Matthew 5:6 #readthebible #wisdom #knowledge #trustgodsplan #JesusIsLord #peace #love #joy #Patience #selfcontrol #MerryChristmasToAll #renewmind #mindsetiseverything #breadoflife #bread #righteousness
Romans 12:1-2 Renewing our mind is replacing our thoughts with God’s thoughts. He wants us to have the right mindset so we can live for Him with joy, peace patience and love for one another. #TrustGod #ChristianFaith #JesusIsLord #renewmind #mindset #joy #peace #love #patience #selfcontrol
Your Purpose Is Already Established #TrustGod #knowledge #revelation #prayerworks #ImageOfGod #ChristianFaith #spiritualbattle #prayerwarrior #JesusIsLord
3 Verses To Pray Over Your Children #TrustGod #prayerworks #spiritualbattle #knowledge #mothers #fathers #ChristianFaith #JesusIsLord #marriages #wisdom #wivesandmothers #husbandsandwives #prayerwarrior #family #ImageOfGod
Worth of a Woman #dontgiveup #proverbs31woman #wisdom #TrustGod #knowledge #prayerworks #JesusIsLord #mothers #marriages #wivesandmothers
Worth of a Woman #proverbs31woman #mothers #JesusChristisLord #prayerworks #wisdom #knowledge #TrustGod #wives #marriages #dontgiveup
Woman of Worth #proverbs31woman #wisdom #TrustGod #marriages #wives #mothers #peace #knowledge #prayerworks #genx #genz #babyboomer #JesusChristisLord
The Rewards Of Wisdom #TrustGod #joy #righteous #SaviorOfTheWorld #peace #prayerworks #prayerwarrior #JesusIsLord #knowledge #genx #genz #millennials #babyboomer
Beware of False Prophets #ChristReturn #TrustGod #righteous #SaviorOfTheWorld #peace #FalseProphets #readyourbible #bible #prayerworks #prayerwarrior #jesuslovesyou #joy
Seek God First : True Wisdom and Knowledge
Proverbs 1:7-9 is where we find how to find wisdom and knowledge from the Lord. Join me in this time and praying for you to open your heart to God. #TrustGod #righteous #jesuslovesyou #SaviorOfTheWorld #peace #prayerworks #sunday #readyourbible #prayerwarrior
Romans 8:15-21 #readyourbible #readyourbibledaily #TrustGod #righteous #SaviorOfTheWorld #prayerworks #GoodMorningEveryone #VERSEFORTODAY #JesusisLord #joy #peace #prayerwarrior
Jesus is the only way to God ! Let’s celebrate that all who call on His name and repent will be saved! All you have to do is accept your free gift ! #TrustGod #righteous #SaviorOfTheWorld #prayerworks #GoodMorningEveryone #VERSEFORTODAY #GoodNews #JesusIsKing #CelebrateWithUs