The Pan-European dialogue on Internet governance (EuroDIG) is an open platform for informal and inclusive discussion and exchange on public policy issues related to Internet Governance (IG) between stakeholders from all over Europe. It was created in 2008 by a number of key stakeholders representing various European stakeholder groups working in the field of IG. EuroDIG is a network which is open
to all European stakeholders that are interested in contributing to an open and interactive discussion on IG issues. The stakeholders participating in the EuroDIG programme network comprise a considerable number of representatives from civil society, the business sector, the technical and academic community as well as European governments, institutions and organisations including the EU-presidency, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and the European Broadcasting Union.[1] There was also important and substantial contributions to EuroDIG 2009 from other international organizations and certain representatives of non-European states, including the Secretariat of the IGF, Egypt (host country for IGF 2009), UNESCO and ITU. The purpose of EuroDIG is twofold: first to help European stakeholders to exchange their views and best practices on the issues to be discussed at global IGF meetings and to identify common ground which is shared by all European stakeholders as well as highlighting the diversity of experience of the different European stakeholders; second to raise awareness in Europe and among European stakeholders about the relevance of the issues discussed in the IGF context and also to raise awareness of the value of the new multistakeholder discussion format developed by and around the IGF. Information to Note:
Remote participation in all sessions: For every session, there will be someone moderating the contributions coming in through remote participation and thus feeding them into the dialogue. read more…
Working languages will be English, French and Spanish for plenary events. Multi-stakeholder, gender and geographical balance and diversity is a priority and where possible and practicable will be built into the dialogue. Youth representatives and retired persons are also being contacted to be involved.