Silat Indonesia Perisai Diri - Geneva

Silat Indonesia Perisai Diri - Geneva This page is meant to provide information about Indonesian Pencak Silat in Geneva-CH, especially Keluarga Silat Nasional (KELATNAS) Indonesia Perisai Diri.

Perisai Diri (PD) means to shield oneself. It is an Indonesian martial art that has been existing since 02 July 1955. The founder is Raden Mas Soebandiman Dirjoatmodjo. PD is headquartered in Surabaya, Indonesia. PD is a member of Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI). PD is one of the tenth martial art organisations that established the IPSI. PD focuses on 3 aspects: physical, breathing and

spiritual training. PD can also be found in the following continents:

1. Asia-Pacific:
a. Indonesia (nearly all islands)
b. Brunei
c. Timor Leste
d. Australia (Brisbane, Sydney, Perth, Melbourne)
e. Japan (Tokyo)

2. Europe
a. Switzerland (Geneva, Zurich)
b. Germany (Bonn)
c. France (Audresselles)
d. The Netherlands (Amsterdam, Utrecht)
e. Sweden
f. The U.K. PD has its curriculum whereby students will not only benefit from being able to protect themselves from the unexpected ocassions, they will also gain self-development without being an arrogant humans. Periodically, students will have a grading day where their skills are examined by the trainers and they will be graded to an appropriate level once they passed the exams. PD does not recognise any physical violence during training and grading sessions. Further, PD addresses the so-called Asah (Sharpening the techniques), Asih (Admiring the fighting partners) dan Asuh (Caring for sparing partners). PD techniques are comprised of animals styles (i.e. from Mliwis, Kuntul, Garuda to Naga). After mastering these animals techniques, students will learn the human techniques (i.e. from Satria, Pendeta to Puteri). Minangkabau is a technique that will be also taught to students before they learn animals techniques. Further, each technique in PD has a very meaningful philosophy which is very important to be grasped by students. Grading system in PD depends very much on how frequent the training is held and the ability of how rapid the students absorb the techniques and perform them correctly are. Assuming the training is twice a week then ideally every semester the grading can be taken place, but only up to certain levels. Grading system can be found in our Facebook account. However, here is an overview of grading system and techniques that students will learn according to the level:

Dasar 1 = 6 months (white belt)
Dasar 2 = 6 months (black belt)

From red belt to its different badge:
Cakel = 6 months, students learn Minang
Putih = 6 months, students learn Mliwis
Putih-Hijau = 6 months, students learn Kuntul
Hijau = 6 months, students learn Garuda
Hijau-Biru = 6 months, students learn Harimau
Biru = 2 year, students learn Naga
Biru-Merah = 2 years, students learn Satria
Merah = 3 years, students learn Pendeta
Merah-Kuning= 3 years, students learn Puteri
Kuning or Pendekar Muda = 3 years, students learn all techniques and understanding them both using weapons, breathing exercises softly and practising how to explode the power whenever necessary. Kuning Emas = Master, they learn to review all the techniques both physical, breathing, spiritual. Understand all the aspects.


Untuk semuanya yang memiliki keinginan dan motivasi untuk belajar bahasa inggris bisa langsung ke tkp, Belajar Bahasa Asing - Inggris akan membagikan tips²nya beserta contoh²nya dalam bahasa inggris yang praktis.


As a sports enthusiast we can't neglect consuming good quality foods. This is one of the Indonesian foods that I miss from time to time, especially after the training session.

What about you guys?

Bulan Juli adalah bulannya KELATNAS INDONESIA PERISAI DIRI se-dunia, khususnya tanggal 2 Juli setiap tahunnya.HUT PERISA...

Bulan Juli adalah bulannya KELATNAS INDONESIA PERISAI DIRI se-dunia, khususnya tanggal 2 Juli setiap tahunnya.

HUT PERISAI DIRI ke 69 (1955-2024) semoga senantiasa sukses dalam melestarikan budaya bangsa dan negara, mencetak atlet-atlet di setiap kategorinya dan menjadikan para pengikutnya menjadi insan yang memiliki budi pekerti luhur.


Photo: saya menemukan kayu yang terdampar di pinggir pantai yang menyerupai posisi sikap naga.


Praciting Pencak Silat = Getting to know with the Indonesian Culture

Practising Pencak Silat Perisai Diri allows people who don't speak bahasa Indonesia (indonesian language) learn the language simultaneously. It also familiarises the chinese words like Zhuǎnshēn (samcian) and other vocabulary from other island in Indonesia like lempitan aceh, fordekok and so on.

Previous video showed you that students were able to perform the movements without dictating the name of each movement. This video demonstrates what movement should be performed by students.

How do you like this video? Who misses training Perisai Diri at University of Surabaya?


Pencak Silat Perisai Diri exists nearly at all schools and universities in Indonesia. It's quite common to practice Pencak Silat in Indonesia as one of the sports that can maintain, improve the fitness, self-control and make someone to become an athlete.

This video was taken at faculty of psychology of Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA). It's my duty to transfer what i know a bit of Pencak Silat to the undergraduate students after adressing a certain course at the fac. of business and economics at day time.

One of the students was from Japan. She was very interested in practising Pencak Silat Perisai Diri for many reasons.


Salam Bunga Sepasang

Kegiatan ini bisa dikatakan sebagai kegiatan yang sifatnya spontan. Saat saya berada di kota Mataram, Lombok bersama tim badminton dari kota Jenewa, Swiss.

Saya kontak UKM Perisai Diri Unram dan Mas Imam langsung mengumpulkan saudara²saudari dari PD UKM Universitas Mataram.

Sungguh persaudaraan yang luar biasa.🙏


Ketika siang saya mengampu mata kuliah manajemen keuangan, rantai pasok dan logistik di fakultas bisnis dan ekonomika di Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA) dan ketika malam tiba setelah maghrib saya kembali ke kampus untuk melatih mahasiswa/wi yang berminat latihan Pencak Silat Perisai Diri. (dokumentasi pribadi, 2016).

Melatih tidak hanya menyuruh siswa dan siswi melakukan gerakan tanpa adanya penjelasan. Saya selalu bertanya ke siswa/siswi yang saya latih kenapa harus menendang begini, memukul begitu, dll, jika mereka tidak ada pertanyaan. Kenapa saya lakukan ini ya.karena saya ingin mereka paham tidak hanya dari gerakannya saja tapi penjelasan yang masuk akal dibalik setiap teknik itu sendiri.

Selamat berlatih ya.

Salam Bunga Sepasang


Silat Indonesia Perisai Diri - Geneva goes to the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) on 6 June 2024 during the Asian Festival held by the Asian Ambassadors' Wives Association Geneva (AAWAG).

Vidio cedited to (PTRI)


Jangan lupa tetap latihan ya saudara dan saudari Perisai Diri dimanapun kalian berada.


Bonjour les genèvoises/genèvois

Salam Bunga Sepasang

Voici vous trouverez une information courte de Pencak Silat Perisai Diri, c'est un genre de l'art martial indonésien. Si vous souhaitez savoir en plus n'hesitez pas à me contacter.

Vous pouvez la partager si ça vous interèsse.

Merci de regarder cette vidéo !

Salam Bunga Sepasang Pour ceux qui aiment pratiquer l'autodéfense pour les loisirs ou compétitions, vous pouvez regarder...

Salam Bunga Sepasang

Pour ceux qui aiment pratiquer l'autodéfense pour les loisirs ou compétitions, vous pouvez regarder cette vidéo et une petite information à propos de Pencak Silat Perisai Diri. Si vous habitez à Genève ou la ville à côté de Genève et êtes motivé pour apprendre régulièrement alors n'hésitez pas à me contacter !!

I guess i dont need to translate in english because your smartphone and this facebook can do an auto translation to your prefered language.

Salam olahraga !!
Silat Indonesia Perisai Diri - Geneva

Guys, this video manifests you the two ways of serang hindar which you can see during the training session and competition. Silat Perisai Diri is one of hund...


When I was at the headquarter of Keluarga Silat Nasional Indonesia PERISAI DIRI in Surabaya. Serang Hindar (SH) is what we practice every time and it’s a competitive type of sport with no rules but ruled as an internal competition.

Athletes are free to attack any target of his/her opponents in the course of SH compeition !


Selain pertandingan yang mengikuti aturan IPSI, Serang Hindar juga menjadi kategori khusus yang dipertandingkan pada event kejuaraan di Perisai Diri. Berikut adalah pertandingan Serang Hindar kategori/kelas A.

Sayangnya ini ronde ke-3 Serang Balas aja yang dapat saya bagikan. Bagaimana menurut anda?

Semoga besok vidionya sudah bisa dibagikan di sini.

Semoga besok vidionya sudah bisa dibagikan di sini.



Cara latihan saya di Jenewa, Swiss yang jauh dari pelatih baik yang di Jerman maupun di Surabaya ya latihan solospel kombinasi tangan kosong.

Lalu apa yang ada dalam pikiran saya saat latihan solospel adalah bahwa saya dikeroyok oleh beberapa orang jahat.

Nah gimana latihan solospel kalian?




Dienstag 19:30 - 21:00
Donnerstag 19:30 - 21:00




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