Greater Victoria Crime Stoppers

Greater Victoria Crime Stoppers Crime Stoppers lets you anonymously report all crimes at your convenience and on your own terms. Without this support we would not be able to operate.

We are a community, media, and police cooperative program designed to involve the public in the fight against crime. We are located in Victoria, the capital city of British Columbia, on beautiful Vancouver Island. Greater Victoria Crime Stoppers encourages members of the community to assist local law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime by overcoming the 3 key elements faced by law enfo

rcement in generating information that inhibit community involvement: fear of reprisal, apathy and reluctance to get involved. Our History

Crime Stoppers first began in Albuquerque, New Mexico in July 1975 when Michael Carmen was fatally shot whilst working one night at a local filling station. After two weeks the police had no information when out of desperation Detective Greg MacAleese approached the local television station requesting a reconstruction of the crime. The re-enactment offered US$1,000.00 for information leading to the arrest of the killers. Within 72 hours, a person called in identifying a car leaving the scene at high speed and he had noted its registration. The person calling said that he did not want to get involved so he had not called earlier. Detective MacAleese then realized that fear and apathy were the primary reasons why the public tended not to get involved. So he helped design a system where the public could anonymously provide details of the events. This system focused on stimulating community involvement and participation, taking advantage of every possible media opportunity, especially electronic media, to publicize unsolved crimes; and offering cash rewards for information leading to an arrest and/or conviction. In September 1984 of the program that is now known as the Greater Victoria Crime Stoppers began. We serve the Greater Victoria community: Victoria, Esquimalt, Saanich, Oak Bay, Central Saanich, Sidney/North Saanich, West Shore (View Royal, Langford, Metchosin), Sooke, Saltspring Island, and the Outer Gulf Islands (Galiano, Pender, Saturna, and Mayne Islands). How We Operate

Greater Victoria Crime Stoppers is a registered not for profit organization, overseen by a volunteer Board of Directors who are responsible for fund raising, public awareness and the distribution of awards. They also ensure that the program is being run in accordance with established Crime Stoppers protocol. The day to day operations are the responsibility of our 2 civilian Program Coordinators whose positions and operational expenses are funded jointly by our partner police agencies. It is important to know though that all awareness campaigns and reward payments are solely funded through public donations and sponsorship. WE ARE NOT THE POLICE! Greater Victoria Crime Stoppers is an independent organization that takes tips from the public about crimes and shares that information with law enforcement agencies. We do not want to know who you are … we do not record your phone call, nor do we log your IP address. You will never have to testify in court. If your tip leads to an arrest, charge, seizure of stolen property, drugs or illegal weapons a reward of up to $2000 may be offered. Mission Statement

Crime Stoppers is comprised of diverse, active, and dedicated community representatives. Crime Stoppers provides a method for local law enforcement to receive information on crimes. These efforts increase tips, which in turn increase arrests in our community.

Dear SuspectsWe are just curious if you were out doing some five-finger discounted Christmas shopping when you made the ...

Dear Suspects

We are just curious if you were out doing some five-finger discounted Christmas shopping when you made the choice to illegally enter an apartment building in the 3000 block of Whittier Ave in Saanich.

Sadly, you weren’t shopping at all, but looking for things to steal and steal you did. You found a great stash of packages in the mailroom, including a tv which you took along with 4 other boxes before leaving the scene.

So, you have left us with no choice but to share these photos with our amazing followers who will certainly tell us your name(s).

See you soon.

Greater Victoria Crime Stoppers.

If you know who either of these suspects are and you want to tell us their name(s) anonymously, please call 1-800-222-8477 or submit at tip online at


Human Trafficking is happening here in Greater VictoriaA person may be trafficked if they show the following indicators ...

Human Trafficking is happening here in Greater Victoria

A person may be trafficked if they show the following indicators of exploitation and control:
*Show signs of fear, anxiety, depression, hyper-vigilance or intimidation
*Do not have control over their wages or money
*Have no choice about hours worked or other working conditions
*Work long hours, lives at a work site, or is picked up and driven to and from work
*Show signs of physical abuse or injury
*Show signs of branding or scarring that indicates ownership by the trafficker
*Are accompanied everywhere by someone who speaks for them
*Show signs of poor health, poor hygiene or malnutrition
*Not know their address and are unfamiliar with their surroundings or the neighbourhood where they live or work
*Wear inappropriate clothing for the weather or situation, or are travelling with minimal or inappropriate luggage/belongings
*Have no access to personal identification documents, or have fake ones
***A trafficked person often does not self-identify or may be reluctant to seek help***
For more information go to:

You can report Human Trafficking to us anonymously by calling 1-800-222-8477 or by submitting a tip online at

Hey Greater VictoriaThe Central Saanich Police Service is seeking public assistance in identifying a male suspect involv...

Hey Greater Victoria

The Central Saanich Police Service is seeking public assistance in identifying a male suspect involved in a break-and-enter incident.

Details of the Incident:
• Date & Time: Saturday, December 28, 2024, at approximately 2:00 PM
• Location: Storage yard off Keating Cross Road

Items Stolen:
1. Two brand-new white 2024 Ford F150 trucks with headache racks
2. A grey 2018 GMC Canyon with “Kinetic Construction” decals and logos
3. A white enclosed utility trailer, approximately 12 feet in length
4. Various tools with a total estimated value of $10,000

How You Can Help:

If you recognize the suspect or have information about the stolen property, please contact us:
• Anonymous Tip Line: 1-800-222-8477
• Online Tip Submission:

File Reference Number: 24-3786

Dear SuspectEveryone loves getting a brand-new cell phone, especially the iPhone 16 Pro Max you received the day that th...

Dear Suspect

Everyone loves getting a brand-new cell phone, especially the iPhone 16 Pro Max you received the day that this picture was taken. Unfortunately, your new phone was obtained using an altered ID and a credit card that wasn’t yours, which from what the Police tell us is a little something called ‘Fraud’.

We have also been told that you have done this on several other occasions around the South Island.

Maybe you could use one of your new phones to call Saanich Police to confess to your fraudulent activities.

For now, we will share your photos with our amazing followers who will no doubt provide us with your name.

See you soon.

Greater Victoria Crime Stoppers

If you recognize this suspect and you want to tell us his name anonymously, please call 1-800-222-8477 or submit a tip online at


Dear SuspectWe have been asked by Saanich Police to share your photo with our amazing followers after you walked into an...

Dear Suspect

We have been asked by Saanich Police to share your photo with our amazing followers after you walked into an electronic store at Uptown and left with a brand-new $350 UE Boom speaker. Oh did we forget to mention that you didn’t pay for it either.

Hopefully you have been able to listen to your favorite tunes on your new speaker, but we’d like to make a song request if that’s ok. Can you look up the band Inner Circle and click play on the song ‘Bad Boys’. Just have a great listen to the song cause you are the ‘Bad Boy’ and once we get your name we will be sharing it with Police. We must ask the obvious question “Whatcha gonna do when they come for you”?

We will be seeing you soon.

Greater Victoria Crime Stoppers

Amazing followers, if you recognize this suspect and you want to tell us his name anonymously, please call 1-800-222-8477 or visit our website where you can submit an online tip.


From our friends at the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre:Unsolicited messages impersonating legitimate shipping companies, urg...

From our friends at the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre:

Unsolicited messages impersonating legitimate shipping companies, urgently requesting your personal or payment information due to incomplete shipping information, alerting you to delivery failures or packages being held for payment. Don’t bite. Let it go. Let it go!

Hey Greater VictoriaSaanich Police are looking to identify this suspect who entered a business in the 800 block of Clove...

Hey Greater Victoria

Saanich Police are looking to identify this suspect who entered a business in the 800 block of Cloverdale Ave, decided that she would go on a five-finger discount shopping spree.

Staff were able to recover some of the items the suspect had in her possession, but she was able to make off with approximately $700.00 in product.

If you recognize the suspect and you want to tell us her name anonymously, please call 1-800-222-8477 or submit a tip online at


What an amazing Saturday evening at the Santa Parade in Victoria. We are all so very thankful for the continued support ...

What an amazing Saturday evening at the Santa Parade in Victoria. We are all so very thankful for the continued support of the communities we serve.

Mr.Grinch was once again our feature as he travelled around in his candy cane jail.

Hey Greater VictoriaWest Shore RCMP are once again seeking the publics assistance in solving this file. Please see their...

Hey Greater Victoria

West Shore RCMP are once again seeking the publics assistance in solving this file. Please see their media release below.

On November 14, 2024, West Shore RCMP published a media release regarding a break and enter and theft that took place in the early morning hours of November 8, 2024.

The investigation has progressed and police are revealing new details in this media release in hopes that the public can assist in identifying the suspect(s) in this crime and location of two stolen vehicles.

On November 8, at approximately 1:45 a.m., a white 2014 Dodge 3500 truck was stolen. The truck was stolen from a business compound located at 1492 Admirals Rd in View Royal.

Police have collected video surveillance showing a stolen dark colored 2001 2500 Dodge pick-up truck with a red roof, pull up to the area before a suspect gets out and walks toward the compound. Shortly after, a stolen 3500 Dodge truck leaves the compound and the suspect 2500 Dodge pick-up truck follows.

Description and photos of the first stolen suspect vehicle:

2001 2500 Dodge pickup truck with;
Dark colored body with a red roof; police believe this truck was originally red and has been painted over using a dark color;
Lighter colored truck box.

Description and photos of second stolen vehicle:

White 4-door 2014 Dodge 3500 truck, with the stolen BC Licence Plate PL3776 attached;
Flatbed deck;
The truck originally had RKM Crane Services Decal on Driver and Passenger Doors. However, these decals have been removed and the truck now has a horizontal yellow stripe across the driver’s side panel.

Police are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the suspect (s) and/or location of the stolen vehicles. If you were driving in the area on November 8, between the hours of 1:30 a.m. and 2:30 a.m. and have in car video, please review it in case you have captured the suspect(s) on video.

If you have information regarding this crime please contact the West Shore RCMP at 250-474-2264.

If you have any information about this and you want to tell us anonymously, please call 1-800-222-8477 or submit a tip online at

File # 2024-21821

Hey Greater VictoriaToday marks the 12 year anniversary of Emma Fillipoff‘s disappearance. VicPD Major Crimes Unit conti...

Hey Greater Victoria

Today marks the 12 year anniversary of Emma Fillipoff‘s disappearance. VicPD Major Crimes Unit continues to investigate and follow up on tips from the public.

Advocates and Emma Fillipoff's family enlisted the expertise of a forensic artist and worked to create an age-progressed composite of the individual known as the "Green Shirt Guy." This effort, based on decade-old CCTV footage, aims to generate new leads in Emma's disappearance.

If you have any info on Emma‘s whereabouts, or the identity of the "Green Shirt Guy" please call 250-995-7654 ext. 1. All it could take is one person to help bring Emma home.

If you have information about Emma's disappearance and you want to tell us anonymously, please call 1-800-222-8477 or submit a tip online at

VicPD File: 12-47309

Learn More:

Elder financial abuse is a hidden crime affecting many older adults, often at the hands of those they trust most, like f...

Elder financial abuse is a hidden crime affecting many older adults, often at the hands of those they trust most, like family, caregivers, or friends. This abuse can include unauthorized use of their money, sudden large bank withdrawals, unexpected changes in living conditions, or disappearance of valuable belongings. Sadly, many victims feel isolated or afraid to speak up.

If you know of someone who might be experiencing financial abuse, don’t stay silent. You can make a difference by leaving an anonymous tip with Crime Stoppers. Reporting is confidential and can be done by calling 1-800-222-8477 or online at

Hey Greater VictoriaWest Shore RCMP is investigating a report of a break and enter and theft that took place in the earl...

Hey Greater Victoria

West Shore RCMP is investigating a report of a break and enter and theft that took place in the early morning hours of November 8, 2024.

On November 8, at approximately 1:45 a.m., a white 2014 Dodge 3500 truck was stolen. The truck was stolen from a business compound located at 1492 Admirals Rd in View Royal.

Police have collected video surveillance showing a dark coloured truck with a red roof pull up to the area before an individual gets out and walks toward the compound. Shortly after, the stolen white Dodge truck leaves the compound and the suspect black and red truck follows.

Description of the suspect vehicle:
-Dark colour older model pickup truck with;
-Red roof;
-Lighter coloured truck box.

Description of stolen vehicle:
-White 4-door 2014 Dodge 3500 truck, BC Licence Plate RL5548;
-Flatbed deck with red tidy tank with pump;
-“RKM Crane Services” Decal on Driver and Passenger Doors. Decals likely removed.

Police are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the suspect and suspect vehicle. If you were driving in the area on November 8 between the hours of 1:30 a.m. and 2:30 a.m. and have in car video please review it in case you have captured the suspect on video.

If you have information regarding this crime please contact the West Shore RCMP at 250-474-2264.

If you want to tell us information anonymously, please call us at 1-800-222-8477 or submit a tip online by visiting


In Flanders fields the poppies blowBetween the crosses, row on row,    That mark our place; and in the sky    The larks,...

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Hey Greater VictoriaOn Oct 31, 2024, at approximately 6:45pm, Saanich Police responded to a carjacking at the McDonald’s...

Hey Greater Victoria

On Oct 31, 2024, at approximately 6:45pm, Saanich Police responded to a carjacking at the McDonald’s drive-thru on Saanich Rd.

A suspect, dressed in all black and wearing a mask, approached a Black 2002 Honda Civic as it was preparing to leave the drive thru. The suspect opened the driver’s door, indicated they had a weapon and demanded the owner exit the vehicle. The suspect then drove off eastbound on Saanich Rd.

The vehicle owner, who was shaken up by the incident, was physically unharmed and sought help inside McDonald’s, where someone called police.

The vehicle was later recovered by Sidney/North Saanich RCMP, but the suspect remains unidentified.

If you have any information or possible dash cam footage for the following: area of Saanich Rd. and Oak St around 6:45 pm on October 31, 2024 or the area of Swartz Bay Rd. and Wain Rd. between 2am and 6am on November 2, 2024, and have dashcam footage please email: [email protected]

To report information anonymously, please call 1-800-222-8477 or submit a tip online at


Hey Greater VictoriaSidney/North Saanich RCMP is asking the public for help in locating 47-year-old John Charlie who has...

Hey Greater Victoria

Sidney/North Saanich RCMP is asking the public for help in locating 47-year-old John Charlie who has warrants for his arrest. He is wanted for:

Assault with a weapon;
Breach of Release Order.
He is described as:

Indigenous male;
5’9 tall;
190 lbs;
Grey hair;
Brown eyes.

If you know his current whereabouts and you want to tell us anonymously, please call 1-800-222-8477 or submit a tip online by visiting

Hey Greater VictoriaOak Bay Police are once again asking the public for assistance in solving an Arson file from this su...

Hey Greater Victoria

Oak Bay Police are once again asking the public for assistance in solving an Arson file from this summer.

On August 9, 2024, at approximately 1:00am, Oak Bay Police Department were dispatched to a report of a fire at business located in the 2000 block of Oak Bay Avenue.

Police members quickly arrived on scene and were informed by two staff members that they had been inside the business after closing time and heard someone near the front doors of the business. They went to investigate and saw flames outside the front door of the building. Staff acted quickly and put the fire out with a fire extinguisher.

The suspect poured a liquid over the front steps and front door mat of the business, lighting the liquid on fire before fleeing on foot.

The suspect appears to be a white male, wearing a dark coloured balaclava, denim jacket, camo patterned pants, red running shoes and camo styled backpack.
Fortunately, there was no damage to the building, and no one was injured.

If you have any information about this Arson, or who this suspect is and you want to tell us anonymously, please call 1-800-222-8477. You may also submit a tip online by visiting


🎃🎃🎃🎃Wishing Everyone a very Happy Halloween🎃🎃🎃🎃 Remember to follow these simple rules to ensure that you get home safely...

🎃🎃🎃🎃Wishing Everyone a very Happy Halloween🎃🎃🎃🎃

Remember to follow these simple rules to ensure that you get home safely to enjoy all your treats.

If you have information about any crime and you want to remain anonymous, please call 1-800-222-8477 or submit a tip online at

If your tip is successful you could earn a special treat of a CASH reward.



Victoria, BC


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