I'll be the first to say it.
Sometimes I feel like I don't know what I'm doing, or why I'm doing it.
So I spend some time reminiscing about what got me started with this business, way back when it was NV Media Productions.
And what I usually come up with is that I want to be able to help business owners along their journey. I want to see them hit every milestone and overcome every roadblock that they're faced with.
I want to be there cheering them on and showing them that it does get better, that over time the day-to-day struggles become routine and processes and flows are created to help them shine.
With digital media production, Heather and I can help businesses achieve their goals, and that makes me so happy.
Even recently, we helped a small business owner put some final touches on their website so they could actually do business instead of having a website just sitting out there on the internet with no functionality or purpose to it.
On a different note, being a business owner has also given me the flexibility to do what I want every day, not having someone else tell me what needs to be done or that I did it the wrong way, I choose the projects that align with myself and my team. And that's pretty fu***ng great if you ask me.
So this is my why, what's yours?