“We fund a lot of world class research, but it needs to go somewhere, to be adopted.” @genomebc CEO Suzanne Gill at our Dec 10 conversation. Check out what she and our other panelists had to say.
Watch: https://bit.ly/4fKTAPb
Listen: https://bit.ly/4gCpmip
“There’s a whole world of personalized medicine that is literally on our doorstep.” Yet, we aren’t adopting it. Mindsets need to change. DIGITAL CEO Sue Paish at our Dec 10 conversation.
Watch: https://bit.ly/4fKTAPb
Listen: https://bit.ly/4gCpmip
“We’re not good at introducing change in a big way and with any sense of urgency in the healthcare system.” At our Dec 10 conversation Mary Ackenhusen spoke to the need to adopt technologies becoming common elsewhere – but not here.
Watch: https://bit.ly/4fKTAPb
Listen: https://bit.ly/4gCpmip
“There are many thousands of young Canadians going to medical schools in countries like Ireland and Australia. Over 50% of them don’t’ come back. We’re losing talent.” Dr Brian Day at our Dec 10 conversation.
Watch: https://bit.ly/4fKTAPb
Listen: https://bit.ly/4gCpmip
@conservativebc's Anna Kindy at our Dec 10 conversation – we spend more on healthcare than other countries, but have fewer nurses, doctors, and hospital beds to show for it. “It’s time to realize we have a true healthcare crisis.”
Watch: https://bit.ly/4fKTAPb
Listen: https://bit.ly/4gCpmip
It is no secret our healthcare system is straining. ERs are closing, wait lists are long, and we don’t have enough doctors, nurses, or technicians. So what to do? Join us as we explore this critical issue, 6 p.m. Dec 10.
Reimagining healthcare - Join us by webcast 6 p.m. Dec 10 as we dig into the complex and numerous issues facing our healthcare system, and how that system can be reimagined to better meet our needs. See you there!
Coming into the BC election baseless doubts were raised about the integrity of voting systems here. At our Oct 29 conversation @ubcpolisci political scientist Stewart Prest pointed to the US & how the Trump administration played out as a root cause of rising distrust in institutions.
Watch: https://bit.ly/4fiSHha
Listen: https://bit.ly/3UAnn5l
Regardless of who’s elected US president, Canada needs to get its defence house in order. Richard Mahoney at our Oct 29 conversation - “. . . they’ve kind of benignly let us get away with maybe not making our full contribution to NATO. That is less the case now.” @mcmillanllp
Watch: https://bit.ly/4fiSHha
Listen: https://bit.ly/3UAnn5l
While Trump’s 2016 voter may have been “the guy with the horns draped in the flag” today it is increasingly 18-34 year olds who are angry and looking for change. Research Co’s Mario Canseco at our Oct 29 conversation. “It’s different, it’s not the same type of voter . . .”
Watch: https://bit.ly/4fiSHha
Listen: https://bit.ly/3UAnn5l
Canada & US have a strong trade relationship likely to continue regardless of who is elected south of our border. But it won’t be easy - Maria Rajanayagam at our Oct 29 conversation. “We have to keep in mind that both Republicans and Democrats have a protectionist viewpoint.”
Watch: https://bit.ly/4fiSHha
Listen: https://bit.ly/3UAnn5l
While most US states recognize Canada as their top trading partner, both potential presidential candidates are protectionist – Gary Mar, Canada West Foundation, at our Oct 29 conversation. “Not all is lost, but we have some work to do.”
Watch: https://bit.ly/4fiSHha
Listen: https://bit.ly/3UAnn5l