Manitoba Operation Blue Skies

Manitoba Operation Blue Skies Manitoba Operation Blue Skies help Ukrainians fleeing the war in Ukraine to chose to come to Manitob


Manitoba Supports Ukrainians
Manitoba has established a number of supports to help Ukrainians settle in our province. Newcomers can access various supports at the Manitoba Ukrainian Reception Centre including:
Manitoba Start registration and referral services
Health insurance registration
Social Insurance Number registration
public health assessment
Ukrainian Canadian Congress-Manitoba Provincial Council resources
housing search supports
Other supports include:
temporary accommodations and meals for those without family and friend connections
coverage for the Immigration Medical Examinations
short term financial assistance through a new Temporary Assistance Program
free child care for six months
a driver’s license exchange program through Manitoba Public Insurance.
Information on all supports, as well as other resources, are available at Manitoba4Ukraine From our Ukraine based partners:  A perfect storm is forming around di...
07/06/2022 From our Ukraine based partners:

A perfect storm is forming around displaced Ukrainians
Recent shifts in Ukraine, Poland, and Canada have revealed that there is an urgent need for support for displaced Ukrainians.

In Ukraine, an estimated 3.5 million civilians have had their homes destroyed or damaged since the war, forcing over 8 million to cross into neighbouring countries.

Among those European host countries, mounting costs and fatigue are wearing down their ability to maintain their hospitality and generosity. On June 1st , the Polish government and several other EU nations cancelled free transportation for Ukrainian nationals. On July 1st, the Polish government has ceased payments for hosts, reducing the incentive and putting the full burden of hosting onto private citizens in providing temporary accommodations.

While Poland and the EU’s hospitality tapers, non-European options becoming increasingly popular. As of June 22nd, there have been 343,283 Canada Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) applications received, making it twice as popular as the UK’s program, and three times the size of the US’ program cap. Among those applicants, 146,461 have been approved, of whom only 38% (55,488) have landed. Ukrainians are eager to go to Canada, but have not been able to take that step.

Despite enduring many of the same hardships, threats of danger and persecution, and having the same needs refugees, Ukrainians are not being given refugee status. CUAET is an extended travel visa with a 3-year work permit. ⁠The institutional supports and funding that comes with refugee status are not on offer, there is no centralized organization for resettling Ukrainians and no database of available hosts. It is up to decentralized, grassroots groups and some social service agencies that are working to fill the gaps — including flights, accommodations, and employment.

Canadians can help by broadening the ways they can support to three key areas: by helping, hosting and hiring Ukrainians trying to get to Canada and onto their feet.

Recent shifts in Ukraine, Poland, and Canada have revealed that there is an urgent need for support for displaced Ukrainians.

Bomb and bullets are still killing innocents in Ukraine. Are you willing to help a Ukrainian refugee by hosting them in ...

Bomb and bullets are still killing innocents in Ukraine.
Are you willing to help a Ukrainian refugee by hosting them in your home? If YES, we need you!
Manitoba Operation Blue Skies needs to be sure you can host for 3 months and that you are willing to get a Criminal Record and Vulnerable Persons check if the host space is in your home to protect the venerable.
Send me a note or call me at 204-299-4036


Don’t forget to join us this Sunday and every Sunday 2-4pm in Assiniboine Park! Meet us, meet each other , meet Ukrainians! Bring your sunscreen!


We’re offering the Manitoba Foodhandlers Certification course in Ukrainian! The one day course will be held on Saturday, June 25 from 9:00 am - 6:00 pm. Please share the details and registration link with anyone who would be interested.

Український православний митрополичий собор Пресвятої Трійці запрошує на безкоштовний одноденний курс для отримання провінційної сертифікації безпечного поводження з харчовими продуктами. Ця сертифікація дуже рекомендується всім, хто бажає працювати або вже працює у сфері громадського харчування (отримання, приготування та подача їжі) у провінції Манітоба, наскільки багато ресторанів її вимагає.

Цей курс триває один день і закінчується письмовим іспитом. При успішному складанню письмового іспиту студент отримає сертифікат дійсний на 5 років у провінції Манітоба.

Курс та іспит проводитимуться українською мовою. Кількість місць у курсі обмежена.

Дата занять: субота, 25 червня 2022 року
Час: 9:00 - 18:00
Обід буде подано
Кожен учасник повинен сам дістатися до занять. Собор не забезпечує транспорту.

Термін реєстрації: до понеділку, 20 червня 2022 року


В результаті тісної співпраці Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Manitoba з провінційною програмою Манітоби, Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP), та готовності уряду провінції допомогти українцям, які постраждали від брутального вторгнення Росії в Україну, провінція знизила критерії для імміграції.
Отже для того, щоб почати імміграцію до Канади через провінцію Манітобу, потрібно:
- прибути до Манітоби за програмою CUAET
- мати тест з англійської чи французької мови мінімум CLB 4
- відпрацювати тільки шість місяців на будь-якій фул-тайм роботі в провінції на роботодавця зареєстрованого в Манітобі, щоб бути відібраними з пулу Expression of Interest. Незалежно, чи є професія у списку in-demand чи ні.
Ще одне! МПНП також окремо відбиратиме з пулу EOI українців, які мають зв'язок з провінцією через родичів та інші зв"язки (плюс тест з мови). Тобто навіть якщо ці люди мають нижчі бали в пулі EOI, вони не очікують своєї черги довго, а їх практично відразу відбирають з пулу. MPNP робить ці спеціальні вибірки щотижнево зараз.
Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Manitoba вдячний уряду провінції та Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) за підтримку українців, які постраждали від війни.

All new Ukrainian migrants welcome at the Manitoba Legislative Building Tuesday 1 pm. Email us to sign up at  manitobaop...

All new Ukrainian migrants welcome at the Manitoba Legislative Building Tuesday 1 pm. Email us to sign up at [email protected]


May 25, 2022

WestJet Donates 500 Domestic Flights to Assist Displaced Ukrainians Upon Arrival to Canada

In partnership with the Government of Canada and the Canadian Immigrant Settlement Sector Alliance – Alliance canadienne du secteur de l’établissement des immigrants (CISSA-ACSEI), WestJet announced that the airline is donating domestic flights to assist displaced Ukrainians with onward domestic connections upon their arrival in Canada.

More information is in their press release:


Free outdoor screenings of French-language films with English subtitles, running weekly until August 25.

The Gimli Chamber of Commerce and our Community Development Corporation is offering free accommodations and meals to Ukr...

The Gimli Chamber of Commerce and our Community Development Corporation is offering free accommodations and meals to Ukrainians in our Training Centre Dormitory at no cost for 2 months. There are 100 rooms available. The Center also has a cafeteria, laundry facilities, a first aid room, lounges a gymnasium and lots of outdoor play areas. For anyone wanting to stay longer a minimal fee will be charged on a monthly basis. Food will always be available at a reduced cost.
There are over 100 employment opportunities. A job board has been posted in the facility.
Gimli is a very safe, friendly and welcoming community 85 km north of Winnipeg. We are a resort town along the beautiful beaches of lake Winnipeg.
We are actively looking for housing for those who choose to make Gimli their home.
For more information you can private message me or send an email to [email protected]


Canada Post has issued a fundraising stamp that gives Canadians a way to support Ukrainians.


This Ukrainian Phrasebook contains essential phrases for everyone hosting or helping Ukrainians. Download it for free or order a paperback.



Families living in Manitoba on a permanent or temporary basis are eligible to access licensed child-care services. This includes refugees.

In Manitoba, there are two types of licensed child care available to families. This includes:
a) centre-based child care for infants, preschool children and school-age children.

b) home-based child care providers who offer child care in their own home for up to eight children and can offer child care for up to 6 children, not including their own.

To help find a facility, people can use the online search tool at:

The Child Care Subsidy Program provides provincial support to eligible families to help with the cost of care by reducing child care fees for children from the ages of 12 weeks to 12 years.

Your eligibility depends on various factors including:
a) income
b) the number and age of your children
c) the number of days required for care
d) the reason for care

As part of “the reason for care” all refugees including Ukrainian Nationals with Temporary Residency in Manitoba are eligible for child care subsidy. The full parent fee cost will be approved for the first six months of child care. After the six months has come to an end, families will need to complete a regular subsidy application for continued child care. This application is available online at

The provincial Inclusion Support Program is an additional service available for families whose children who may require extra support. The Inclusion Support Program offers a range of services to support a child with additional needs. This includes children with disabilities, chronic health needs and behavioural and emotional needs.

Further information can be found at:

To search for child care options and available child care, please go to the Manitoba Child Care Search at or refer to the Directory of Child Care Centres and the Directory of Child Care Homes.


Ukrainian Refugees Eligible for TAP BenefitsThe Manitoba government is continuing to welcome as many Ukrainians as possi...

Ukrainian Refugees Eligible for TAP Benefits

The Manitoba government is continuing to welcome as many Ukrainians as possible who are fleeing a brutal war of agression, providing a full range of provincial support services. Along with providing social assistance, the Manitoba government is now also providing direct financial assistance to support Ukrainians that need help.

Source: Manitoba Government


Запрошуємо на матч з американського футболу у п'ятницю, 27 травня о 7:30 вечора. Квитки для новоприбулих безкоштовні. Звертатися до парафіяльного офісу: 204 582-3461.

We invite everyone, especially the Ukrainian newcomers to come and watch the Winnipeg Blue Bombers on Friday, May 27th at the Investors Group Field at 7:30pm.
Tickets for newcomers are free. Please contact the parish office if you are interested at (204) 582-3461.



Winnipeg, MB


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