dare2care - Responsible Career Day

dare2care - Responsible Career Day Kontaktinformationen, Karte und Wegbeschreibungen, Kontaktformulare, Öffnungszeiten, Dienstleistungen, Bewertungen, Fotos, Videos und Ankündigungen von dare2care - Responsible Career Day, Basel.

dare2care is a student­‐run association that has the goal of establishing a Responsible Career Day to complement traditional career events at Swiss Universities.


Are you a social business? Apply now for the for Social Entrepreneurship 2016 and win CHF 10.000!

The application process is now open!
The seif Awards for Social Entrepreneurship are open to companies from all over the world that create social impact and have a sustainable business model. You have time to submit your business plan until 30th June: http://seif.org/en/awards/

The seif Awards are open to social enterprises from all over the world. Apply for the seif Awards if you and your team lead an enterprise that creates social impact, and is supported by a sustainable business model. We are looking forward to receiving your business plans and hearing your stories. By...

>>New Event for Global Social Entrepreneurs!

>>New Event for Global Social Entrepreneurs!


A British marketing agency called Agent spent the last few months letting its employees work less. It's still in businessand employees are happier...


Energy Startup Day - where innovative startups meet the energy & cleantech industry! Energie Startup Day - wo innovative Energie und Cleantech Startups auf etablierte Unternehmen im Energiesektor treffen! The goal of the event is to initiate collaboration between startups, incumbents and new actors…

Applications are now open!Your opportunity to become a social impact trainee next to your studies or job with award-winn...

Applications are now open!

Your opportunity to become a social impact trainee next to your studies or job with award-winning euforia! Apply and get more info at: http://euforia.org/etp/ -training-programme


The Our Common Food start-up programme is built with you in mind. It provides everything you need to transform your idea into a working food business.


These tomes will provide practical advice and inspiration as you reach for your goals in the new year.


In Sachen Innovation arbeitet die SBB schon seit längerem mit Startups zusammen. Bis zum 21. Januar können sich Jungunternehmer nun wieder für eine Kooperation mit der SBB im Co-Working Space in Zürich bewerben.


New in Basel!

Develop Innovative Business Ideas to tackle Climate Change!

Wednesday, 15. October, 18:00 - 21:00
Startup Academy Venture Caffè im Caffè Bologna, Missionsstrasse 61, Basel

Do you have an innovative business idea with a positive impact on mankind? Or are you concerned about climate change, but don’t know how to tackle it?

Come and join our workshop on October 15th powered by one of Europe’s leading climate business developers! In cooperation with Startup Academy, Climate-KIC will provide you with an opportunity to:

- Discover new business opportunities to tackle climate change
- Develop your own innovative ideas
- Receive personal feedback from Climate-KIC's Director and their Education Lead

Register now: Send an email to [email protected] (before Monday, Oct. 13th)

We look forward to see you!

Do you want to become a social entrepreneur in the area of energy-cleantech but lack a dazzling idea? Join the idea deve...

Do you want to become a social entrepreneur in the area of energy-cleantech but lack a dazzling idea? Join the idea development workshop on July 22. More information at impacthub.ch/cleantech.

Der Impact Hub Zürich und das Bundesamt für Energie suchen nach innovativen Ideen im Bereich Energy-Cleantech.


Die seif Awards for Social Entrepreneurship prämieren Projekte, die mit einem innovativen Geschäftsmodell an gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen h


Social & Business Co Creation: Collaboration for Impact - coming soon!

Noch ist Zeit zum Bewerben! Auf geht's :)

Noch ist Zeit zum Bewerben! Auf geht's :)

Apply before February 6 Summerpreneurship�brings early stage impact-driven start-ups together with talented students who are looking for an...

Gesucht: innovative Jugendideen für die Reduktion des WasserverbrauchsTeilnahmeschluss ist der 28. Februar 2014, Mittern...

Gesucht: innovative Jugendideen für die Reduktion des Wasserverbrauchs

Teilnahmeschluss ist der 28. Februar 2014, Mitternacht (MEZ).

Wäre das nicht was für euch?

euer Team von dare2care!


Gegenwärtig verbrauchen wir jeden Tag rund 4´000 Liter Wasser pro Person. Der Grösste Teil fliesst in die Produktion unserer Konsumgüter, welche wir oftmals aus wasserarmen Ländern importieren.

Start-up Weekend vom 1.11 bis 3.11.2013 in Basel mit inspirierenden Coaches und hochkarätigen StartUp-Experten, die euch...

Start-up Weekend vom 1.11 bis 3.11.2013 in Basel mit inspirierenden Coaches und hochkarätigen StartUp-Experten, die euch bei der Entwicklung eurer Geschäftsidee unterstützen!

Tolle Preise für die Erstplazierten!

Early Bird Tickets bis zum 19. Oktober


Startup Weekend is a global network of passionate leaders and entrepreneurs on a mission to inspire, educate, and empower individuals, teams and communities. Come share ideas, form teams, and launch startups.


euforia stands for a generation of CHANGEmakers






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