Inanna Publications

Inanna Publications Inanna aims to conserve a publishing space dedicated to feminist voices that provoke discussion, adv

Our editorial policy is to publish visionary books that reflect the depth, breadth and diversity of women’s lives across Canada.


To the Inanna Community:

Inanna Publications and Education Inc. is going through a necessary restructuring of our organization. Over the last two years we have worked with consultants to determine what Inanna needs to do to remain a viable publishing house. Inanna has been able to incorporate some changes in the way we work but unfortunately, we are currently in a position where we must lay off staff to remain sustainable.

Despite reduced staff, we are working on ways to continue in the short term to publish our Fall 2023 list. We remain committed to our mission and are seeking creative options to secure our publishing future for the next 45 years of publishing outstanding feminist books.

Thank you for your support in these difficult times. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Brenda Cranney
Interim Publisher
Inanna Publications and Education Inc.
210 Founders College, York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON. M3J 1P3

Publishers of fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction dedicated to feminist voices and provoking discussion and advancing feminist thought.

Fantastic review of "Deuce" by  , with thanks to   & The Miramichi Reader! Read in full at the link.'We are all afraid t...

Fantastic review of "Deuce" by , with thanks to & The Miramichi Reader! Read in full at the link.

'We are all afraid to show our true selves at some point in our lives. We keep little bits of ourselves tucked away in the dark corners of our minds waiting for the right moment, the right place, the right people. What will they think of me? Will they hate me? Worrying about others’ judgments is what holds a lot of us back from belonging. Sometimes being held under a microscope by those that love us can have the same effect. Deuce by Vivian Zenari explores these issues and many more as we follow twins Gilda and Pete through a challenging time in their lives.'


Laura Patterson reviews DEUCE by Vivian Zenari. Published by Inanna Publications.

📚”We are all afraid to show our true selves at some point in our lives. We keep little bits of ourselves tucked away in the dark corners of our minds waiting for the right moment, the right place, the right people. What will they think of me? Will they hate me? Worrying about others’ judgments is what holds a lot of us back from belonging. Sometimes being held under a microscope by those that love us can have the same effect. Deuce by Vivian Zenari explores these issues and many more as we follow twins Gilda and Pete through a challenging time in their lives.”
Laura’s article continues! ⬇️

Lovely new review of "Under a Kabul Sky: Short Fiction by Afghan Women" edited by  , with thanks to   & Full Stop! Read ...

Lovely new review of "Under a Kabul Sky: Short Fiction by Afghan Women" edited by , with thanks to & Full Stop! Read in full at the link.

'Given the cavernous absence of Afghan women short story writers in English anthologies of Persian literature, it is ground-breaking that we have collections like UNDER A KABUL SKY.'

Given the cavernous absence of Afghan women short story writers in English anthologies of Persian literature, it is ground-breaking that we have collections like Under a Kabul Sky.

Saturday, August 12! Massy Arts Society, Massy Books, Inanna, and Anvil Press present 'Mad Ideas for Precarious Living' ...

Saturday, August 12! Massy Arts Society, Massy Books, Inanna, and Anvil Press present 'Mad Ideas for Precarious Living' with ( of "The Becoming"), , and , hosted by .

These brilliant and thinkers have undergone incredibly difficult lives and have wisdoms and intersections which they will share with readings from their work, followed by a guided discussion and Q&A hosted by Isabella Wang.

This project has been made possible by the Government of Canada. Ce projet a été rendu possible grâce au gouvernement du Canada.

For more information and to register visit:

On Saturday, August 12th at 2pm, join Massy Arts, Massy Books, Anvil Press Publishers, and Inanna Publications for Mad Ideas for Precarious Living with Nicole Luongo, Erin Soros, and Henry Doyle, hosted by Isabella Wang.

These brilliant writers and thinkers have undergone incredibly difficult lives and have wisdoms and intersections which they will share with readings from their work, followed by a guided discussion and Q&A hosted by Isabella Wang.

This project has been made possible by the Government of Canada. Ce projet a été rendu possible grâce au gouvernement du Canada.

For more information and to register visit:

Missed it? Mesdames of Mayhem's July story is a spotlight on "Mad Dog and the Sea Dragon" by Lisa de Nikolits! Read in f...

Missed it? Mesdames of Mayhem's July story is a spotlight on "Mad Dog and the Sea Dragon" by Lisa de Nikolits! Read in full at the link!

Lisa is the award-winning author of nearly a dozen novels, all defying the limits of genre fiction. Her work embodies elements of speculative fiction, thrillers and mystery.

Lisa’s story, Mad Dog and the Sea Dragon, was inspired by her visit to the Toronto aquarium. She later expanded it to novel form, due to be published in 2024 by Inanna Publications.

Her story first appeared in the Mesdames of Mayhem’s third anthology, 13 Claws, Carrick Publishing, 2017.

See you TONIGHT! Inanna Spring Book Launch No. 2 @ Supermarket,   ( ) featuring    ,  ,  , Charlotte Mendel,  , and Mehr...

See you TONIGHT! Inanna Spring Book Launch No. 2 @ Supermarket, ( ) featuring , , , Charlotte Mendel, , and Mehri Yalfani! Join us! Details & RSVP at the link.

Join us for a celebratory evening of readings and revelry! Six authors --Six fabulous new books!

Happy   to  ! Her new book, "Lawrencia's Last Parang: A Memoir of Loss and Belonging as a Black Woman in Canada" is now ...

Happy to ! Her new book, "Lawrencia's Last Parang: A Memoir of Loss and Belonging as a Black Woman in Canada" is now available! Details at the link. Order from your local independent bookstore.

Lawrencia’s Last Parang: A Memoir of Loss and Belonging as a Black Woman in Canada is a snapshot of the author’s life after the passing of her grandmother Lawrencia, the woman who raised her. Written in the style of a patchwork quilt that takes the reader back and forth between past and present, she examines her grief from the perspective of a Canadian-born Black woman of Caribbean descent, and she begins to question her identity and what it means to be a Black Canadian in new ways. This means exploring her childhood in Trinidad and her adult life in Kingston, Ontario, a predominantly white city; her experience of raising a mixed-raced child; and the meaning of her in*******al marriage.

Given love and protection by the grandmother who raised her, she belongs to Trinidad, but she was born in Canada. Thus, she occupies what she describes as a third space, needing both Trinidad and Canada, loving both, and belonging fully to neither. In Canada, she struggles with issues of racism almost on a daily basis—everything from “where are you from?” to nurses who come to see the Black woman who gave birth to a white baby, to resentful students at the university where she teaches. Within the academy, she is again in a kind of third space as a “sometimes professor,” where archetypes of the Black body (mammy, jezebel, matriarch, and welfare mother) clash with the position of authority she holds in the classroom.

Simultaneously a memoir, a eulogy, and an academic analysis, the book offers an insightful exploration of race in Canada, one that complicates these issues through the lens of identity and loss, but also through a prism of privilege.

“Lawrencia’s Last Parang is a melodic portrait that brings the reader front and centre with the realities of being a Black woman in Canada, facing racism, microaggressions, and “other” isms.Masterfully crafted, heartwarming, and honest, Lawrencia’s Last Parang will resonate with anyone who’s experienced being treated as the other.A loving tribute by a grieving daughter, wrapped in the loving embrace of the memory of those who raised her.”
—Lisa Braxton, author of The Talking Drum

This is so great! 'Off the Cuff' features   Lisa de Nikolits ("Everything You Dream is Real"), with thanks to Dietrich K...

This is so great! 'Off the Cuff' features Lisa de Nikolits ("Everything You Dream is Real"), with thanks to Dietrich Kalteis! Read in full at the link.

Dietrich: Streaky electricity, ravaging drought, a porn-funded militia, deadly Monarch butterflies — how did you come up with these images?

Lisa: Dietrich, I wish I could point to some external source and blame some external inspiration! But that’s just how my brain works. I get into the zone and let the ideas flow through me and even I’m very surprised by what comes out. I often have to temper the content because some of it’s just too weird. And to me, all of that makes perfect sense in the world I built. To me, they were the obvious solutions/images to the situations!

I sit down and ask myself a question: “What would the weather be like?” Then I run through all the permutations I can think of. Then I consider which one would be the best fit for the story and how it would tie into the rest of the plot. Then I figure out a way to make it unique, offer a different take — but it has to be a realistic take. It all has to be possible and be appropriate to the rest of the world-building aspects I’ve created.

Dietrich: What sort of research and searching went into showing us this cracked mirror of our times?

Lisa: I did a huge amount of research: infusing our DNA with octopus DNA, satellite-weather technology, underwater springs, an AI army, the physical/geological distance between the warring cities, into childbearing and child birth (as I’ve never had a child of my own), plastic surgery and into the tenacity of nature to survive the worst mankind can throw at it. Also, what kinds of crops could we grow in an ongoing drought situation, what kind of clothes would we wear, how the schools would work. And I did a lot of work into the various psychological typologies.

Reminder! Two more sleeps! Join us this Wednesday, July 19 for Inanna Spring Book Launch No. 2 @ Supermarket   ( ) featu...

Reminder! Two more sleeps! Join us this Wednesday, July 19 for Inanna Spring Book Launch No. 2 @ Supermarket ( ) featuring , , , Charlotte Mendel, , and Mehri Yalfani! Details & RSVP at the link.

Join us for a celebratory evening of readings and revelry! Six authors --Six fabulous new books!

Reminder! Extended deadline! August 31! Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme  : "Cuban Women: Politics, Cultur...

Reminder! Extended deadline! August 31! Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme : "Cuban Women: Politics, Culture and Revolution", Vol. 36.3,4 (Fall/Winter 2023). Guest Editors: Ranu Basu, Brenda Cranney, Azza Rojbi, Vilma Paez, Claudia Peralta, Luna Vicente Ramos. Details at the link!

This special double issue of Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme (CWS/cf) will focus on the unique role of Cuban women in the revolutionary process, their struggles for rights and emancipation, as well as celebrating their many accomplishments and successes through radical art, culture, and literary works. Cuban women have been involved in revolutionary movements since the early 1800s. Examples of these progressive women include: Carlota Lucumi, Rosa Costellanos, Ana Betancourt, Asela de los Santos Tamayo, Haydée Santamaria Cuadrado, Vilma Espín and Celcia Sanchez.

Writing and art in Cuba are forms of political activism, as seen in pre-revolution writing when many writers were responding to the political situation and their work is shaped by this. Early writers included Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, an abolitionist writer, and Ofelia Domínguez Navarro, a Cuban writer, teacher, lawyer, feminist, and activist. After the abolition of slavery in Cuba in 1886, the focus of Cuban literature shifted to themes of independence, freedom, and social protest. Writers during this period included Úrsula Céspedes, Aurelia Castillo de González, and Ofelia de la Concepción Rodríguez Acosta García.

Fidel Castro described women as “the revolution within the revolution.” After 1959, and the triumph of the revolution, the status of Cuban women improved. Women are well represented in politics and important decision-making bodies, science and technology, art and culture. Official policies resulted in “so-called” formal and legal gender equality. In a patriarchal and machismo society, change can be slow and complicated. Gender inequalities and gender stereotypes are difficult to change. While the status of Cuban women has improved, spurred on with the implementation of the new family code in 2022, women continue to advocate for further change. The rise of feminism and feminist organizations in Cuba reflects this.

Despite facing an illegal economic blockade by U.S. Imperialism for over six decades that has had dire consequences in all sectors of the economy, the resilience of the Cuban people remains steadfast, while their education and health systems are among the best in the world. Since 1959, the new Cuban government and society have struggled to establish a foundation for the country to be sovereign; but the U.S. government blockade and persistent interference and interventions to overturn the Cuban Revolution are constant impediments. These assaults have hit the Cuban people hard, alongside with deterioration of the economy during the 1990s, Special Period. More recently, in 2021, first on July 11 and then in November, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and politicians joined with right-wing Cuban exiles to generate a large-scale uprising against the Cuban Revolution. These among many other challenges remain 64 years after the revolution. Within this context: How will women debate the future of the Cuban revolution, its relationship with the political practices of the day, and its possible futures?

Possible topics include but are not limited to:
• literacy campaign
• pre-revolution feminism or history of feminism
• women revolutionaries—not as well known as male counterparts
• race and gender
• ‘machismo’
• racism in Cuban hip-hop music
• struggles of Afro-Cuban women in literature, music, art & film (racism) e.g., Belkis Ayon, Fatima Patterson, Nancy Moregon
• Cuban women of the African diaspora
• gendered impact of poverty
• gendered roles and stereotypes in private and public spheres
• gender violence
• gender constraints in entrepreneurship
• s*x tourism, “jineteras,” and prostitution
• health
• environment
• Cuban women in the Canadian diaspora
• LGBTQ+ rights and struggles
• impact of the New Family Code on the everyday lives of women
• women’s participation in solidarity campaigns around the world.
Your ideas for additional topics are welcome.

We invite essays, research reports, true stories, alternative forms of narration, poetry, drawings, and other art works that illuminate these issues.

EXTENDED DEADLINE: August 31, 2023

Articles should be a maximum of 16 pages long (4000 words). If your article uses citations, please follow the format given in MLA 9. A short (50-word) abstract of the article and a brief biographical note should accompany each submission. We give preference to previously unpublished material. If possible, please submit graphics or photographs to accompany your article. Please note CWS/cf reserves the right to edit manuscripts with respect to length and clarity, and in conformity with our house style. To encourage use of the material published, CWS/cf has granted electronic rights to Gale Group, Micromedia Proquest and the H. W. Wilson. Any royalties received will be used by CWS/cf to assist the publication in disseminating its message.

Please email us indicating your intention to submit your work or with any questions.

Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de femme
E-mail: [email protected]

Nice! "The Meadowlands" by   is featured on this terrific list c/o   & 'Can't Miss Indie Press Speculative Fict...

Nice! "The Meadowlands" by is featured on this terrific list c/o & 'Can't Miss Indie Press Speculative Fiction for July/August 2023"! Full list and details at the link!

Things get dystopian in Kate Kelly’s new fantasy novel The Meadowlands, set in a near-future version of our world and a more idyllic parallel universe that this novel’s characters are able to access. In telling this story, Kelly addresses ecological concerns and ponders methods of living in greater balance with the natural world.

As we get deeper into summer, the titles on offer from various indie presses take an interesting turn. Looking over the books on this list, one can see everything from surreal and phantasmagorical …

For our many   friends! Check out NMAF's Guide to Canadian Writing Contests - an excellent resource to keep apprised of ...

For our many friends! Check out NMAF's Guide to Canadian Writing Contests - an excellent resource to keep apprised of upcoming submissions and deadlines! Details at the link. Check it out!

The National Media Awards Foundation has compiled a comprehensive list of national and international writing contests that are open to Canadian writers, poets, and creators. There are competitions …

Listen! CBC/Radio-Canada features Lisa de Nikolits,   of "Everything You Dream is Real" (along with   and  ) on The Worl...

Listen! CBC/Radio-Canada features Lisa de Nikolits, of "Everything You Dream is Real" (along with and ) on The World this Weekend at Shetland Noir festival! Tune in at 24.38. So great!

Reminder! Save the date and join us! Wednesday, July 19! We're back in-person for Inanna Spring Book Launch No. 2 @  ,  ...

Reminder! Save the date and join us! Wednesday, July 19! We're back in-person for Inanna Spring Book Launch No. 2 @ , (Kensington Market) featuring , , , Charlotte Mendel, , and Mehri Yalfani! Join us! Details & RSVP at the link.

Join us for a celebratory evening of readings and revelry! Six authors --Six fabulous new books!


210 Founders College
Toronto, ON


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Our Story

Our editorial policy is to publish visionary books that reflect the depth, breadth and diversity of women’s lives across Canada.