📹An Entropy Generation Rate Model for Tropospheric Behavior That Includes Cloud Evolution
✍️Jainagesh A. Sekhar
🔗 https://bit.ly/3YwkKmq
🕹A postulate that relates global warming to higher entropy generation rate demand in the tropospheric is offered and tested. This article introduces a low-complexity model to calculate the entropy generation rate required in the troposphere. The entropy generation rate per unit volume is noted to be proportional to the square of the Earth’s average surface temperature for a given positive rate of surface warming. The main postulate is that the troposphere responds with mechanisms to provide for the entropy generation rate that involves specific cloud morphologies and wind behavior. A diffuse-interface model is used to calculate the entropy generation rates of clouds. Clouds with limited vertical development, like the high-altitude cirrus or mid-altitude stratus clouds, are close-to-equilibrium clouds that do not generate much entropy but contribute to warming. Clouds like the cumulonimbus permit rapid vertical cloud development and can rapidly generate new entropy. Several extreme weather events that the Earth is experiencing are related to entropy-generating clouds that discharge a high rate of rain, hail, or transfer energy in the form of lightning. The water discharge from a cloud can cool the surface below the cloud but also add to the demand for a higher entropy generation rate in the cloud and troposphere. The model proposed predicts the atmospheric conditions required for bifurcations to severe-weather clouds. The calculated vertical velocity of thunderclouds associated with high entropy generation rates matches the recorded observations. The scale of instabilities for an evolving diffuse interface is related to the entropy generation rate per unit volume. Significant similarities exist between the morphologies and the entropy generation rate correlations in vertical cloud evolution and directionally solidifie
📹Fisher and Shannon Functionals for Hyperbolic Diffusion
✍️Manuel Osvaldo Caceres, Marco Nizama and Flavia Pennini
🕹The complexity measure for the distribution in space-time of a finite-velocity diffusion process is calculated. Numerical results are presented for the calculation of Fisher’s information, Shannon’s entropy, and the Cramér–Rao inequality, all of which are associated with a positively normalized solution to the telegrapher’s equation. In the framework of hyperbolic diffusion, the non-local Fisher’s information with the x-parameter is related to the local Fisher’s information with the t-parameter. A perturbation theory is presented to calculate Shannon’s entropy of the telegrapher’s equation at long times, as well as a toy model to describe the system as an attenuated wave in the ballistic regime (short times).
📌The original article was published with Entropy MDPI
📹On Magnetic Models in Wavefunction Ensembles
🕹In a wavefunction-only philosophy, thermodynamics must be recast in terms of an ensemble of wavefunctions. In this perspective we study how to construct Gibbs ensembles for magnetic quantum spin models. We show that with free boundary conditions and distinguishable “spins” there are no finite-temperature phase transitions because of high dimensionality of the phase space. Then we focus on the simplest case, namely the mean-field (Curie–Weiss) model, in order to discover whether phase transitions are even possible in this model class. This strategy at least diminishes the dimensionality of the problem. We found that, even assuming exchange symmetry in the wavefunctions, no finite-temperature phase transitions appear when the Hamiltonian is given by the usual energy expression of quantum mechanics (in this case the analytical argument is not totally satisfactory and we relied partly on a computer analysis). However, a variant model with additional “wavefunction energy” does have a phase transition to a magnetized state. (With respect to dynamics, which we do not consider here, wavefunction energy induces a non-linearity which nevertheless preserves norm and energy. This non-linearity becomes significant only at the macroscopic level.) The three results together suggest that magnetization in large wavefunction spin chains appears if and only if we consider indistinguishable particles and block macroscopic dispersion (i.e., macroscopic superpositions) by energy conservation. Our principle technique involves transforming the problem to one in probability theory, then applying results from large deviations, particularly the Gärtner–Ellis Theorem. Finally, we discuss Gibbs vs. Boltzmann/Einstein entropy in the choice of the quantum thermodynamic ensemble, as well as open problems.
✍️Leonardo De Carlo and William D. Wick
The original article was published with Entropy MDPI
📹A Joint Communication and Computation Design for Probabilistic Semantic Communications
✍️Zhouxiang Zhao, Zhaohui Yang, Mingzhe Chen, Zhaoyang Zhang and H. Vincent Poor
🕹In this paper, the problem of joint transmission and computation resource allocation for a multi-user probabilistic semantic communication (PSC) network is investigated. In the considered model, users employ semantic information extraction techniques to compress their large-sized data before transmitting them to a multi-antenna base station (BS). Our model represents large-sized data through substantial knowledge graphs, utilizing shared probability graphs between the users and the BS for efficient semantic compression. The resource allocation problem is formulated as an optimization problem with the objective of maximizing the sum of the equivalent rate of all users, considering the total power budget and semantic resource limit constraints. The computation load considered in the PSC network is formulated as a non-smooth piecewise function with respect to the semantic compression ratio. To tackle this non-convex non-smooth optimization challenge, a three-stage algorithm is proposed, where the solutions for the received beamforming matrix of the BS, the transmit power of each user, and the semantic compression ratio of each user are obtained stage by stage. The numerical results validate the effectiveness of our proposed scheme.
📌The original article was published with Entropy MDPI
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📹Quantum Advantage of Thermal Machines with Bose and Fermi Gases
✍️Saikat Sur and Arnab Ghosh
🕹 The paper shows that a quantum gas, a collection of massive, non-interacting, indistinguishable quantum particles, can be realized as a thermodynamic machine as an artifact of energy quantization and, hence, bears no classical analog. Such a thermodynamic machine depends on the statistics of the particles, the chemical potential, and the spatial dimension of the system. Our detailed analysis demonstrates the fundamental features of quantum Stirling cycles, from the viewpoint of particle statistics and system dimensions, that helps us to realize desired quantum heat engines and refrigerators by exploiting the role of quantum statistical mechanics. In particular, a clear distinction between the behavior of a Fermi gas and a Bose gas is observed in one dimension, rather than in higher dimensions, solely due to the innate differences in their particle statistics indicating the conspicuous role of a quantum thermodynamic signature in lower dimensions.
📹The Law of Entropy Increase and the Meissner Effect
✍️Alexey Nikulov
🕹 The law of entropy increase postulates the existence of irreversible processes in physics: the total entropy of an isolated system can increase, but cannot decrease. The annihilation of an electric current in normal metal with the generation of Joule heat because of a non-zero resistance is a well-known example of an irreversible process. The persistent current, an undamped electric current observed in a superconductor, annihilates after the transition into the normal state. Therefore, this transition was considered as an irreversible thermodynamic process before 1933.
The original paper was published with Entropy MDPI
📹Information, Entropy, Life, and the Universe
🕹 Information is a very general concept. We all know what information means, yet its formal definition eludes us. We know that Information can either be true or false, and it can be important or irrelevant. Information might be redundant, ambiguous, or meaningless, or it can be objective or highly subjective. On top of these, some information can be measured.
✍️Arieh Ben-Naim
The original paper was published with Entropy MDPI
📹Replication in Energy Markets: Use and Misuse of Chaos Tools
✍️Loretta Mastroeni and Pierluigi Vellucci
🕹Energy commodities have great importance in the energy market, both for their presence in everyday life, and their use in a number of industrial applications. The fluctuation of energy-commodity prices has several significant consequences. For example, it has implications for financial speculation and the possible formation of bubbles. Therefore, forecasting the behavior of such prices has been the subject of a number of research studies.
📹Quantum Advantage of Thermal Machines with Bose and Fermi Gases
✍️Saikat Sur and Arnab Ghosh
🔗 https://bit.ly/46NYcQ6
🕹 We show that a quantum gas, a collection of massive, non-interacting, indistinguishable quantum particles, can be realized as a thermodynamic machine as an artifact of energy quantization and, hence, bears no classical analog. Such a thermodynamic machine depends on the statistics of the particles, the chemical potential, and the spatial dimension of the system. Our detailed analysis demonstrates the fundamental features of quantum Stirling cycles, from the viewpoint of particle statistics and system dimensions, that helps us to realize desired quantum heat engines and refrigerators by exploiting the role of quantum statistical mechanics. In particular, a clear distinction between the behavior of a Fermi gas and a Bose gas is observed in one dimension, rather than in higher dimensions, solely due to the innate differences in their particle statistics indicating the conspicuous role of a quantum thermodynamic signature in lower dimensions.
📹Dynamic Risk Prediction via a Joint Frailty-Copula Model and IPD Meta-Analysis: Building Web Applications
✍️Takeshi Emura, Hirofumi Michimae and Shigeyuki Matsui
🕹Clinical risk prediction formulas for cancer patients can be improved by dynamically updating the formulas by intermediate events, such as tumor progression. The increased accessibility of individual patient data (IPD) from multiple studies has motivated the development of dynamic prediction formulas accounting for between-study heterogeneity. A joint frailty-copula model for overall survival and time to tumor progression has the potential to develop a dynamic prediction formula of death from heterogenous studies.