We are a community, media, and police cooperative program designed to involve the public in the fight against crime. We are located in Victoria, the capital city of British Columbia, on beautiful Vancouver Island. Greater Victoria Crime Stoppers encourages members of the community to assist local law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime by overcoming the 3 key elements faced by law enfo
rcement in generating information that inhibit community involvement: fear of reprisal, apathy and reluctance to get involved. Our History
Crime Stoppers first began in Albuquerque, New Mexico in July 1975 when Michael Carmen was fatally shot whilst working one night at a local filling station. After two weeks the police had no information when out of desperation Detective Greg MacAleese approached the local television station requesting a reconstruction of the crime. The re-enactment offered US$1,000.00 for information leading to the arrest of the killers. Within 72 hours, a person called in identifying a car leaving the scene at high speed and he had noted its registration. The person calling said that he did not want to get involved so he had not called earlier. Detective MacAleese then realized that fear and apathy were the primary reasons why the public tended not to get involved. So he helped design a system where the public could anonymously provide details of the events. This system focused on stimulating community involvement and participation, taking advantage of every possible media opportunity, especially electronic media, to publicize unsolved crimes; and offering cash rewards for information leading to an arrest and/or conviction. In September 1984 of the program that is now known as the Greater Victoria Crime Stoppers began. We serve the Greater Victoria community: Victoria, Esquimalt, Saanich, Oak Bay, Central Saanich, Sidney/North Saanich, West Shore (View Royal, Langford, Metchosin), Sooke, Saltspring Island, and the Outer Gulf Islands (Galiano, Pender, Saturna, and Mayne Islands). How We Operate
Greater Victoria Crime Stoppers is a registered not for profit organization, overseen by a volunteer Board of Directors who are responsible for fund raising, public awareness and the distribution of awards. They also ensure that the program is being run in accordance with established Crime Stoppers protocol. The day to day operations are the responsibility of our 2 civilian Program Coordinators whose positions and operational expenses are funded jointly by our partner police agencies. It is important to know though that all awareness campaigns and reward payments are solely funded through public donations and sponsorship. WE ARE NOT THE POLICE! Greater Victoria Crime Stoppers is an independent organization that takes tips from the public about crimes and shares that information with law enforcement agencies. We do not want to know who you are … we do not record your phone call, nor do we log your IP address. You will never have to testify in court. If your tip leads to an arrest, charge, seizure of stolen property, drugs or illegal weapons a reward of up to $2000 may be offered. Mission Statement
Crime Stoppers is comprised of diverse, active, and dedicated community representatives. Crime Stoppers provides a method for local law enforcement to receive information on crimes. These efforts increase tips, which in turn increase arrests in our community.