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We launched the b2c campaign for the USA market as a Spring-2022 promotion. You can join this promotion at

👉 The original text:

Get Glasses Online is an up-and-coming Canadian online eyewear platform working hard to ensure you get the greatest bargains!
Great quality low-cost prices are our commitment.

Use the code: ILOVEGGO to get the best deal! 🤓🤓🤓

Our experts study trends, tastes, and the latest developments in optical science to track and bring to the platform the best products in the eyewear, frames, and lenses category. We offer the perfect collection of frames that are both a state-of-the-art style accessory and an important part of your everyday life - in business, family, education, and travel.

Eligible for US/Canadian insurance - check with your insurance provider.

Try our Virtual-Try-On technology to make the best choice!

Our lovely client  launched Valentine's Day Sale in Toronto ON 🌺🌹💐🌸🌹(early bird - 30% OFF until February 8 )The Best Flo...

Our lovely client launched Valentine's Day Sale in Toronto ON 🌺🌹💐🌸🌹
(early bird - 30% OFF until February 8 )

The Best Flowers in Toronto will create a customized bouquet for your loved one from premium quality flowers imported from Ecuador. We also offer Valentine's day gift bundles, such as flowers and chocolates, or flowers and a plush toy.
Satisfaction guaranteed!

Please contact Natalia to order at 647-883-0894.


Merry Christmas and Happy New 2022 Year! Stay safe!🥂

We have launched a significant targeting ad for a Ukrainian law firm that supports illegally suspended Ukrainian teacher...

We have launched a significant targeting ad for a Ukrainian law firm that supports illegally suspended Ukrainian teachers from works due to the involuntary vaccination of Covid-19.
As a result over 30 Leads, 250 Likes, 80 Shares, and lots of comments after the first 5 days. What a successful targeting!

НЕЗАКОННИМ є відсторонення від роботи працівників освіти через непроведення профілактичного щеплення від COVID-19!

Ви потрапили в цю ситуацію?

Ми надамо належну правову допомогу з метою поновлення Ваших порушених прав.
«Правовий Погляд» надає безоплатну письмову консультацію (електронною поштою) щодо необхідного переліку документів, які необхідно зібрати, а також платну послугу із підготовки позовної заяви для конкретного клієнта та оформлені пакету документів для подачі до суду.
Єдиним законим способом поновити свої права є звернення із відповідним позовом до суду. Дуже важливим при підготовці документів є дотримання форми позовної заяви та врахування нюансів не тільки щодо її змісту, а також порядку подання такої позовної заяви, документів, які необхідно додати до позовної заяви.

Тисніть на «Дізнатися більше», надiшлiть запит та отримайте безкоштовне консультування (електронною поштою) щодо необхідного переліку документів для подачі в суд.
Якщо ж, окрім нашої консультації, ви бажаєте, щоб ми склали позовну заяву щодо вашого випадку з відстороненням вiд роботи, укажіть це в анкеті.

Оплата включає вивчення обставин відсторонення, складання позовної заяви, консультаційна допомога при формуванні пакету для подачі в суд та щодо порядку подачі позову в суд. Оплата проводиться на рахунок товариства, після повідомлення клієнта про готовність позовної заяви.
Свої права треба знати та захищати! @Правовий Погляд

Наш сайт:
Емейл: [email protected]

Another Ad for CanStart Group that has been working for parents and high school students in Kazakhstan. 🐰"Пора задуматьс...

Another Ad for CanStart Group that has been working for parents and high school students in Kazakhstan. 🐰

"Пора задуматься над поступлением в ВУЗ! И это не так просто.

КазНПУ? КФМГУ? КарГТУ? АТУ? КазПТИ? АЗВИ? КазПИ? Для кого-то это набор букв, для вас - головная боль, сомнения, нелегкий выбор.

А вы уверены, что этот выбор обеспечит вашего ребенка современными знаниями, престижным образованием, будущей карьерой и, главное, мотивацией развиваться в дальнейшем?

Сейчас вы действительно можете дать вашему ребенку большой шанс реализовать себя в будущем, а именно, - получить образование в Канаде!

Ежегодно Канада принимает до 2 500 тысяч студентов из Казахстана!

Не спешите отказываться от консультации с опытным специалистом CanStart Group, ведь вы еще не знаете, что:

✅ ФАКТ №1. 88,3% всех международных студентов работают параллельно учебе и оплачивают обучение из заработанных денег, ведь каждый канадский университет/колледж имеет рассрочку.

✅ ФАКТ №2. Независимо от того, какое канадское учебное заведение заканчивает международный студент, он имеет право остаться работать и жить в Канаде, а со временем и пригласить семью.

✅ ФАКТ № 3. После обучения, практики, работы и волонтерства в Канаде ваш ребенок будет идеально знать английский, а при определенном старании, и французский языки.

✅ ФАКТ №4. Старт зарплаты международного специалиста с канадским дипломом в 11 раз превышает старт доходов выпускника любого казахского ВУЗа.

✅ ФАКТ №5. Востребованность всегда важна - канадский диплом помогает продвигаться по карьерной лестнице в любой стране мира.

CanStart Group более 10 лет занимается образованием в Канаде, подбирает ВУЗы в разных провинциях Канады, открывает студенческие визы, консультирует по работе и иммиграции, помогает молодым студентам быстрее адаптироваться и успешно учиться.

👉 Готовы проконсультироваться со специалистом? Обязательно приходите на консультацию вместе с вашим выпускником!

👉 Переходите по кнопке «Узнать Больше» и заполняйте небольшую анкету, мы с вами свяжемся в ближайшее время и запланируем звонок по Skype, Viber, Zoom, WhatsApp или другим каналам связи.

👉 Консультация и сам звонок - БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ в рамках этого предложения. Поспешите занять свое время в графике, всего 25 бесплатных консультаций мы можем провести до конца года.

Открой себя миру, начни с Канады!"

Good job, Rabbit! here is the SMM campaign for our lovely client CanStart Group in Mexico! 🇲🇽✌️***🇨🇦 Canadá ofrece fantá...

Good job, Rabbit! here is the SMM campaign for our lovely client CanStart Group in Mexico! 🇲🇽✌️

🇨🇦 Canadá ofrece fantásticas oportunidades para los jóvenes profesionales de México.🇨
Canadá está clasificado como el cuarto país más seguro para vivir (México está en el lugar 39).
Canadá es prometedor para los negocios y el desarrollo profesional y está a sólo unas horas de vuelo de casa.
Cada año llegan a Canadá unos 300 mil inmigrantes, de los cuales sólo 7 mil son de México. Tras la flexibilización del régimen de visas en 2016, el número de mexicanos que lograron obtener un estatus migratorio oficial en Canadá aumentó significativamente. Cada año, el gobierno canadiense actualiza las listas de profesiones canadienses en demanda, entre las que puede estar la tuya.
✅ ¿Tienes una educación y una profesión? ¿Hablas inglés? ¿Estás pensando en mudarte a Canadá, establecer tu familia y ayudar a tus padres?
Actualiza tus conocimientos en un programa de postgrado en una universidad/colegio universitario canadiense y hazlo realidad ahora.
✅ ¿Por dónde empezar? Haz clic en "Aprender más" y programa una consulta con un experto de CanStart Group, una empresa canadiense que ayuda a personas de todo el mundo a estudiar y establecerse en Canadá. ¡Nosotros hablamos español!
Recibirás asesoría profesional y confianza en el futuro, ¡Y crearemos otra historia de éxito desde México!
✅ No pierdas el tiempo, sólo hay 25 consultas asignadas para esta oferta, una de ellas debe ser la tuya. Todas las llamadas son gratuitas a través de Viber o Whatsapp. Las consultas se realizan en español.
Ábrete al mundo, ¡Empieza por Canadá!

Our new Ads for Shrepura Wellness Clinic in Toronto ON (Canada)👉🐰

Our new Ads for Shrepura Wellness Clinic in Toronto ON (Canada)👉🐰

Now is the time to invest in real estate in Dubai!🇦🇪 The price of housing in prestigious coastal areas with turnkey inte...

Now is the time to invest in real estate in Dubai!

🇦🇪 The price of housing in prestigious coastal areas with turnkey interior finishing starts at $ 3,000 per sq. m., which is cheaper than in other world cities.

🇦🇪 Rental income is up to 10% per annum and an apartment in Dubai pays off in 10 years. This is many times faster than everywhere.

🇦🇪 Income from the rental of real estate in the UAE is not subject to income tax.

🇦🇪 Possibility of repatriation of profits. No restrictions on the withdrawal of funds from the Emirates.

We have special conditions - go to our website or to Messenger, leave a request for a free consultation with Vadim Sarandi and receive a selection of 5 real estate options for your request. 🤝
Free consultations only until September 4!


Burnout at work or in business leads to serious illness and affects the whole body! 😟

Everyone knows fatigue after a busy day at work, but lots of people begin to feel tired all the time. Interest in business is lost, motivation is lost, relationships with colleagues deteriorate, and all thoughts are busy looking for solutions - all these are symptoms of emotional burnout and nervous exhaustion.

We offer you a complete renovation in the ritual bath! 🍃

🌞 Step by step you will follow the path of the sacrament of the bath traditions and immerse yourself in a meditative journey deep into yourself. We can surprise you with soft steam, salt roll-out and ax massage!

You will leave the ritual bath as a different person, with a free soul and a renewed body.

And it works! 🌿🪓


Professional translation services from our new client Lingva24 is on social media now!🐰

"Our agency Lingva24 offers professional translation services via a network all around the world. 🎓

✅ We do accurate translations from 50 languages in technical, medical, legal, financial texts and articles.

✅ We specialise in wide expertise of translations, interpreting, proofreading and multilingual transcriptions services.

✅ Contact us at Learn More bottom to get a call from our representatives.

We are Here to Help You to Manage Your Business!🤝"


Promotion on Social Media for our client

When Ontario opened, people returned to gyms after a year of hiatus. Many of them have started to catch up with their ideal shapes by neglecting the control of sport load. And we started to meet our clients with pinched nerves, spasms, muscle clamps and old sports traumas.

🌿 We are here to help you!
🌿 We launched the SUMMER promo OFFER that includes the acupuncture treatment and cupping together at the special price
🟢 119 CAD+HST!

This one and half hours treatment will accelerate your blood, heat your muscles, and relieve the back pain.
🌿 Two of the most popular and effective treatments for the price of one! Please call me for the details and booking.
All the clients will get the complimentary gifts - a herbal tea from rose petals!🌹

Be healthy and beautiful!


To Ukrainians in USA! 🇺🇸✌️🇺🇦

How many people there so many personal plans and dreams! And the general power of attorney is one ... 🤔

In practice, it happens that a person draws up a document from a foreign notary, legalizes (apostille) the document, spending time and money, but in Ukraine the document did not perform the required function, as it did not contain all the necessary data that had to be included according to requirements of the legislation of Ukraine.

✅ The service "Legal assistance to Ukrainians abroad" will compile for you an order document that meets the latest requirements of current legislation of Ukraine.

🎓 powers of attorney for property management and disposal (general powers of attorney);
🎓 power of attorney for bank account management, inheritance, pension, ownership of land shares and others;
🎓 applications for acceptance of inheritance, applications for consent of the child to go abroad and other applications;
🎓 more than 30 documents and applications at your request;

WhatsApp, Viber or Messenger
+380 97 338 5116
Email: [email protected]
We guarantee competence, speed and confidentiality!

You may ask - what is important on paid media? And we will answer - an Offer, a Selling Text (according to a special str...

You may ask - what is important on paid media? And we will answer - an Offer, a Selling Text (according to a special structure), Creatives and a Smart Targeting. Four factors so different but equally important for your ad. Our lovely client Grand Harbor Dental invites new clients and promotes cleaning and whitening. We've already been there. And you?🐰🦷🦄

🔥 Promotion is HERE! 🔥
Summer and Smiles go hand in hand!
Make yours stand out with our customized in-office whitening method!💎 🦷
Achieve a whiter, brighter smile with the most effective and safest whitening delivery system on the market today!
At Grand Harbour Dental 💙 we use the perfect formulation of whitening gel combined with proven desensitizing agents at the ideal biological pH of 7.0.
Your in-office whitening with FREE cleaning can be performed at 2318 Lakeshore Blvd West #202 🔹416.201.4440🔹
CALL NOW and book your summer smile with us.
The Offer is available until May 15.

We love all our clients, and Ganka For Home is our most sincere client, our soulmate💛. The artist Ganka creates beautifu...

We love all our clients, and Ganka For Home is our most sincere client, our soulmate💛. The artist Ganka creates beautiful plates for exquisite setting at meals. Creating Ad for Ganka is a great pleasure. Now we have launched an Easter collection across Ukraine on social media. Congratulations to everyone on Orthodox Blessed Easter🙏🐣 and look forward to new art stories and collections from Ganka!
We will keep you up to date👉

More info here:

It is a pleasure to promote an useful service like Custom Kitchen Master.  Modern kitchens mean numbers of unique design...

It is a pleasure to promote an useful service like Custom Kitchen Master. Modern kitchens mean numbers of unique design decisions and innovative approaches, which must be assembled expertly.
For years the company has been doing custom kitchens from design to build, perfect kitchens are handled by proven kitchen renovation experts from Custom Kitchen Master.

We created the SMM campaign based on Generation Leads aim, targeted on Toronto ON and GTA (Mississauga, Oakville, Hamilton, Richmond Hills), and focused on 8-10 years old condos that need to be renovated in coming 1-2 years. The results brought some successful leads and new customers💪

More information here:


The full digital campaign "The Legal Aid for Ukrainians who live and study in Canada" was launched in April 2021. This project has been helping people abroad to get professional legal and notary help for 10 years 🇺🇦 🇨🇦 There are SMM campaign covering Canada with targeting cores in Vancouver, Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal and Quebec City 🎓

If you did not catch the ad on Facebook or Instagram, you could still get the legal consultancy for free until 25th April.
Go to Whatsapp or Viber
+380 97 338 51 16 as well as Messenger on FB page
and web site
Say You are from Rabbit😉✌️

The SMM Ad for Ukrainian young professionals by our lovely client CanStart Group has covered 17,500+ impressions and got...

The SMM Ad for Ukrainian young professionals by our lovely client CanStart Group has covered 17,500+ impressions and got 38 leads for the first 5 days of running💫 Its on air until February 10.

The registration for 30min private consultation with Olga Corpalo, who is the owner of CanStart Group, is still opened. Btw, it’s free for those who followed its social pages!
Open yourself - start with Canada! 🇨🇦
More info here:

CanStart Group: Olga Carpalo
The White Rabbit: Alex T Smith

The current press release:A six-month collaboration for targeted ads on social media with The White Rabbit ...

The current press release:
A six-month collaboration for targeted ads on social media with The White Rabbit digital agency brought more than 50 new clients with coverage of 14,500+ engagements to the business page and website. The promoted services: acupuncture, BaZi Chinese astrology, feng shui art. We are pleased to continue hard working online 💪to build a stable and profitable brand for the clinic💚 Shtepura Olena
The White Rabbit: Alex T Smith

UPD: to watch it you have to be signed. It's kind of an exclusive content. It's highly recommended to get retail trendsS...

UPD: to watch it you have to be signed. It's kind of an exclusive content. It's highly recommended to get retail trends
Some smart thoughts about retail marketing and our professional future by talented Dan Gardner. That's why since COVID-19 had started we have been forcing small business and startups to grow with SMM to get some market share and loyal customers. Now it's a god time for brave brands and people! You know where to find us if questions, discusses, debates or pitches 🙃 Enjoy the video

The increased importance our remote society has put on logistics during this pandemic, how they've failed us, and how they should be reimagined digitally to better service user needs.

Hi Friends! Thank you for accepting my business page.  Let me be grateful in return🐰Many of you have small business or p...

Hi Friends! Thank you for accepting my business page.
Let me be grateful in return🐰
Many of you have small business or private products/services. I will take first 3 business to set up your social media pages and to launch one Ad campaign for free. I know you have been thinking about SMM for a long time, and you haven't tried yet. As well as I know you need it because a huge trend to run business on-line has come with pandemic time.
Feel free to contact me if you are interested in my help, and I promise to provide you with full understanding what your business may do on social media to get profit and growth in the future. Call or text me right now 🤙🤙🤙
Mrs. Smith

Global brands postponed its ads on Facebook platform!

Global brands postponed its ads on Facebook platform!

Adidas, Conagra and Ford are among the latest major brands to swear off the social media platform over hate speech.

Opening an agency often implies limited resources, it means fewer people are involved into doing more work. If you are n...

Opening an agency often implies limited resources, it means fewer people are involved into doing more work. If you are not challenged with the speed of decision making, with overcoming difficulties and don't possess the courage to generate breakthrough ideas, you should not work in an advertising agency - you will be ousted. Our team knows exactly what is on our way: new briefs, high-quality ex*****on and proven results, these are all our daily routine consists of. And we like it😎


1141 Royal York Road


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