Many people thought that I was crazy to have seven children.
Many believe it is selfish to have any children at all because of the "climate catastrophe". (Stay tuned for more on that.)
In reality, our world has more than enough space and resources for us, particularly if we learn to dial back the consumption. And it would be nice on many levels to avoid pressure to take in more immigrants than our society can handle.
Immigration is important, and I love the cultural diversity that comes with my home country Canada's historical approach to immigration.
However, ridiculously high levels of immigration in Canada, the United States, the UK, and many other regions are destroying the very fabric of our cultures ... and that includes for the immigrants themselves, who arrive looking for peace and prosperity but are met with a quagmire of unaffordable housing, high crime, and cities unable to provide adequate infrastructure and support.
Currently, many western nations are not procreating at a sustainable level.
According to Statistics Canada, the Canadian fertility rate was just 1.33 children per woman in 2022, the Office for National Statistics showed the UK at 1.49, and the World Bank Group showed the United States at 1.7, Australia at 1.6, and Italy at 1.2.
So much for the proverbial "2.2 children and a white picket fence".
More children per family does not put as much pressure on the system as bringing in individuals and small families from abroad.
Each family arriving in a country adds to the squeezing of an already tight and high-priced housing market, and stretched municipal services. Extrapolation that comes with immigration in the hundreds of thousands or millions translates to a runaway freight train of societal stress.
Of course, our nations should remain willing to accommodate migrants, particularly those fleeing war-torn or extremely oppressive regions.
But excessive immigration levels are destructive.
Back to the "climate crisis", my team at BIG Media gives you critical context so you can sleep well at night ... and not be afraid of a little unprotected fun before you doze off:
• Climate change and energy: context for the great debate (https://big-media.ca/climate-change-and-energy-context-for-the-great-debate/)
• Real climate science – uncertainty and risk (https://big-media.ca/real-climate-science-uncertainty-and-risk/)
We need to rebuild from within, so let's celebrate families of all sizes and stop allowing false narratives such as the climate crisis to scare us out of the bedroom and into supporting disastrous immigration policies.
My final piece of evidence that it is OK to return to a nation of procreation – my seven children all pitched in to purchase for my birthday the Apple laptop in the adjacent photo. It arrived yesterday, and I will be using it every day to deliver extremely accurate and transparent news about the big issues at BIG-Media.ca.