First off, I’m a white man. I am also a father of two young boys. One day my boys will be grown men and let me tell you something: They will not grow up to be narrow-minded racists. They will not grow up to think they they are better than anyone else based on the colour of their skin, religious beliefs or ethnic heritage. Matter of fact, they will be raised to explore and embrace other cultures. They will be taught about equality, love and empathy. They will be taught to stand up for what’s right. I will make sure of it. Secondly, I’m a Rapper. A good percentage of my best friends and colleagues are black, brown, asian and aboriginal. I’ve toured the world with many of them. I’ve seen the way they get treated at airports, customs, hotels and restaurants etc. I’ve seen the looks other white people give them in public. I’ve seen them deal with blatant discrimination day after day. It doesn’t matter what country we’re in, they have to deal with this s**t everywhere they go. As a white man, I have never once had to worry about people treating me differently because of my skin colour. I’ve never once been scared for my life when the police pulled me over. That’s called white privilege. IF YOU ARE WHITE, YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO BE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST EVERY DAY. Finally, I understand that the vast majority of my fans and supporters are white, and I know most of you are not racist.. but some of you ARE. If this post makes you feel a certain way, feel free to unfollow me. This is my opinion, on my platform and if you don’t like it you can suck my dick. This is not a fu***ng debate. I am not going to sit here quietly anymore. To all my friends of colour, I stand with you. Time for change. F**K RACISM. F**K POLICE BRUTALITY. F**K WHITE SUPREMACY. AND F**K YOU IF YOU DISAGREE.✌️✌🏻✌🏼✌🏽✌🏾✌🏿♥️