On The Spot presents: Holly Rose
Our Second Artist from Tomorrow's Tribal Tropics: An Artistic Celebration of Alofa: Holly Rose's Lucent Obscurities!
Be part of a celebration of Alofa (Love) with your host, Ioana Aboumitri from Ioana Aboumitri Kelani International!
Body art, gallery, authentic Polynesian dance and much more!
Ruby Bee "On The Spot"!
Artist Ruby Bee ( Bernadette Feakes) discusses body empowerment and her artistic creations with Ainsley Rivait.
Go meet her at the Tribal Tropics: An Artistic Celebration of Alofa this Friday!
Don't forget to tune in tomorrow night for a second artist from this show: Holly Rose's Lucent Obscurities.
Preview of tomorrow's episode!
New On the Spot episode coming out tomorrow featuring new members of Poetry in Motion : Beat Generation Crew and A Rebel Named Riel. Until then, see what Beat Generation has to say about Poetry in Motion and one of its founder, Dag Deschambeault. Join your host Ainsley Rivait.
New artist in store: Miss Keyton
We are please to present our new artist: Miss Keyton!
Talia is a synesthetic artist based in Winnipeg: She sees words, letters and numbers in colours and showcases her vision on canvas creating amazing pieces of abstract art.
Come to Strange Things Emporium to see her work and perhaps take one home. We also have smaller prints available.
Dig the Underground!
Last night @RAW Winnipeg!
Looking for new talent.
Some of the sales we have! More in store!
Original Christmas gifts for the refined misfits in your life. BUY LOCAL :)
Flash Back: LWSD at MEME 2014
Flash Back!!!
Longwalkshortdock at the Manitoba Electronic Music Exhibition 2014!!!
Sabbath ball at the Kennedy Neighborhood Pub.
Happy Halloween weekend misfits!