From nervous to put his face in the water at the beginning of the season… to a fish. His one week of lessons with @aquaessenceswim was a game changer, and his constant practice. So proud! #aquaessenceswimacademy #twodadsraising2
Likes the concept of goats.. not a fan of touching them. #arnesfarmersmarket #twodadsraising2
Lily making a play for us to have more kids. We are all closed up at the inn. #twodadsraising2
Conor has been receiving real live mail this week!! Thank you Suzanne Rosko He loves it!!
Santa came for a visit this morning! Thank you Joey Ste Marie #twodadsraising2 #christmas2021
This is 2 years and 3 months old. She has an amazing memory and loves letters and numbers! #lovestolearn #twoyearsold #twodadsraising2
When your daughter is sent home from daycare for coughing, but hasn’t coughed since coming home… and her first request was to cuddle in Daddy’s bed and sing… you question whether she is faking. #twodadsraising2
A cool day outside is perfect for hide and go seek in the park with her brother. Her favourite is being the seeker. #twodadsraising2 #gloomydayscanstillbebeautiful
This video makes me laugh because it exemplifies my kids dynamic in 15 seconds. Conor has been working all week on kicking and floating and getting his face under water. He wanted me to record it for his Dad to see. Lily in typical Lily fashion… “big deal I can do it too” Fearless that girl. #twodadsraising2 #summer life
We picked up our @littlegardenersclubcanada package for the kids! Thank you to the amazing sponsors @sagegardenherbs @sargentsundae @ronpaulgardencentre @tenderloinmeats @erlenmeyerdesigns
Devi Sharma
The Frejuk Family
Online Business Solutions
Videos from the lake. Conor is really enjoying his bike this year. Last year he tried once and “quit that bike”. #4yearsold #sandyhookrvresort #twodadsraising2
Sing your version of Moana like no one is listening!
Standing and saying up. 9 months old
Rob recorded Conor singing “Into the Unknown” from Frozen 2, while he was going to the washroom. #3yearsold #2dads #frozen2 #happypooper
This one has been working on her moves. Anything that sounds like music gets her groove going. #8monthsold