In-depth IT information...
Since its launch, IT World Canada has become the online information resource of choice for Canadian IT professionals. That's no surprise, since it leverages the editorial strength of the IT community's favorite print publications: CIO Canada, Network World Canada, ComputerWorld Canada, CIO Government Review, Computer Dealer News and Direction informatique. For more tha
n 25 years, we've been building relationships with Canada's IT professionals by delivering timely, incisive information that helps them succeed in their jobs. Today, more than 75,000 IT executives and professionals - representing 70% of the buying power in Canada - turn to IT World Canada for the information they trust.
..anywhere, anytime. Over the past few years, we've transformed ourselves - from a traditional print publisher to a multimedia information provider. Whether it's newsletters from our content rich portals, wireless access through our mobile edition, targeted events bringing together the best and brightest IT players in Canada, or our world renowned IT publications, we deliver a global view of IT with a Canadian perspective - anywhere, any time. More than any other IT information publisher, we've invested time and effort in getting to know our readers. We've painstakingly maintained our subscriber database over the years, building on our core knowledge of who and where they are, and what IT technology they're using. We capture our readers' specific interests and information requirements on an ongoing basis, as defined and refined by them. The investment helps us develop the targeted, focused information they seek, and deliver it directly to them using the vehicle that best suits them.