival acceptances should I expect with that budget? FestivalWhizz has the answers and the solutions. Check our journal ->

Engrossed in shooting, postproduction, distribution and marketing, filmmakers tend to underestimate the efforts and budgets needed for a decent festival run. Film festivals still are the main distribution option for short films. And besides the opportunity to gain professional credibility, being sel...


Rebel Film Festival starts tomorrow and we have two films in their program. Kanarí by Erlendur Sveinsson (behind the scenes pic) and CONCRETE by Aira Joana, Luca Struchen, Nicolas Roth and Pirmin Bieri (produced at Animation HSLU). Congrats! (and we would love to have some icelandic fresh air in our office - the heatwave is real).


FEST - New Directors New Films Festival started earlier this week. Two of our films are in competition. Congrats to Luisa Ricar (ALLES EASY / All Good - Shortfilm, produced by ZHdK Film) and Luzia Schifferle and Tobias Speiser (BARBAER, produced by Animation HSLU).


Huge congrats to Miriam Guttmann who won the Best Student Documentary Short Award (500 USD) for her documentary Het zaad van Karbaat / Seeds of Deceit at this year's Palm Springs International Film Festival & Palm Springs ShortFest!


OBON by André Hörmann and Samo (Anna Bergmann) is in competition at another US film festival. The Snake Alley Festival of Film starts today and is on till end Sunday. Let us know if you're around.

Tiger Unterwegs Filmproduktion


The oldest film festival of the world (Happy 73rd Birthday), Edinburgh International Film Festival, selected CONCRETE by Aira Joana, Luca Struchen, Nicolas Roth and Pirmin Bieri (produced at Animation HSLU) for their Intl. Animation Program. Congrats!

cc SWISS FILMS, Swiss Animation


The beloved Nickel Independent Film Festival selected at least 4 of our films

- Les Heures-Encre by Wendy Pillonel (ZHdK Film)
- Bagheera by Christopher Watson
- CONCRETE by Aira Joana, Luca Struchen, Nicolas Roth, and Pirmin Bieri (Animation HSLU)
- Thick Skin by Erlendur Sveinsson



The river film festival, which actually takes place in a river, starts this Saturday. Looking forward to see the following FestivalWhizz films there:

- Stilles Land Gutes Land by Johannes Bachmann (produced at ZHdK Film)
- Bagheera by Chris Watson
- CONCRETE by Aira Joana, Luca Struchen, Nicolas Roth & Pirmin Bieri (produced at Animation HSLU)
- BARBAER by Tobias Speiser & Luzia Schifferle (also produced at Animation HSLU)


Yay, Palm Springs International Film Festival & Palm Springs ShortFest announced their program and we are more than happy to find several FestivalWhizz Films in the program. Among them:

- Höhenwahn - Short Film by Jonas Ulrich
- Het zaad van Karbaat / Seeds of Deceit by Miriam Guttmann
- BOLERO STATION by Rolf Brönnimann (*still)
- CIRCUIT by Delia Hess
- SELFIES by Claudius Gentinetta

and many mores. Enjoy the festival and the heat. :)


Super happy to have at least two swiss animation films at the prestigious Animafest Zagreb! The festival darling SELFIES by Claudius Gentinetta and the student film CONCRETE by Aira Joana, Luca Struchen, Nicolas Roth and Pirmin Bieri.


Yay, SHOOTING CROWS by Christine Hürzeler won the Swiss Competition of Videoex. The official jury statement (in german)

Shooting Crows „besticht durch wunderschöne und gleichzeitig beklemmende Bilder eines Parks. In diesem atmosphärischen Setting entwickelt sich eine Geschichte, die auf assioziative Art und Weise von unserem Umgang mit der Natur erzählt. (...) ein Film, der einen nicht so schnell loslässt.“


Wir gratulieren! Gewinnerin des CH-Wettbewerbs 2019 ist:

Christine Hürzeler mit "Shooting Crows", CH, 2018, DCP, 20:00 min

Shooting Crows „besticht durch wunderschöne und gleichzeitig beklemmende Bilder eines Parks. In diesem atmosphärischen Setting entwickelt sich eine Geschichte, die auf assioziative Art und Weise von unserem Umgang mit der Natur erzählt. (...) ein Film, der einen nicht so schnell loslässt.“

Jury CH-Wettbewerb: Susanne Hofer, Karim Patwa, Isabelle Freymond


OBON by André Hörmann and Samo (Anna Bergmann) travels back to it's roots and will be screened at Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia in Tokyo, Japan!

The short anima-doc will also be presented at Mostra Ecofalante de Cinema in Brasil! Congrats.


The Brooklyn Film Festival in NY starts next week and we are more than thrilled to have 4 films in competition.

✨ PUNTA CANA by Andree Ljutica (poster)
✨ BARBAER by Tobias Speiser & Luzia Schifferle (produced at Animation HSLU)
✨ CIRCUIT by Delia Hess
✨ SELFIES by Claudius Gentinetta

Swiss Animation


SHOOTING CROWS by Christine Hürzeler received a special mention within the FUGA competition (dedicated to risk-taking and experimental filmmaking) at the 16th DocumentaMadrid in Spain! Huge congrats to everyone involved.


Animation Spotlight: OBON

OBON by André Hörmann and Samo (Anna Bergmann) got another selection at a big US festival. They will be in competition at the 45th Seattle International Film Festival SIFF. Watch a short interview with the directors, filmed at Sundance Film Festival earlier this year.

Meet André Hörmann and Anna Samo, directors of OBON, playing in the Animation Spotlight Program at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival.


Hopfenstrasse 19





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