BIG Media Ltd.

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BIG Media Ltd. BIG Media, is a unique platform that presents an alternative style of journalism and member engagement. We are not affiliated with any political party.

We're dedicated to presenting facts, accurate data, logical interpretation and truth. Meet the BIG Media Team:
Rob Driscoll: Founder and President Laurie Weston: Co-Founder, Scientific Strategist and Interpretation Specialist
Brendan Rolfe: Contributor/Editor/Moderator,
Kevin Burron: Counsel and Strategist
Read more about the team here:

Hmmm ... improving a country's lacklustre economic productivity while increasing profits for business owners ... while d...

Hmmm ... improving a country's lacklustre economic productivity while increasing profits for business owners ... while dramatically improving the financial fortunes of individual workers and, therefore, the vitality of the communities in which they live ...

That certainly sounds like a winning formula, and engineer Grant Wilde – who led a Canadian company through many years of consistently strong earnings while sharing profits with employees – outlines precisely why employee ownership is an ideal path forward in his latest article at

There is a tremendous power unleashed if all involved in the business, share in the wealth creation of the business. It is an old idea that has not been taken up at scale. If it had been in Canada, for example, my home country would not be in the ever-declining innovation, productivity, and wealth d...

What if we did not say "I am a Conservative" or "I am a Liberal" or "I am a Democrat" or "I am a Republican"?What if we ...

What if we did not say "I am a Conservative" or "I am a Liberal" or "I am a Democrat" or "I am a Republican"?

What if we analyzed the situation as objectively as possible leading up to an election and simply voted for the people and party we see as having the highest integrity and having society's best interests in mind?

Is that not a better way?

Has anyone else grown weary of personal attacks on politicians? So many in my network have been completely sucked into the political polarization vortex, spouting vitriol about people and groups they know little about. Republican, Democrat; Liberal, Conservative, Labour, Reform – we pick a side an...

Another BIG Scoop of facts and logic is available in our second podcast episode titled "The 21st Century Energy Transiti...

Another BIG Scoop of facts and logic is available in our second podcast episode titled "The 21st Century Energy Transition – fundamental principles guiding global energy dynamics".

My guest, doctor of geology and educator Brad Hayes, takes us through facts and trends that in less than 20 minutes will give us a better understanding of what the energy transition is all about.

Give it a listen/watch and let us know what you think.


Apple Podcasts:

The BIG Scoop · Episode

I think most people still understand which direction is up and which is down. Beyond that, however, a gullible, affirmat...

I think most people still understand which direction is up and which is down.

Beyond that, however, a gullible, affirmation-addicted western populace seems to get just about everything wrong.

Sure, it’s fun to play around online and have Google tell you what you WANT to hear — The ‘bias machine’: How Google tells you what you want to hear It sure makes us feel smart and virtuous. But it is very important to drop by and be exposed to what you NEED to […]

In the article linked below, Grant Wilde, who has been in the thick of major industrial operations for decades, helps us...

In the article linked below, Grant Wilde, who has been in the thick of major industrial operations for decades, helps us understand why Bill C-59 — purportedly drafted to combat greenwashing — is actually stifling green progress.

Headlining this week’s climate change and emissions reduction news is the Canadian government’s next step in its crusade against big emitting industries, especially the fossil fuel sector – a “hard cap” on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Of course, this will be interpreted as a cap on prod...

The problems with the news industry go all the way back to journalism school, where young adults are taught to come up w...

The problems with the news industry go all the way back to journalism school, where young adults are taught to come up with a sensational lead and support that premise, usually through expert testimony.

It's not just mainstream media – sensationalism and expert testimony are ubiquitous among news organizations. And they are the two fatal flaws that have brought the industry to its current state of dire disrepute.

There is a better way ...

Many in my network believe that the answer to a badly broken mainstream media model is to follow alternative news sources. Some of those fiery upstarts are pushing back hard against the establishment, publishing news and opinions that contradict the ubiquitous garbage we have been seeing from large....

As I was completing another freehand masterpiece (by zooming in on the image, you will notice that it is the layers of c...

As I was completing another freehand masterpiece (by zooming in on the image, you will notice that it is the layers of complexity that define my greatness as a visual artist), I was pondering the challenges that come with high-priced consumer goods.

That means it is more important than ever to look for great value for your hard-earned dollars.

So I took it upon myself to conduct extensive research in order to present the Top 5 Things You Can Purchase For Less Than $3 Per Week ...

5. ONE cup of coffee … just one for the whole week, and don’t even think about making it a latté or adding oat, soy, or almond milk!

4. One avocado … although the way food costs have soared, we may have to change that to one blueberry by the end of the year.

3. One litre of gasoline, which should just about get you home from the nearest gas station.

2. One chocolate covered doughnut – but to avoid a range of debilitating physical ailments, you are advised to avoid doing this every week.

1. Membership in the growing community of critical thinkers at You will be empowered intellectually through access to the most accurate, spin-free, and transparent news on the big issues. You can do this every week without developing debilitating conditions.

Extending a weekend of gratitude, I thank all of you in my network who stuck with us as we introduced information at BIG...

Extending a weekend of gratitude, I thank all of you in my network who stuck with us as we introduced information at that flew in the face of prevailing narratives.

There is an urgent need for accurate, trustworthy news, and my Facebook/IG network has helped establish fact-focused BIG Media Ltd.

In order to preserve editorial objectivity, we do not accept advertising, sponsorship, or government funding, but we do accept subscribers who want to help support this important venture.

If you cannot afford $2 to $3 per week to be a member on our platform, we appreciate your engagement on and sharing of our posts.

Thank you! Keep the feedback and story ideas coming!


The disappointment is palpable in the news media and among social media climate alarmists.

They really wanted Hurricane Milton to be the mother of all storms.

They wanted it to ravage Florida in unprecedented ways so that all of their ill-informed rantings about anthropogenic climate change causing more severe weather would — in their minds — be proven as factual.

No one will admit it publicly, but if you are disappointed that Milton turned out to be just another bad storm with a fairly ordinary number of lives lost — whether you are in the news media or a social media warrior — please take a look in the mirror and seek professional help.

It is not OK to wish for human (or other animal) suffering.

Please stop. And get some help.

I am going to make you an offer that should be too good to refuse  ...I am willing to work FOR YOU full time for just $1...

I am going to make you an offer that should be too good to refuse ...

I am willing to work FOR YOU full time for just $1.92 US per week.

That works out to just over 1.1 cents per hour! For full-time work!

And I assure you – I have a very strong work ethic.

Here are just some of the things I will do FOR YOU in my 7-day work week:

• Recruit brilliant scientists from all over the world to write for you
• Work with those writers to provide critical context on the most important matters
• Monitor international news and filter out the sensationalized garbage
• Write opinion columns backed by the incredible work of our editorial team that will help us explore beneath the surface of the biggest issues
• Write humour columns that may on occasion elicit an LOL or two
• Include YOUR feedback and story ideas in charting the course of an important venture that provides extremely accurate, trustworthy, and transparent news coverage

In essence, I will be working full time to empower you intellectually. You could call it "hire learning".

If I let you down, you can fire me any time by cancelling your subscription to my services. If you do kick me to the curb, I promise not to file a grievance with the labour board (it's in writing now).

To summarize, I will be working FULL TIME FOR YOU, for about 1.1 cents per hour.

To hire me today, simply go to "Membership" on the main menu at and choose one of the affordable options.

I am here to serve you, and I look forward to starting the position immediately.

Common-sense analysis of the "Net Zero by 2050" concept from doctor of geology and educator Brad Hayes:"Global consumpti...

Common-sense analysis of the "Net Zero by 2050" concept from doctor of geology and educator Brad Hayes:

"Global consumption of oil, coal, and natural gas continues to rise every year as do their emissions, because the new low-emissions energy coming on stream annually does not even meet the global increase in energy demand....

What could possibly cause emissions to abruptly reverse two centuries of increase, and fast enough to take more than 50 billion tonnes off the table in 26 years?

Nothing. There is no such mechanism. Emissions will not abruptly fall, because a world with 8 billion+ people all craving abundant and affordable energy will do whatever is required to get that energy.... No amount of prodding, pushing, incenting, or demonizing of fossil fuels has changed that."

Link below for full article ...

There has been a lot written about the push to reach net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by the year 2050. Despite the simple fact that emissions continue to rise year after year, many people continue to insist that humanity can abruptly turn a corner to achieve the net-zero target (Halfway betw...

Other news media organizations:"Thank you, advertisers and government, for funding our business! We will be sure to rewa...

Other news media organizations:

"Thank you, advertisers and government, for funding our business! We will be sure to reward you through the use of bias, sensationalism, and divisive content in order to attract a massive audience to support you!"

"Thank you, readers, for paying a modest subscription fee to help drive our business. We appreciate that you understand how the news is not 'free' when advertisers and governments pay the bills ... unless, of course, you do not value your time and your brain."


Because much of the news coverage at flies in the face of narratives promoted by the western world's politi...

Because much of the news coverage at flies in the face of narratives promoted by the western world's political and social "left", many critics have called us a "far right" news organization.

And to a degree, they are correct ... because, so FAR, we have been RIGHT.

We were right about COVID lockdowns doing more harm than good –

We were right about most excess deaths during the pandemic being among younger, healthier segments of the population ... and NOT from COVID –

We were right in reporting a disturbing number of serious adverse reactions to COVID vaccines –

We were right in documenting that major peer-reviewed studies could be presented in a way that flies in the face of the very data on which the studies are focused –

We were right in reporting that the Canadian government's use of the Emergencies Act in February 2022 was not justified from legal and logical perspectives –

We were right about global energy crises being driven by government policy focused on emissions-reduction goals without adequate regard for energy security –

We were right about climate science being a complicated and deeply nuanced sector beset with alarmist ideology –

We were right about sea-level rise being slow and gradual, and that sea level used to be much higher –

We were right in showing that we are not experiencing the hottest temperatures our world has ever seen –

We were right in reporting that there is not an island of garbage the size of Texas in the Pacific Ocean –

We were right in reporting that the disappearance of a glacier in Iceland is not an indication that humans are destroying the planet –

We were right in pointing out that those who recycle a lot are doing no favours for the environment –

A key reason why our news coverage is so accurate is that we encourage scrutiny. If you ever find a mistake in our coverage (keeping in mind that most of our news is produced by accomplished scientists and engineers who cite every shred of data), we are all ears –

Let’s do what we can to make sure as many people as possible are exposed to important facts about the COVID-19 pandemic....

Let’s do what we can to make sure as many people as possible are exposed to important facts about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lessons must be learned.

I hereby give you permission to share this article/post with your networks 😀

“I don’t want to talk about COVID. It’s over.” That is a common refrain for people who blindly trusted government and medical officials during the COVID pandemic. Most do not want to talk about it because they do not want to face the fact that they were played, and that they – especially t...

Many people thought that I was crazy to have seven children. Many believe it is selfish to have any children at all beca...

Many people thought that I was crazy to have seven children.

Many believe it is selfish to have any children at all because of the "climate catastrophe". (Stay tuned for more on that.)

In reality, our world has more than enough space and resources for us, particularly if we learn to dial back the consumption. And it would be nice on many levels to avoid pressure to take in more immigrants than our society can handle.

Immigration is important, and I love the cultural diversity that comes with my home country Canada's historical approach to immigration.

However, ridiculously high levels of immigration in Canada, the United States, the UK, and many other regions are destroying the very fabric of our cultures ... and that includes for the immigrants themselves, who arrive looking for peace and prosperity but are met with a quagmire of unaffordable housing, high crime, and cities unable to provide adequate infrastructure and support.

Currently, many western nations are not procreating at a sustainable level.

According to Statistics Canada, the Canadian fertility rate was just 1.33 children per woman in 2022, the Office for National Statistics showed the UK at 1.49, and the World Bank Group showed the United States at 1.7, Australia at 1.6, and Italy at 1.2.

So much for the proverbial "2.2 children and a white picket fence".

More children per family does not put as much pressure on the system as bringing in individuals and small families from abroad.

Each family arriving in a country adds to the squeezing of an already tight and high-priced housing market, and stretched municipal services. Extrapolation that comes with immigration in the hundreds of thousands or millions translates to a runaway freight train of societal stress.

Of course, our nations should remain willing to accommodate migrants, particularly those fleeing war-torn or extremely oppressive regions.

But excessive immigration levels are destructive.

Back to the "climate crisis", my team at BIG Media gives you critical context so you can sleep well at night ... and not be afraid of a little unprotected fun before you doze off:

• Climate change and energy: context for the great debate (

• Real climate science – uncertainty and risk (

We need to rebuild from within, so let's celebrate families of all sizes and stop allowing false narratives such as the climate crisis to scare us out of the bedroom and into supporting disastrous immigration policies.

My final piece of evidence that it is OK to return to a nation of procreation – my seven children all pitched in to purchase for my birthday the Apple laptop in the adjacent photo. It arrived yesterday, and I will be using it every day to deliver extremely accurate and transparent news about the big issues at

BREAKING NEWS – it's OK to have babies!Once again, brings you the BIG news first!

BREAKING NEWS – it's OK to have babies!

Once again, brings you the BIG news first!

If you can avoid being too distracted by the expensive art in the background of my home office, the interview linked bel...

If you can avoid being too distracted by the expensive art in the background of my home office, the interview linked below is a good opportunity to get to know me and why what we are doing at is so important.

In this episode, Jennifer Fraser of Freedom, Family and Finances engages in a profound conversation with Rob Driscoll, the founder and president of Big Media...

I have always been a fan of stand-up comedy, and have even taken a turn at the mic a couple of times.I have great admira...

I have always been a fan of stand-up comedy, and have even taken a turn at the mic a couple of times.

I have great admiration for the greats such as Jerry Seinfeld, Robin Williams, and Dave Chappelle.

But there is a real up-and-comer on the scene that you must check out. He is absolutely hilarious.

I don't believe that he realizes how funny he is, which is part of the genius.

His name is Antonio Guterres. He earned his chops as a member of the Portuguese Socialist Party and prime minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002. Guterres now tours the world on a comedy circuit of sorts but is known to some as the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

The dude is an absolute riot.

Just try to read a few of his classic one-liners without falling off your chair:

"Rising seas are a crisis entirely of humanity’s making."
– August 27, 2024
(LOL – oh, the irony of an intelligent man letting on that sea-level rise is caused entirely by humans ... when, of course, he is well aware that the sea used to be much higher, as illustrated in the adjacent image. Doctor of geology Brad Hayes' article helps us understand how hilarious this joke is –

"Surging seas are coming for us all."
– August 27, 2024
(BAHAHA – run for your lives! AG goes to such amazing lengths to deliver his best humour, this time going to a region where the land is sinking ( so he could make outrageous remarks about sea level. Too funny!)

“We need a surge in funds to deal with surging seas.”
– August 27, 2024
(HAHAHA – wow, you gotta give the guy credit for comically pointing out that it really is all about the money.)

“Humanity has a choice: co-operate or perish.... We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator.”
– November 7, 2022
(LMAO! AG's subtlety is so impressive – listen to what he says, or you die!? It simply does not get any better. And that accelerator metaphor – what a gas!)

“We need an exit ramp off the highway to climate hell.”
– June 5, 2024
(ROTF – another transportation metaphor, and another reference to eternal damnation in an uncomfortably hot location if we do not behave as good little climate alarmists should.)

"The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.”
– July 27, 2023
(LOLOL – again with the clever subtlety! Boiling?! Such a zany jokester!)

“The godfathers of climate chaos – the fossil fuel industry – rake in record profits and feast off trillions in taxpayer-funded subsidies."
– June 5, 2024
(BAHAHA! ... the beauty is in the absurdity that the industry is given credit for causing climate chaos, that there even is climate chaos, and the "trillions in subsidies" ... OMG, he is just too much!)

Guterres's comedic star is indeed rising much faster than sea level.



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