The Latest Research News

The Latest Research News The Latest Research News is a news website dedicated to covering the latest scientific research. We

Wildfire on the Rise Since 1984 in Northern California’s Coastal RangesHigh-severity wildfires in northern coastal Calif...

Wildfire on the Rise Since 1984 in Northern California’s Coastal Ranges

High-severity wildfires in northern coastal California have been increasing by about 10% per decade since 1984.

High-severity wildfires in northern coastal California have been increasing by about 10% per decade since 1984, scientific research finds.

Scientists Predict That Covid-19 Will Become a Seasonal Virus – But Not Yet"But we think it’s highly likely, given what ...

Scientists Predict That Covid-19 Will Become a Seasonal Virus – But Not Yet

"But we think it’s highly likely, given what we know so far, Covid-19 will eventually become seasonal, like other coronaviruses."

Scientists predict that corovnavirus Covid-19 will become a seasonal virus, but not yet, there is still some way to go.

‘Just Following Orders’: Experimental Brain Study Shows How Obeying Orders Dulls Our EmpathyIn this Episode of UNPACKED ...

‘Just Following Orders’: Experimental Brain Study Shows How Obeying Orders Dulls Our Empathy

In this Episode of UNPACKED we interviewed Emilie Caspar, the leading author of a new study on how "obeying orders" affects the human brain:

Correcting Covid-19 Misconceptions May Require Speaking to Individuals’ Moral Values, According to New Research

Correcting Covid-19 Misconceptions May Require Speaking to Individuals’ Moral Values, According to New Research

One-size-fits-all educational content unlikely to be effective in promoting acceptance of best available COVID-19 evidence, scientific research shows.

Correcting Covid-19 Misconceptions May Require Speaking to Individuals’ Moral Values“A one-size-fits-all approach to com...

Correcting Covid-19 Misconceptions May Require Speaking to Individuals’ Moral Values

“A one-size-fits-all approach to communication is not likely to succeed with the general public,” Trevors said. “Instead, information and calls to action need to be framed differently to connect with various moral beliefs.”

For example, for people who value social cohesion, Covid-19 messaging could highlight mask wearing as a patriotic act. For people who value individual liberty, messaging could emphasize mask wearing as self-protection that enhances personal freedom to participate in work or recreational activities.

One-size-fits-all educational content unlikely to be effective in promoting acceptance of best available COVID-19 evidence, scientific research shows.

Russia’s Regions and Their Preferences for Strong AlcoholThe preferences of Russians changed over time, too. According t...

Russia’s Regions and Their Preferences for Strong Alcohol

The preferences of Russians changed over time, too. According to Russian Statistics Agency, vodka constituted 81.4% of total alcohol sales back in 1995, and only 36.4% in 2018. The share of beer consumption also grew over the same period from 12.8% up to 43.3%, just like the share of other beverages (primarily, wine)—from 5.8% up to 20.3%.

Despite all the restrictive measures, Russia still remains one of the most active alcohol (vodka and beer) consumers. Researchers break down consumption.

Climate Change Will Decimate Palm Springs, Coachella Valley TourismThousands known as “snowbirds” flock to the region an...

Climate Change Will Decimate Palm Springs, Coachella Valley Tourism

Thousands known as “snowbirds” flock to the region annually from elsewhere in the country to escape freezing winters. However, due to climate change, the number of days above 85 degrees between November and April is projected to increase by up to 150% by the end of the century.

Climate change will have a devastating effect on the greater Palm Springs area's dominant industry -- tourism, according to scientific research.

African Wild Dogs Have Vestigial First Digit and Muscular Adaptations for Life on the Run

African Wild Dogs Have Vestigial First Digit and Muscular Adaptations for Life on the Run

Researchers find that African wild dogs have vestigial first digit and muscular adaptations for life on the run.

Bus Drivers More Likely to Let White Customers Ride for FreeBased on 1,552 transactions in Queensland, Australia, the au...

Bus Drivers More Likely to Let White Customers Ride for Free

Based on 1,552 transactions in Queensland, Australia, the authors uncovered strong evidence of racial bias: bus drivers were twice as willing to let white testers ride free as Black testers (72% versus 36% of the time).

Bus drivers are more likely to let white riders ride for free and less likely to let Black riders ride without for free, scientific research finds.

First Complete Dinosaur Skeleton Ever Found is Ready For Its Closeup at Last

First Complete Dinosaur Skeleton Ever Found is Ready For Its Closeup at Last

The first complete dinosaur skeleton ever identified has finally been studied in detail and found its place in the dinosaur family tree.

Natural Disasters Must be Unusual or Deadly to Prompt Local Climate Policy Change, Study Finds

Natural Disasters Must be Unusual or Deadly to Prompt Local Climate Policy Change, Study Finds

Natural disasters alone are not enough to motivate local communities to engage in climate change mitigation or adaptation, research shows.

Scientists have discovered how a biological switch helps animals make the seasonal changes crucial for survival, such as...

Scientists have discovered how a biological switch helps animals make the seasonal changes crucial for survival, such as growing a warm winter coat and adjusting body temperatures.

1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men who were exposed to parental intimate partner violence, mental illness and addictions report...

1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men who were exposed to parental intimate partner violence, mental illness and addictions reported they had been sexually abused in childhood.

Adults who had parents who struggled with substance dependence, intimate partner violence and mental illness are more than 10 times more likely to have been victims of childhood sexual abuse, scientific research suggests.

Neighborhood Environment Has a Profound Association With Refugees’ Health

Neighborhood Environment Has a Profound Association With Refugees’ Health

Scientific research carried out in Denmark found that neighborhood environments have a profound association with refugees’ health.

Face Shields Reduced Percentage of Health Workers Infected With Covid-19 From 19% to Zero

Face Shields Reduced Percentage of Health Workers Infected With Covid-19 From 19% to Zero

A new Covid-19 scientific study describes the impact that the usage of face shields had for a group of health workers in India.

Half of Parents Report Butting Heads With Child’s Grandparent Over ParentingBlame, shame and disagreements between paren...

Half of Parents Report Butting Heads With Child’s Grandparent Over Parenting

Blame, shame and disagreements between parents and grandparents over parenting choices like discipline, meals and TV time can strain relationships.

Half of parents report butting heads with child's grandparent over parenting, scientific research shows.

Millions of American homes could become unsellable – or could be sold at significant losses to their senior-citizen owne...

Millions of American homes could become unsellable – or could be sold at significant losses to their senior-citizen owners – between now and 2040, according to new research from the University of Arizona.

The prediction by professor Arthur C. Nelson undermines the classic ‘big promise’ in homeownership: that a home, after it’s paid off, can be sold for a retirement nest egg.

Study predicts millions of unsellable homes could upend market, Americs economics scientific research shows.

Coronavirus Transmission Risk Increases Along Wildlife Supply ChainsCoronaviruses were detected in a high proportion of ...

Coronavirus Transmission Risk Increases Along Wildlife Supply Chains

Coronaviruses were detected in a high proportion of bats and rodents in Viet Nam from 2013 to 2014, with an increasing proportion of positive samples found along the wildlife supply chain from traders to large markets to restaurants, according to a new study.

Coronavirus Covid-19 transmission risk increases along wildlife supply chains, scientific research shows.

Mouthwashes Could Reduce the Risk of Coronavirus TransmissionThe researchers tested eight mouthwashes with different ing...

Mouthwashes Could Reduce the Risk of Coronavirus Transmission

The researchers tested eight mouthwashes with different ingredients that are available in pharmacies or drugstores in Germany.

Coronavirus Covid-19 viruses can be inactivated using certain commercially available mouthwashes, scientific research shows.


In a reversal of trends, American baby boomers scored lower on a test of cognitive functioning than did members of previous generations.

This Week in Research is a weekly show that covers 5 studies published over the past 7 days.


Corporate Activism is defined as a firm’s public demonstration (statements and/or actions) of support for — or oppositio...

Corporate Activism is defined as a firm’s public demonstration (statements and/or actions) of support for — or opposition to — one side of a partisan sociopolitical issue.

The researchers behind this study investigate how customers and investors respond to corporate activism.

They find that the response can be positive and profitable, if the corporation picks the right side.

Do investors and customers like it when a corporation picks a side on a devisive social issue? They like it, most of the time, research shows.


The best way to wash N95 masks: Fifty minutes in a rice cooker. What do investors and customers think of corporate activism? They like it, if it aligns with their ideology.

This Week in Research is a weekly show that covers five scientific studies published over the past seven days.

Link to studies:

Minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged children have significantly higher rates of Covid-19 infection, a new study...

Minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged children have significantly higher rates of Covid-19 infection, a new study led by Children’s National Hospital researchers shows.

Minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged children have significantly higher rates of Covid-19 infection, scientific research shows.

Fauci: Latest Covid-19 Research on Children is the ‘Reason Why We Need to be Humble’

Fauci: Latest Covid-19 Research on Children is the ‘Reason Why We Need to be Humble’

Fauci discusses new Covid-19 treatments, whether children can spread the virus, face shields and goggles, among other coronavirus-related topics.

Satellite Survey Shows California’s Sinking Coastal HotspotsAs of 2005, approximately 40 million people were exposed to ...

Satellite Survey Shows California’s Sinking Coastal Hotspots

As of 2005, approximately 40 million people were exposed to a 1 in 100-year coastal flooding hazard. By 2070, this number will more than triple.

Climate Change Research: An Arizona State University research team has, for the first time, tracked the entire California coast's vertical land motion.

In a reversal of trends, American baby boomers scored lower on a test of cognitive functioning than did members of previ...

In a reversal of trends, American baby boomers scored lower on a test of cognitive functioning than did members of previous generations, according to a new nationwide study.

In a reversal of trends, American baby boomers scored lower on a test of cognitive functioning than did members of previous generations.

Covid-19 on Trains:Based on high-speed routes in China, researchers from WorldPop found that for train passengers sittin...

Covid-19 on Trains:

Based on high-speed routes in China, researchers from WorldPop found that for train passengers sitting within three rows (widthwise) and five columns (lengthwise) of an infected person (index patient) between zero and ten percent (10.3) caught the disease. The average rate of transmission for these ‘close contact’ travellers was 0.32%.

Research by scientists from the University of Southampton has examined the chances of catching Covid-19 in a train carriage carrying an infectious person.


Breast cancer rates are on the rise worldwide. New research distinguishes between postmenopausal & premenopausal breast cancer.

SHOCKING — Postmenopausal Mortality Rate:

Developing countries: 56%
Developed countries: 21%

This Week in Research is a weekly show that covers 5 studies published over the past 7 days.

Read more:

It was the pandemic, not the lockdown, that depressed people’s wellbeing, Covid-19 study suggests.

It was the pandemic, not the lockdown, that depressed people’s wellbeing, Covid-19 study suggests.

Scientific research suggests that it was the coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic, and not the lockdown, that depressed people’s wellbeing.

Wealthier communities went from being the most mobile before the Covid-19 pandemic to the least mobile, while poorer are...

Wealthier communities went from being the most mobile before the Covid-19 pandemic to the least mobile, while poorer areas have gone from the least mobile to the most mobile, according to a study by the University of California, Davis.

Wealthier communities went from being the most mobile before the Covid-19 pandemic to the least mobile, scientific research reveals.


Researchers use dragonflies to measure mercury levels in U.S. national parks, breast cancer rates are on the rise globally, and much more in this episode of This Week in Research.

This Week in Research is a weekly show that covers 5 studies published over the past 7 days.

More information on the articles mentioned in the video is available here:

Another mRNA-based Vaccine Candidate Protects Animals Against SARS-CoV-2

Another mRNA-based Vaccine Candidate Protects Animals Against SARS-CoV-2

An experimental mRNA-based vaccine against Covid-19 SARS-CoV-2 elicits protective immune responses in mice and non-human primates

When Power is Toxic: Groups Led by Subordinate Males Outperform Those Led by Dominant and Aggressive Males

When Power is Toxic: Groups Led by Subordinate Males Outperform Those Led by Dominant and Aggressive Males

Study of fish behaviour shows that dominant individuals can influence a group, but passive individuals are far better at bringing a group to consensus.

Scientists Identify New Species of Sea Sponge Off the Coast of British Columbia, Canada

Scientists Identify New Species of Sea Sponge Off the Coast of British Columbia, Canada

Researchers have discovered a new sponge that is abundant in British Columbia, making up nearly 20% of the live sponges in the coast's reefs.


The planet’s population is estimated to peak in 2064 at 9.7 billion, dogs and miniature pigs behave very similarly, except when it comes to solving challenging problems, and much more in this episode of This Week in Research.

This Week in Research is a weekly show that covers 5 studies published over the past 7 days.

More information on the articles mentionned in the video is available here:

Devastating: “We found that in the 15-year study period, farming households shifted from diets based on limited consumpt...

Devastating: “We found that in the 15-year study period, farming households shifted from diets based on limited consumption of meat and dairy items and high consumption of plant-based foods from their own production, towards diets with high protein and fat content, with food items increasingly purchased in the market."

As increasing areas of the Amazonian rainforest are converted into agricultural land, scientists are examining how this is linked with locals' food access.

Why Governments Have the Right to Require Masks in Public“But even the strictest individual liberty philosophies still r...

Why Governments Have the Right to Require Masks in Public

“But even the strictest individual liberty philosophies still recognize that those liberties only go to the point of harm against others."

Requirements for consumers to wear masks at public places are very similar to smoking bans, according to three university scientists.

Researchers compared human-oriented communicative behaviours of young miniature pigs and dogs kept as companion animals....

Researchers compared human-oriented communicative behaviours of young miniature pigs and dogs kept as companion animals. They found that in a neutral situation, pigs turn to humans, initiating interactions as much as dogs do. But in a problem-solving situation, the two species behave differently.

This study is the first to compare family dogs and pigs in a problem-solving situation. New scientific research shows just how smart pigs are.

When Should You Neuter Your Dog to Avoid Health Risks? A new comprehensive study lays out guidelines for 35 dog breeds.

When Should You Neuter Your Dog to Avoid Health Risks?

A new comprehensive study lays out guidelines for 35 dog breeds.

At what age should you neuter your dog? A comprehensive scientific study lays out guidelines for 35 dog breeds: Labradors; retrievers; bulldogs; terriers...

New Lithium Battery Charges Faster, Reduces Risk of Device Explosions

New Lithium Battery Charges Faster, Reduces Risk of Device Explosions

Researchers have invented a technology that can prevent lithium batteries from heating and failing. It will also help lithium batteries to charge faster.




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