My Scribe

My Scribe Welcome welcome
I am currently studying and nurturing my relationship with the Tarot and the Ogham. Living Life as a prayer while honouring the mystery.


NO IS A FULL SENTENCE - The Full Moon in Cancer is cranky at best. It nudges us to look at things we aren’t really wanting to look at. It means staring down long held emotions and releasing them to the universe. This lunation is conjunct Mars Rx and tonight around 10:30pm, here in the Maritimes, Mars will be hidden from the sky by the full moon.

The Cancer Full Moon is sextile to Uranus Rx in Ta**us and forms a trine to Neptune in Pisces. The Capricorn Sun, meanwhile, is linking up to Uranus in trine and forms a sextile to Neptune. The balance between what we want and what is being asked of us, is palpable.

The cards bring us a rooted message. One of boundaries and speaking the truth. Sometimes we need to get still to understand where we are at with a thing. The Hanged Man asks us to remain still. The caterpillar stays in a still state and over time becomes the butterfly. Give yourself the gift of stillness today.

The Queen of Swords is a direct, no nonsense queen. This queen has intense energy and will look you in the eye. How can you lean into this energy for yourself? Be direct when asking for what you need. There is no point, really, beating around the bush. If it’s important to you.

Finally, the armadillo spirit asks that we set healthy boundaries. This is a very cancerian message for today’s lunation. Be clear. Listen to your body’s signals. Acts of kindness and respect are important aspects to any relationship; including, the one to yourself. ✨

Full moon 🌕 blessings and reflections

Full moon 🌕 blessings and reflections


NAVIGATION - The Moon returned home to Cancer just after midnight. This is the place she knows well. It is a comfort to be here. In kind, our emotional bodies may also feel “at home”. When the Moon is in Cancer we are much closer to our living feelings…how we feel about safety, security, self care. It is a good time to check in.

As the Cancer Moon prepares for her opposition with the Capricorn Sun tomorrow, she is invited into a trine with Venus in Pisces. Venus brings a hug and a cup of tea….ahhh. In this trine, we can also feel the love for the folks in our boat, just like the penquins in the card below. Together, safe. But Mercury in Capricorn is forming an opposition to the Cancer Moon. It could be difficult to put your feelings into words…or the words are really feely.

The Chariot and The Hermit both call to a form of navigation…The Chariot from choices and The Hermit from an internal light. Both of these cards assist us in answering the question…What do you want?

The Chariot in the Bird King Tarot shows a bird in a chariot of sorts. Couldn’t that bird fly with their wings? Why do they choose a chariot to get them to a place? Maybe their wings don’t work correctly or perhaps they love the way they look in the chariot. Whatever the reason they are focused on the destination and making sure to navigate any circumstances or situations that impede them on their quest.

The Hermit, here in this deck, is a black owl. Only their eyes are visible. They do not draw attention to themselves. They are active at night. Black on black. This owl hermit navigates the dark to find what they are searching for. They depend on their own sight … those beautiful shining eyes … to bring them through a dark passage or path.

As the Cancer Moon and the Capricorn Sun position themselves into an opposition, we can also feel conflicted about navigating our place in the world. Who do we need? What do we need? Is any of that what we want? Navigation sometimes requires following our intuitive nature to the answers we seek. ✨


CARRIED BY THE CURRENT - The Gemini Moon will make a couple of aspects today…one to Chiron very early in the morning, then one to Neptune in Pisces late this evening. It is an elongated day. A flowy, not showy day.

Mars Rx in Cancer is applying to a trine with Neptune and while this transit doesn’t become exact until tomorrow it plays into the setup of the full moon on Monday. This is the second time this transit occurred. The first was in October and the third will be in April. Neptune is about dissolving and the interconnectedness of humanity.

Neptune increases energy to compassion and intuition. Mars Rx is feeling it right now as we all are. There are big feels in the world. What will it reveal? To fight this energy is futile so lay back and let it flow through you, around you, and outward.

The Four of Wands is a card that celebrates. It is an energetic card. The characters in the card are alive and in motion. Their passion runs through them, around them, and outward.

The King of Wands is a charismatic leader. This king understands that leadership takes courage and a willingness to open your heart to those around you. This king’s passion flows through him, around him, and outward.

With Mars in retrograde our passion and excitement for life may seem dimmed. Not so. This is a time to reflect on where you apply your passionate, energetic being. How do you unfurl? Your passion is your power. Take today to listen to the flow of energy going through you, around you, and outward. What does it tell you? ✨


GROWTH EDGES - The Ta**us Moon is with us for the day. Venus rules this lunation area and from her place of exaltation, Pisces, she provides sweetness to our moments. The Moon is very happy in Ta**us, as well. She will move into Gemini late this evening.

The Moon will transit through Ta**us making aspects with the Capricorn Sun, Uranus, Neptune, and Mars Rx. The Cap Sun is just separating from its square to Chiron and Mercury, fresh in Cap, is separating from its square to the nodes. Release and let go.

The Two of Wands and the Ten of Pentacles tells a story from beginning to end. A dream realized, made manifest. In the Two of Wands we recognize that staying put isn’t giving us what we need. We imagine a different ending for ourselves but something (maybe more than one thing 😉) has to change. It doesn’t need to be huge, truly. A tweak here, there. Aligning yourself. I mean if you really want something, how do you make it happen?

The Ten of Pentacles gives us the end game. We can see when we plant our pentacles and care for them daily we have a strong plant grow. Imagine the steps to what you want as all the pentacles. Plant them into the fertileness of your heart. Do something every day to care for it. And eventually there is growth in that direction.

What trips us up, generally, are our growth edges. The raw bits inside us that try to keep us safe and free from harm. Don’t go there, the voice shouts. No, no, that will never work it whines. Who can know? We only have the present moment to work with…and the one after that, and the one after that.

Find the soothing balm for your growth edges…find a way to soothe the naysayer inside, the eternal worrier. It’s one step today and another tomorrow. Build confidence slowly but surely and before you know it you have grown past the place you thought you might not. ✨


LINING IT UP - The Moon entered Ta**us yesterday evening and in a fixed earth sign we can feel more grounded, or more stuck. Perspective is everything. The Moon will remain in Ta**us today and her aspects are sextile in nature…one to Venus, her ruler currently in Pisces, and one to Saturn, also in Pisces.

Mercury, after two months in Sagittarius, moves on to Capricorn. After so many ideas have been thrown against the wall to see if they stick, here is our opportunity to figure out which ones have value and are worth chasing or making goals out of.

The Capricorn Sun squares Chiron and our growth edges are singed a little. With Mercury here as well we might be a little more aware of what we are communicating and how. Mercury will square the nodes as he enters the ram’s mansion. We know where to go.

The Four of Pentacles sometimes brings a message of holding on too tightly but it seems, to me, to say line it up today. Be smart about your choices. There is clear headspace. Good landscape for making decisions or feeling less muddled to be sure. What is it that you want?

The World welcomes the end of a journey and the beginning of another. This is Saturn’s card in the majors. Time lord. Task master. If we set a goal what would be the steps to attain it? Saturn welcomes this type of contemplation.

Rome wasn’t built in a day…but you gotta start somewhere. ✨

peace ☮️

peace ☮️

Beach Escape is a 16x20 oil painting. The beach is definitely my escape, is it yours too?

My card for 2025 from the Flowers are Speaking Oracle Deck by Mary Porter Kerns Feels cozy 🧸

My card for 2025 from the Flowers are Speaking Oracle Deck by Mary Porter Kerns
Feels cozy 🧸


CONTAINED - The Cancer Moon moves us into a space today. She squares Chiron Rx in Aries and asks that we consider who we are in this wound. She sextiles Uranus Rx in Ta**us and we feel edgy about getting home from wherever we are. Her last aspect before a five-hour void is a trine to Neptune in Pisces. Water to water, we flow, we are glowing from the inside…like little snow globes. As with most Neptune aspects, we are reminded not to go too far into the deep end. This aspect is good for compassion which is always welcome this time of year.

The Nine of Wands in the Spacious Tarot deck protects the rose. Does the rose continue its rose path because of the support of the wands? Perhaps. Wands are our fire, our passion. Just as the rose is supported, we are supported by our passions. Our passions brought to life brings richness to our life landscape. The message is not to get caught up in the dream but to keep living in the real world.

The Explorer of Wands (Knight of Wands) is coming in hot! Excited, impulsive, action jackson! It feels alive and fuelled. Radiant heat. But careful now…too much heat can leave ash in its wake. Don’t burn down what you have spent so much time building. Craving action and excitement can sometimes lead us to abandon our responsibilities. Stay present.

The Sagittarius Sun is forming a square to Neptune in Pisces…exact tomorrow. The fog rolls in. We might doubt ourselves. Today would be a good day to practice being contained in the present moment.

After the long void today, the Moon leaves Cancer for bright and bold Leo. We glow from the outside now. Just as she crosses the threshold there will be an opposition to Pluto in Aquarius…and for the next twenty years this will be the setup for the Moon and Pluto in Leo and Aquarius. They will meet in opposition each month. A little self awareness will go a long way. ✨

Full moon blessings 🌕 this fool is feeling ~being supported by the tarot

Full moon blessings 🌕

this fool is feeling ~being supported by the tarot

Blessings,For the last 16 months, I’ve been focussing on studying the tarot. One of my teachers is Shea in the cat skill...

For the last 16 months, I’ve been focussing on studying the tarot. One of my teachers is Shea in the cat skills. She has created a community for people who love learning about tarot and working with it.
Here is a link to her website explaining it all.

This video refers to the cohort that began in March of 2023, but will give you an overall sense of what this offering is about.


💐✨ Inspired by the vibrant tulip fields of Munckinland 💐✨

This design is a burst of colour with delicate petals in full bloom, bringing the magic and playful spirit of Munchkinland to your wheelchair 🌷💫

Wicked x Izzy - Available now 🌸

Blessings to us all on our Fool’s journey 💎

Blessings to us all on our Fool’s journey 💎

INEXTINGUISHABLE - What lights you up? What fills your cup? What is the yes? Over the next couple of months, we will be asked to review, reassess, and reevaluate what it means to be heart centered. The ask is to notice what inspires you, what and how you express yourself. Mars, the big red planet of action and drive, stations retrograde in Leo this evening at 7:33pm Atlantic.

Mars retrogrades every two years or so. It is formidable and asks that we reconsider & reconnect to what drives us, what’s actionable…this retrograde Mars will begin in Leo and back into Cancer, ending at 17 degrees Cancer, stationing direct on February 23. Mars will re-enter Leo on April 18. This is a long ass period of time.

The cards want us to know that a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step…but first and foremost our passion, our ambition needs review. We might want to sleep on it.

The Four of Swords brings rest and renewal. Your body feels tired, sluggish. Your mind needs some silence and to dream. This card asks you to listen to the cues of your body. Rest if you need to.

The King of Wands brings passionate, expansive energy. His fire is lit! Let him come to you in dreams and light your fire within. Let the dream show you where the path lies.

The Fool is our hero. This is us. Each of us in our own way, making our own way. You are not here on Earth without purpose. Purpose exists for you, for me, for all. Sometimes what we need is a dream.

Not only is the Mars slow down impacting our drive but Mercury Rx is applying to a square with Saturn in Pisces. This is the second pass…the first on November 12…we are revisiting some block, rule, or sacrifice. We look for refinement.

The Moon is in Aquarius all day so we have a strong sense of individualism. Aquarians are the dreamers. They see things as they could be. Let it be so for you. ✨


FILL YOUR CUP - The Moon is waxing in Capricorn all day. She makes a sextile to Saturn in Pisces giving strength and structure to our feelings. As the Moon gains energy this week, the personal planets - Mercury, Venus, and Mars - will all make major shifts this week. Today is a quiet day to reflect on what comes up from your heart and your intuition. What have you been working on? Are you still as committed to this project? When the Moon is in Capricorn we get to work on our dreams but we tend not to colour too much outside the lines. 😉

The Two of Cups brings our awareness to a relationship…a close relationship. Not necessarily romantic but long term and very valued. You and this person share many things. You thrive in this union of hearts. Reach out to someone who you are kindred spirits with. Make sure they know how important they are to you.

The Page of Cups brings play and emotional engagement with our passions. It is a youthful energy. Perhaps not fully formed. This card asks us to be open hearted and pay attention to the intuitive musings that arrive. This deck calls this card the “when pigs can fly” card. Have the heart of a dreamer today.

While Saturn can sometimes dampen our efforts with rules, restrictions and constraint, today maybe it brings you solid ideas about how to carry on with that project or team effort or your plans. Good day to talk it out with your bestie. The sextile with the Capricorn Moon keeps your emotions grounded and reliable.

The cards ask you to fill your cup today and the cosmic aspect of the Cap Moon and Saturn in a sextile speaks to a strong connection to your intuition so you can to make your plans move forward. ✨

With June Ellis Artist – I just made it onto their weekly engagement list by being one of their top engagers! 🎉

With June Ellis Artist – I just made it onto their weekly engagement list by being one of their top engagers! 🎉


Tyne Valley, PE


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