“Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.” – James Baldwin
Sticky Rice’s second edition launches on January 27th.
Love is a decision, not a fleeting feeling. It’s something you choose to commit to, to do. Whether it be holding space for others to flourish or repairing trust when it has been eroded, love receives people as they are, honours relationships, while engaging in meaningful change.
Sticky Rice’s second edition launches on January 27th.
Our first volume challenged the problematic model minority discourse that suggests that the Asian diaspora is relatively problem free and that individuals should overcome hardship through hard work and “merit” while it masks anti-Asian racism and erodes social solidarity.
After 6 months, our next volume continues subverting mainstream narratives.
Sticky Rice’s second edition launches on January 27th.
Cavebirds, 2020
As the recipient of the Emerging Filmmaker Prize at Hot Docs in 2019, “Cavebirds” is an ode to director Emily Gan’s father, Howard, as she documents his journey back to his native village in Malaysia. Once there, Howard sets about the task of constructing a building for the swangans, birds whose nests, made with saliva, are a very popular dish in Chinese gastronomy. Tender and moving, “Cavebirds” explores the relationship between a father and his daughter and navigates the relationship to traditions and family lines.
Premiering today, watch “Cavebirds” is available for viewing on AppleTV.
iTunes-Apple TV :
H264 Distribution
Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival
For this first volume, we decided to host a conversation around the “model minority” myth, otherwise called the “good immigrant” concept, here in Canada. We questioned whether the topic of this first volume—the “model minority” myth— remained at all relevant considering how quickly we saw mainstream portrayal of Asians turn into a new “yellow peril”, a threat to the Western world, following the declaration of COVID-19 as a global emergency. This pandemic more clearly exposes the hypocrisy of the model minority narrative, and shows us who is really in control of the portrayal of Asians in the media. It certainly isn’t us. Moreover, the cited successes of Asian-Americans continues to be used to create unjustified comparisons between minority groups in order to silence anti-racist protests and to perpetuate anti-Blackness.
Over the past several decades, the oversimplified model minority concept has taken on a life of its own and continues to affect the experiences of many people of color in many ways. We wanted to shed light on its origins and discuss how the model minority narrative affects Asian-Canadians. And where do we go from here?
Shout out to the core team who helped bring this project to life! We can’t thank you enough.
Editor-in-Chief - Viet Tran
Creative Director - Olivia Chan
Product Manager - Cathy Ma
Project Manager - Marianie Tô-Landry
Web Developper - Diane Kim Lim
UX Designer - Claudel Rhéault
Digital & Content Strategist - Jérôme Pons
Social Media Coordinator - Reatchy Legros
Lifestyle Editor - Minh Thao Nguyen
Editor and Proofreader - Minhly Nguyen
Tap our link in our bio to visit our website and find out more.
The Sticky Rice Family
After many months of collaborative work, we are thrilled to announce that the Sticky Rice E-Zine is finally live! For our first volume, we tackle a controversial topic: the problematic model minority myth.
The Sticky Rice project was supposed to have its launch earlier this year, but as it was the case for many people, our plans were put on hold amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Both the coronavirus-related rise of anti-Asian violence and the social reordering taking place in response to the Black Lives Matters’ protests reminded us how important this project was for our community. We needed to reconnect with love in times of fear. So we reminded ourselves of how it felt listening to stories about people whose life trajectories were closer to ours in recent movies, such as The Farewell. These were the experiences of people walking the line between two worlds, stories about change asserting itself against tradition, and vice-versa. These messy but relatable stories were being made visible to the rest of the world. This phenomenon is powerful.
We are a small group of friends based in Montreal who want to contribute to increasing Asian-Canadian visibility in the media. We must insist on our humble beginnings because we know that there are so many other stories that are still waiting to be told. But we all have to start somewhere. We will continue looking to include the ideas of people from different backgrounds and life courses.
Shout to all our contributors for making this project possible, we couldn’t have done THIS without you! 💛💛💛
Click on our link to visit our website and find out more.
Friends and Family Portrait
Shot by @lianbenoit
Vision @vvviet
Art Direction @oliviachnn
Styling @mialiamani @oliviachnn
HMUA @therealbritphatal
The Sticky Rice Family
“I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.”
―Dalai Lama XIV
Our website goes live tomorrow!
They say diversity means being invited to the party and that inclusion means being invited to dance. We say inclusion also means throwing the party from time to time.
Simply put, Sticky Rice commits to
•Increasing the visibility of Asian-Canadian minority groups in the media.
•Promoting multiculturalism and social cohesion. We oppose any form of violence towards racialized people.
•Moving away from cultural appropriation and towards respectful cultural sharing in the current context of globalization.
•Strengthening community ties.
•Promoting well-being.
In partnership with diverse collaborators, Sticky Rice creates innovative media content that supports local artists, traders, and other voices.
We decided to postpone our official website launch by a week to give space for the Black Lives Matter movement and to continue mourning the loss of George Floyd and all Black lives that were taken by the hands of police brutality. June 17th is now the date to save for the Sticky Rice website reveal.
With love,
The Sticky Rice Team
True love has no boundaries. Sticky Rice is sensitive to the collective’s need for finding a sense of security amidst the current events, particularly for the black and brown communities in the United States, here in Canada and across the planet. We’ll be mourning George Floyd’s death, as well as all other lives who were prematurely ended or fractured by abusive systems in place. Although historically, Asian silence has been a survival tactic, it is no longer purposeful. We will not be complacent with the forces of greed, hatred, and fear that infect our humanity. We reject the racist undertones of the model minority concept.
We also want to acknowledge that people of Asian descent around the world have recently been confronted with an upsurge in xenophobic acts in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. We strongly oppose all racially-motivated violence while promoting social cohesion and harmony.
We believe in the power of solidarity. All lives won’t matter until black lives matter.
With compassion,
The Sticky Rice Fam
#AsiansForBlackLives #YellowPerilForBlackPower
When cooked just right, sticky rice expands expands and holds together.
How do we define the object we call “I”? While some say I is a continuation of a past subject, others will defend an entity renewing itself in every moment – never permanent, I is perpetually changing, sometimes hybrid, always fluid.
Sticky Rice is a non-profit organization that aims to create a safe space in which we can all nourish a dynamic and a constantly evolving dialogue around what it means to be Asian-Canadian. Through this process, we hope to inspire people to cultivate more compassion for themselves, as well as for their neighbors. After all, when cooked just right, sticky rice expands and holds together.
Stick around for our website’s official launch on June 10th!
With love,
The Sticky Rice Team