NI****NE CONTROL | Lies, Bans, Politics & Betrayal | RegWatch
NI****NE CONTROL | Lies, Bans, Politics & Betrayal | RegWatch *Guests: Lindsey Stroud, and Martin Cullip from the Taxpayers Protection Alliance out of Washington, D.C.
ON EDGE | Health Care Providers Wait for Promised Reform | RegWatch
ON EDGE | Health Care Providers Wait for Promised Reform | RegWatch *Guest: Darryl Tempest, CEO of HRC Innovations
LOST TRUST | PART 2: Origin of Public Health’s ‘Campaign of Deception’ on Va**ng | RegWatch
Seeds of public health’s war on va**ng were planted decades ago during the fight against secondhand smoke. WATCH LOST TRUST | PART 2: Origin of Public Health’s ‘Campaign of Deception’ on Va**ng *Guest: Dr. Michael Siegel
BURN IT DOWN | Can Va**ng Be Saved Under Trump’s FDA? | RegWatch
Should Trump’s team reform the system—or burn it all down? Brent Stafford interviews Clive Bates, to***co control policy expert, to unpack what’s at stake for millions of American va**rs.
PRIDE & AGENCY | Drug Policy Advocate Talks THR and Vulnerable Populations | RegWatch Rewind
PRIDE & AGENCY | Drug Policy Advocate Talks THR and Vulnerable Populations | RegWatch Rewind *Guest: David Mackintosh, Director Operations, Knowledge Action Change
DESPERATE MEASURES | Why To***co Harm Reduction in U.S. Prisons | RegWatch Rewind
REWIND: DESPERATE MEASURES | Why To***co Harm Reduction in U.S. Prisons | RegWatch Rewind *Guest: Cheryl K. Olson MPH, ScD, Health and Behavior Researcher
THE NEXT DECADE | Preview of the 10th Global Forum on Ni****ne 2023 | RegWatch Rewind
REWIND: THE NEXT DECADE | Preview of the 10th Global Forum on Ni****ne 2023 | RegWatch Rewind *Guest: Jessica Harding, Program Director, GFN
CHANGE REACTION | To***co Scientist Compares V***r to Smoke | RegWatch Rewind
CHANGE REACTION | To***co Scientist Compares V***r to Smoke | RegWatch Rewind *Guest: Dr. Marina Murphy, Dir. of Scientific and Medical Affairs, ANDS / Former Head of Scientific Media Relations, BAT
MEASURING TRANSFORMATION | Index Ranks To***co Companies’ Push to Reduce Harm
REWIND: MEASURING TRANSFORMATION | Index Ranks To***co Companies’ Push to Reduce Harm *Guest: David Janazzo, Int. Co-President FSFW
HARD TO ARGUE | Science Is Settling on To***co Harm Reduction | RegWatch Rewind
REWIND: HARD TO ARGUE | Science Is Settling on To***co Harm Reduction *Guest: Sarah Cooney, Former Head of Scientific Collaboration & Communication, BAT - Watch GFN Interviews every second Friday at GFN.TV
NO HESITATION | The “Old Chemist” Talks Safety & Efficacy of Va**ng
REWIND: NO HESITATION | The “Old Chemist” Talks Safety & Efficacy of Va**ng | RegWatch Rewind *Guest Mirek Dworniczak, Organic Chemist / THR Activist
BAD INFLUENCE | Misinformation & Malice Behind Taiwan V**e Ban | RegWatch Rewind
REWIND: BAD INFLUENCE | Misinformation & Malice Behind Taiwan V**e Ban *Guest: Danny (Yu-Yang) Wang, Pres. TTHRA / RegWatch on GFN.TV