
Callnight Callnight is a studio dedicated to the composition and production of music for media: Movies, Video Games, TV, Web, ...
More info at

Fruit d'une collaboration entre Adriel Rüfenacht et Simon Jaccard, Callnight est un studio dédié à la composition et production de musique pour des médias. Nous prenons soin de toutes les étapes de production de musique, de la composition au mastering, en passant par l'enregistrement, l'arrangement, la production, le mixage...

Managed by Adriel Rüfenacht and Simon Jaccard, Callnight is a studio d

edicated to the composition and production of music for media: Movies, Video Games, TV, Web, ...
We take care of every step in the creation of music, from the writing to the mastering, passing through recording, arrangement, production and mixing...


Merry Christmas!


Hello everyone! So, it’s been a while since I wanted to publish more of my music on YouTube, just because I want it to exist out there in the world. I decided that I wanted to make “visualizer videos” so the music can be easily accessible.
Today I share with you the first of many (at least I hope!) videos to come, so stay tuned for more music!
To listen, please go to and share with friends if you’d like. Have a great day!




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