JusticeInfo - Fondation Hirondelle

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🇮🇹   - Italian head of the government Giorgia Meloni announced, on Tuesday January 28, that she was under investigation ...

🇮🇹 - Italian head of the government Giorgia Meloni announced, on Tuesday January 28, that she was under investigation following the expulsion of a Libyan man wanted by the International Criminal Court. The man, Osama Najim, is known as head of prison facilities in Tripoli, notorious for violence against migrants. This greatly complicates the ICC's business.

But this political blow to the Court by a member State is also directed against a system of international criminal justice.

Italian President Giorgia Meloni is under investigation following the expulsion of a Libyan, Osama Najim, who was wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) and arrested in Italy. This greatly complicates the ICC's business. A political blow, but also a challenge to the international criminal....

🇮🇹   - Mardi 28 janvier, la cheffe du gouvernement italien Giorgia Meloni a annoncé faire l’objet d’une enquête suite à ...

🇮🇹 - Mardi 28 janvier, la cheffe du gouvernement italien Giorgia Meloni a annoncé faire l’objet d’une enquête suite à l’expulsion d’un Libyen, Osama Najim, recherché par la Cour pénale internationale pour des crimes qu’il aurait commis en tant que responsable d’une prison de Tripoli, célèbre pour les violences contre les migrants. Ce qui complique grandement les affaires de la CPI.

Mais ce coup politique, de la part d’un État partie à la Cour, est aussi dirigé contre le système de justice pénale internationale.

La présidente italienne Giorgia Meloni fait l’objet d’une enquête suite à l’expulsion d’un Libyen, Osama Najim, recherché par la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) et arrêté en Italie. Ce qui complique grandement les affaires de la CPI. Un coup politique, mais aussi un défi lancé au s...

🚨 EXCLUSIVE 🇦🇫 🇦🇺     [interview / podcast] 🎧 - “It was really ugly, and it continues to be hurtful, but we called ourse...

🚨 EXCLUSIVE 🇦🇫 🇦🇺 [interview / podcast] 🎧 - “It was really ugly, and it continues to be hurtful, but we called ourselves out,” Major General Jeff Sengelman says. Today, we broadcast an exclusive interview with the man who played a key role in creating “the command climate”, as he says, for the opening of investigations into war crimes against Australian Special Forces in Afghanistan.

The “Brereton Inquiry” – named after Judge Paul Brereton who headed it - began in 2016. But the name and the role of Sengelman, who was the head of the Special Forces units of the Australian army in Afghanistan from 2014–2017, deserves to be known.

In this podcast by our partner, Asymmetrical Haircuts, the Australian General shares his unvarnished reflections as a stakeholder on accountability in a conflict. “It wears on me personally, and it’s probably the major reason I’m talking to you today,” Sengelman admits in what is his first interview since he has retired.

“It was really ugly, and it continues to be hurtful, but we called ourselves out,” Major General Jeff Sengelman says in his first (exclusive) interview since he has retired. Meet the man who played a key role in creating “the command climate”, as he says, for the opening of investigations in...

🇿🇦   - On 20 January, 23 South Africans whose family members were murdered, forcibly disappeared or seriously injured un...

🇿🇦 - On 20 January, 23 South Africans whose family members were murdered, forcibly disappeared or seriously injured under Apartheid have filed an unprecedented and damning application to the Constitutional Court. With the Foundation for Human Rights, they describe how the country’s political leaders made sure that the prosecutions recommended by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission would be buried, leaving a stain on post-Mandela South Africa.

Thierry Cruvellier (editor-in-chief of Justice Info) invites us to delve into the heart of this affair of state, where politics took precedence over justice.

Following the crimes perpetrated under Apartheid, how the country's political leaders ensured that the prosecutions recommended by the Truth Commission would be buried. 25 victims' families accuse. Diving into the heart of an affair of state, where politics took precedence over justice.

🇿🇦   - Le 20 janvier, 23 Sud-Africains dont les membres de la famille ont été assassinés, gravement blessés ou victimes ...

🇿🇦 - Le 20 janvier, 23 Sud-Africains dont les membres de la famille ont été assassinés, gravement blessés ou victimes de disparitions forcées sous l’apartheid ont déposé une requête, inédite et accablante, auprès de la Cour constitutionnelle. Soutenus par la Fondation pour les droits de l’homme, ils décrivent comment les dirigeants politiques du pays se sont assurés que les poursuites recommandées par la Commission vérité et réconciliation seraient enterrées, laissant une tache sur l’Afrique du Sud post-Mandela.

Thierry Cruvellier (rédacteur-en-chef de Justice Info) propose une plongée au cœur de cette affaire d’État, où la politique a pris le dessus sur la justice.

Le 20 janvier 2025, 25 familles de victimes de l’apartheid ont déposé une requête, inédite et accablante, auprès de la Cour constitutionnelle d’Afrique du Sud. Ils décrivent comment la politique a pris le dessus sur la justice et la vérité dévoilant un profond sentiment de trahison et d...

ℹ️⚖️Si vous vous intéressez au droit international, aux crimes de guerre, aux crimes contre l'humanité, aux droits de l'...

ℹ️⚖️Si vous vous intéressez au droit international, aux crimes de guerre, aux crimes contre l'humanité, aux droits de l'homme, à la justice climatique ou à la justice transitionnelle, vous êtes au bon endroit.

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[AFP] Ce 27 janvier 2025 marque le 80e anniversaire de la libération du camp de concentration d’Auschwitz-Birkenau. Dans...

[AFP] Ce 27 janvier 2025 marque le 80e anniversaire de la libération du camp de concentration d’Auschwitz-Birkenau. Dans ce récit, 40 rescapés de l’Holocauste, dispersés de par le monde, témoignent et transmettent.

Ce 27 janvier 2025 marque le 80e anniversaire de la libération du camp de concentration d’Auschwitz-Birkenau. Dans ce récit, 40 rescapés de l’Holocauste, dispersés de par le monde, témoignent et transmettent.

🇵🇭   [opinion] - The International Criminal Court investigation in the Philippines is used as a political football kicke...

🇵🇭 [opinion] - The International Criminal Court investigation in the Philippines is used as a political football kicked between the two dynasties that are ruling the country, the Marcos and Duterte families. And it’s unlikely to play in favour of the ICC. If you’ve missed the story, here is scholar Tom Smith telling you all about it.

The International Criminal Court investigation in the Philippines is used as a political football kicked between the two dynasties that are ruling the country, the Marcos and Duterte families. And it’s unlikely to play in favour of the ICC. If you’ve missed the story, here is scholar Tom Smith t...

🇵🇭   [opinion] - L'enquête de la Cour pénale internationale aux Philippines est devenue un punching-ball politique entre...

🇵🇭 [opinion] - L'enquête de la Cour pénale internationale aux Philippines est devenue un punching-ball politique entre les deux dynasties qui dirigent le pays, les familles Marcos et Duterte. Et il est peu probable que cela joue en faveur de la CPI. Si vous avez manqué cette histoire, l'universitaire Tom Smith vous raconte tout.

L'enquête de la Cour pénale internationale aux Philippines est devenue un punching-ball politique entre les deux dynasties qui dirigent le pays, les familles Marcos et Duterte. Et il est peu probable que cela joue en faveur de la CPI. Si vous avez manqué cette histoire, l'universitaire Tom Smith ...

🇦🇺   - There have been many setbacks for transitional justice in Australia in the past year. The latest one happened in ...

🇦🇺 - There have been many setbacks for transitional justice in Australia in the past year. The latest one happened in the state of Queensland. A new Truth-Telling and Healing Inquiry was shut down after the conservative opposition won the state elections last October. Meanwhile, a key commitment of the only remaining formal transitional justice mechanism, the Yoorrook Commission in Victoria state, was reversed.

There have been many setbacks for transitional justice in Australia in the past year. The latest one happened in the state of Queensland. A new Truth-Telling and Healing Inquiry was shut down after the conservative opposition won the state elections last October.

🇦🇺   - La justice transitionnelle subit de nombreux revers. Le dernier en date s'est produit dans l'État du Queensland. ...

🇦🇺 - La justice transitionnelle subit de nombreux revers. Le dernier en date s'est produit dans l'État du Queensland. Une nouvelle commission vérité a été suspendue après la victoire électorale de l'opposition conservatrice en octobre dernier. Dans le même temps, un engagement clé du seul mécanisme formel de justice transitionnelle encore en place, la commission Yoorrook dans l'État de Victoria, a été annulé.

La justice transitionnelle subit de nombreux revers en Australie. Le dernier en date s'est produit dans l'État du Queensland. Une nouvelle commission vérité a été suspendue après la victoire électorale de l'opposition conservatrice en octobre dernier.

🇦🇫     [AFP] - fter the most senior Russian, Israeli, Palestinian and Burmese leaders, it's now the turn of Afghan leade...

🇦🇫 [AFP] - fter the most senior Russian, Israeli, Palestinian and Burmese leaders, it's now the turn of Afghan leaders to be targeted by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Karim Khan is asking the court to issue arrest warrants for Taliban supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada and justice chief Abdul Hakim Haqqani. He accuses them of crimes against humanity for the persecution of Afghan girls and women, as well as other gender minorities.

After the most senior Russian, Israeli, Palestinian and Burmese leaders, it's now the turn of Afghan leaders to be targeted by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Karim Khan is asking the court to issue arrest warrants for Taliban supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada and justic...

🇺🇦   - Finland is the stage for an unusual trial, where a 37-year-old Russian citizen is charged with war crimes committ...

🇺🇦 - Finland is the stage for an unusual trial, where a 37-year-old Russian citizen is charged with war crimes committed in Ukraine. Voislav Torden is accused of leading an ambush attack in which 22 Ukrainian soldiers were killed, including four who were executed after being injured in eastern Ukraine in 2014. The accused denies all allegations. His day in court is today.

Finland is the stage for an unusual trial where Voislav Torden, a Russian citizen from the Rusich paramilitary group, is charged with war crimes committed in Ukraine.

🇺🇦   - La Finlande 🇫🇮 est le théâtre d'un procès inhabituel, où un citoyen russe de 37 ans est jugé pour des crimes de g...

🇺🇦 - La Finlande 🇫🇮 est le théâtre d'un procès inhabituel, où un citoyen russe de 37 ans est jugé pour des crimes de guerre commis en Ukraine. Voislav Torden est accusé d'avoir dirigé une embuscade au cours de laquelle 22 soldats ukrainiens ont été tués, dont quatre exécutés après avoir été blessés dans l'est de l'Ukraine, en 2014. L'accusé nie toutes les allégations. Son interrogatoire public est attendu aujourd'hui.

La Finlande est le théâtre d'un procès inhabituel où Voislav Torden, un citoyen russe du groupe paramilitaire Rusich, est jugé pour des crimes de guerre commis en Ukraine.

🇺🇸   - The upcoming U.S. sanctions against the International Criminal Court (ICC) are throwing the court into unknown te...

🇺🇸 - The upcoming U.S. sanctions against the International Criminal Court (ICC) are throwing the court into unknown territory. They have the potential to disable the institution. Individuals working for or even interacting with the Court may find themselves subject to punishment. Banks and essential service providers may find it too risky to make business with the Court.

In this second part, experts explain how this works and what the possible consequences are, while hoping for the best.

Some quotes below:

“When they talk about sanctions, experts on sanctions call it a civil death for the individual who's sanctioned because of the burdens imposed on the person.” – Milena Sterio

“This time around, it's gotten support from members of Congress. And then, unfortunately, 45 Democrats have voted for it.” - Harold Koh

“This [new] legislation talks, instead of personnel, about ‘nationals and residents’. So it's much broader. And that's where some of the kind of bizarre overreach of the legislation comes in. It's because it's not just focusing on officials. It's anyone from the country or anyone even resident in the country.” - Adam Keith

“Sanctioning professionals working on justice and accountability gives off an incredibly wrong message. It unjustly maligns an institution that has Americans and nationals from allied nations and committed justice professionals from elsewhere working there, a court that is heavily built on American ideals and principles.” - Kip Hale

“What's really extremely scary this time around is that companies like, for example, Microsoft or interpretation services that provide assistance to the court, are exposing themselves to risk, too. And so they could say to the court, we don't want to work with you anymore. You know, this is just not worth the risk for us. And if that were to happen, then the court would have a really hard time continuing its existence.” – Milena Sterio

“That's what we find so jarring and appalling to see the tool applied not against the alleged war criminals being investigated, but the officials, the judges, prosecutors, human rights lawyers doing the investigating. We just see it as a sort of fundamental ‘category error’ to apply it in this context in this way.” - Adam Keith

The forthcoming US sanctions against the International Criminal Court (ICC) risk bringing the institution to a complete standstill. Experts explain to Justice Info how it works and what the possible consequences are.

🇺🇸   - Les prochaines sanctions américaines à l'encontre de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) jettent celle-ci dans l’...

🇺🇸 - Les prochaines sanctions américaines à l'encontre de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) jettent celle-ci dans l’inconnu. Elles risquent de rendre impotente l'institution. Ceux qui travaillent pour la Cour ou sont en contact avec elle pourraient être visés. Banques et fournisseurs de services essentiels pourraient juger trop risqué d’être liés à la CPI.

Des experts expliquent comment cela est possible, tout en espérant que tout ira pour le mieux.

Les prochaines sanctions américaines à l'encontre de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) risquent de paralyser complètement l'institution. Des experts expliquent à Justice Info comment ça marche.

🇺🇸   - Earlier this month, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill calling on the U.S. president to sanction the...

🇺🇸 - Earlier this month, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill calling on the U.S. president to sanction the International Criminal Court (ICC) for any investigations into “protected persons” of the United States and its allies. The president of the ICC warned it may jeopardize the existence of the Court. Before analysing why the new U.S. sanctions may be fatal, we look back into the history of the yo-yo relationship between the U.S. and the ICC.

When Donald Trump returns to the presidency of the United States, will he sanction the International Criminal Court (ICC) for any investigations into “protected persons” of the United States and its allies. We look back into the history of the yo-yo relationship between the U.S. and the ICC.


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ENGLISH : JusticeInfo.net is the leading news site on international justice.

We write about transitional justice initiatives in countries emerging from conflict. Our reports, investigations, analyses, interviews and opinion pieces are for local populations as well as transitional justice experts.

Justice Info covers trials for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, the International Criminal Court, other international and mixed tribunals, truth and reconciliation commissions, human rights, environmental crimes, universal jurisdiction, reparations programmes and remembrance. ------- FRANCAIS : JusticeInfo.net est le site d’information de référence sur la justice internationale.

Nous écrivons sur les initiatives de justice dans des pays confrontés à de graves violences. Nos reportages, enquêtes, chroniques, analyses, interviews et nos opinions s’adressent autant aux populations locales qu’aux experts en justice transitionnelle.