Life MDPI Life (ISSN 2075-1729) is an open access journal, covering all aspects of life sciences, published monthly online by MDPI.


🤗 Check out this Review:

Strain Development in Microalgal Biotechnology—Random Mutagenesis Techniques

🎓by Dr. Krujatz et al., from the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany.

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mutagenesis; ; mutagens; development; biotechnology

Microalgal biomass and metabolites can be used as a renewable source of nutrition, pharmaceuticals and energy to maintain or improve the quality of human life. Microalgae’s high volumetric productivity and low impact on the environment make them a promising raw material in terms of both ecolog...


📢Interesting article:

Does Metabolic Syndrome Affect the Incidence and Prognosis of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss?

🎓by Prof. Dr. Lee et al., from the Konyang University College of Medicine, Korea.

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syndrome; sensorineural hearing loss; injury; -control study

Earlier studies reported that the occurrence of sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) is associated with chronic metabolic disorders such as hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. Instead of focusing on the relationship between SSNHL and each metabolic disorder, this study aimed to identify...

📢Interesting article: What Went Wrong with the IMMUNI Contact-Tracing App in Italy? A Cross-Sectional Survey on the Atti...

📢Interesting article:

What Went Wrong with the IMMUNI Contact-Tracing App in Italy? A Cross-Sectional Survey on the Attitudes and Experiences among Healthcare University Students

🎓by Dr. Isonne et al., from the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

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contact tracing; app; -19;

The adoption of digital contact-tracing apps to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2 has been sup-optimal, but studies that clearly identify factors associated with the app uptake are still limited. In April 2021, we administered a questionnaire to healthcare university students to investigate their attit...

🤗Check out this Article: The Effect of Colored and White Light on Growth and Phycobiliproteins, Chlorophyll and Caroteno...

🤗Check out this Article:

The Effect of Colored and White Light on Growth and Phycobiliproteins, Chlorophyll and Carotenoids Content of the Marine Cyanobacteria Phormidium sp. and Cyanothece sp. in Batch Cultures

🎓by Prof. Dr. Hotos et al., from the University of Patras, Greece.

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; ; ; growth; ; ; ;

Two local marine cyanobacteria, Phormidium sp. and Cyanothece sp., were batch-cultured under 18–19.5 °C, at 40 ppt salinity, using white LED light of low (40 μmol photons/m2/s) and high (160 μmol/m2/s) intensity and, additionally, blue, green and red LED light. Yield was highest in h...

🤗 Check out this Review: Review of Multiple Myeloma Genetics including Effects on Prognosis, Response to Treatment, and ...

🤗 Check out this Review:

Review of Multiple Myeloma Genetics including Effects on Prognosis, Response to Treatment, and Diagnostic Workup

🎓by Dr. Wiedmeier-Nuto and Dr. Bergsagel, from the Mayo Clinic, USA.

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myeloma; ; ; genetics; therapies; residual disease

Multiple myeloma is a disorder of the monoclonal plasma cells and is the second most common hematologic malignancy. Despite improvements in survival with newer treatment regimens, multiple myeloma remains an incurable disease and most patients experience multiple relapses. Multiple myeloma disease i...

📢Interesting article:Ultrasound-Guided PECS II + Serratus Plane Fascial Blocks Are Associated with Reduced Opioid Consum...

📢Interesting article:

Ultrasound-Guided PECS II + Serratus Plane Fascial Blocks Are Associated with Reduced Opioid Consumption and Lengths of Stay for Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery: An Observational Retrospective Study

🎓 by Dr. Pirri et al., from the University of Padova, Italy.

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anesthesia; ; surgery; ; II block; plane block; sparing; ;

This study tested the hypothesis that pectoralis II (PECS II) + serratus plane blocks would reduce opioid consumption and improve outcomes compared with standard practice in minimally invasive cardiac surgery. A retrospective and observational study was realized in the intensive care unit (ICU) sett...

📑 Highly Cited Paper:Application of Arthrospira platensis for Medicinal Purposes and the Food Industry: A Review of the ...

📑 Highly Cited Paper:
Application of Arthrospira platensis for Medicinal Purposes and the Food Industry: A Review of the Literature

🎓 By Galia Gentscheva et al., from Medical University—Pleven, Bulgaria


📑 Highly Cited Paper:Sepsis-Induced Coagulopathy: An Update on Pathophysiology, Biomarkers, and Current Guidelines🎓 By A...

📑 Highly Cited Paper:
Sepsis-Induced Coagulopathy: An Update on Pathophysiology, Biomarkers, and Current Guidelines

🎓 By Andreas G. Tsantes et al., from National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece


📗 Editor's Choice Paper:Integrating Artificial Intelligence for Drug Discovery in the Context of Revolutionizing Drug De...

📗 Editor's Choice Paper:
Integrating Artificial Intelligence for Drug Discovery in the Context of Revolutionizing Drug Delivery

🎓 By Anita Ioana Visan et al., from Plasma and Radiation Physics, Romania

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📑Highly Cited Paper:Methods to Improve the Solubility of Curcumin from Turmeric 👨‍🔬 By Julia Górnicka et al., Medical Un...

📑Highly Cited Paper:
Methods to Improve the Solubility of Curcumin from Turmeric

👨‍🔬 By Julia Górnicka et al., Medical University of Warsaw, Poland

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; ; ; ;

📑 Highly Cited Paper:The Role of Silver Nanoparticles in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer: Are There Any Perspectiv...

📑 Highly Cited Paper:

The Role of Silver Nanoparticles in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer: Are There Any Perspectives for the Future?

👨‍🔬by Peter Takáč et al., from University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy, Slovakia


📑 Highly Cited Paper:Exploring the Frontiers of Neuroimaging: A Review of Recent Advances in Understanding Brain Functio...

📑 Highly Cited Paper:
Exploring the Frontiers of Neuroimaging: A Review of Recent Advances in Understanding Brain Functioning and Disorders

🎓by Chiahui Yen et al., from Ming Chuan University, Taiwan

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⭐Editor’s Choice⭐A Seed-Borne Bacterium of Rice, Pantoea dispersa BB1, Protects Rice from the Seedling Rot Caused by the...

⭐Editor’s Choice⭐

A Seed-Borne Bacterium of Rice, Pantoea dispersa BB1, Protects Rice from the Seedling Rot Caused by the Bacterial Pathogen Burkholderia glumae

🎓 by Dr. Akimoto-Tomiyama et al., from National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), Japan.

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; glumae; dispersa; ;

Seedling rot, caused by the bacterial pathogen Burkholderia glumae, is a major disease of rice. It originates from pathogen-contaminated seeds and is thus mainly controlled by pesticide treatments of seeds. We previously demonstrated that the seed-borne bacteria of rice may be a useful and sustainab...

📢Interesting article:Milk Quality and Safety in a One Health Perspective: Results of a Prevalence Study on Dairy Herds i...

📢Interesting article:

Milk Quality and Safety in a One Health Perspective: Results of a Prevalence Study on Dairy Herds in Lombardy (Italy)

🎓 by Prof. Zecconi et al., from the University of Milan, Italy.

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quality; herds; health approach; residues

Mastitis is one of the major diseases of dairy cows that affects milk quality and quantity and increases the potential risk for the presence of antimicrobial residues (AR) in milk, which could lead to the development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) among human pathogens. Even if the presence of AR...

📑New Article:Morphological Evolution and Extinction of Eodiscids and Agnostoid Arthropods🎓 by Huarui Li et al., from Nor...

📑New Article:

Morphological Evolution and Extinction of Eodiscids and Agnostoid Arthropods

🎓 by Huarui Li et al., from Northwest University, Xi’an, China





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